
Posts: 1316
Location: Madison, WI | Alright after spending almost 25 hours on the water in 3 days. I got to see a wide variety of weather conditions, times of day, water conditions. What do you think are some of the primary factors that makes you think "this is a fishy day!"
From my experience this week, we boated a fish in the middle of day Friday about 1.5 hours after the major and no change in the sky, overcast with rain. We also moved several others in random parts of the day. It didn't seem any correlation with the sun or moon. On saturday we boated a fish with blue bird skies once again came around 11:30 nothing to do with a moon/sun. Saturday evening it was the wierdest thing i've ever seen. Fishing pelican Steve and I are on the west end of the lake and Mark and TJ are on the east end. With weather moving in the from the east, the fish on the east end were going CRAZY! The west end we dead.. ..We saw nothing. We make a move to the east end and steve has 2 fish comeup in less than 30 minutes. Meanwhile Mark and TJ moved 8 fish and had a solid crack at 2 of them all within an hour. Does weather play that big of role in fishing? Once the storm passed through water temps dropped 2 degrees in 30 minutes and the fish stopped. Sunday Steve got one mid morning Within a minute of moonrise and missed another about 45 minutes after that. It was reasonably colder than the Saturday by 15 degrees in the morning. But still stuck one, missed one, and moved probably 4 other fish, on the back end of a cold front with blue bird skies all in about 4 hrs of fishing. I know some people have spent a better part of 50 days on the water this year, what kind of environmental changes really turns em on?
Edited by Magruter 9/25/2006 10:39 AM
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Posts: 32901
Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin | It was obvious the weather a couple miles down the lake was a factor Saturday evening, and the fish Sunday was in the moonrise 1 hour window, after which we saw nothing. There are so many variables, it's impossible to figure it all out without my head exploding. Like Steve Van Lieshout says, "The only rule in Muskie fishing? There are no rules!" | |
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Posts: 1996
Location: Pelican Lake/Three Lakes Chain | It figures, you guys are on Pelican Saturday with the fish going nuts on my favorite end of the lake.
I launched on Saturday at 5:00. Ran directly to the town bar dropped the troller and found out my pad took a poo on me. I couldn't turn to the right. I fought with it long enough to get drenched before I put my raingear on.
No trolling motor, wet fisherman, angry Norm! I loaded the boat back on the trailer 45 minutes after I got there!
It would figure the fish were going.  | |
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| we may never know what gets em going...I have seen some odd things this year...usually in years past when one lake was going, the lake a mile away would be "on" too...well this year it seems the same weather/conditions etc can effect different fish/lakes differently.....monona can be off, waubesa on....same thing happened up north the day I fished with SWorrall..we fished 2 lakes that were definitely off but heard lakes not far from us were on fire....strange season...
all we do know is you can't catch em from the couch. so be on the water as much as you can and they will eventually bite! | |