pre fishing canada opener
Posted 7/4/2006 9:43 AM (#199215)
Subject: pre fishing canada opener

i just got back from a week in canada and while i was there a few resort owners were telling me and my partner that some people were prefishing the season it was clearly apparent . fullmuskie gear . but claim there pike hunting now this is when the muskies are still spawning.this action hurts us all because it will force the dnr to do something also for those of us who do wait your casting to fish who may have been already released maybe some will die from the extra stress . i think its wrong ! what can we do as a group to preserve our me its like stealing my shots at fish by hooking or killing them. whats your opinion?
happy hooker
Posted 7/4/2006 10:14 AM (#199219 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

I made a request to both major Muskie magazines about a month ago for someone to do an article next spring on "pre season muskie fishing" because not only in Canada this is a problem here in Minn,,,I know of one well known angler in the Walker area who does it on Brood stock lakes which is really reckless!!!...Both magazines said they would discuss this and one of staff members said he was "sick to death of it too",,,If we cant get the DNR to enforce things when its "blatantly" obvious then maybe an article might discourage a few from doing it or sending the message that it "just isnt cool"
Posted 7/4/2006 10:36 AM (#199220 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Posts: 65

Location: Springfield, IL and Vermilion Bay, ON
The MNR in Canada is not staffed with ingnorant folks. They will be able to discern easily whether or not you are fishing for Muskies out of season.
The excuse that you are fishing for northern just doesn't hold water for them when inspecting the gear you are using or have in the boat.
Beware...they do not have good humor about this activity.
Posted 7/4/2006 11:10 AM (#199221 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Posts: 20212

Location: oswego, il
It is a problem in wisconsin too. Fishing lakes with a small pike population but a good musky population with small baits. I agree an article in muskies inc would be great.
Musky Brian
Posted 7/4/2006 12:26 PM (#199230 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
the problem is you are talking about Canada....that's not our country, we really have no grounds to be complaining about their laws/conservation tactics. It's kind of like the concerns about the Native Netting done on LOTW, while it is clearly not beneficial we have no grounds to encroach on their business.

There's so many lakes up in Canada, many in out of the way locations. asking them to patrol many of these waters is downright impossible. Getting something done in the states is somewhat more realistic, but with pike/musky in the same water that's a real shaky area as well. Asking people to not fish for Pike is not fair in my opinion

Edited by Musky Brian 7/4/2006 12:28 PM
Posted 7/4/2006 4:37 PM (#199252 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Posts: 56

I agree this is a problem. In recent weeks I've seen several posts (in different locations) by people who report back on their so-called "pike fishing" trip to LOTW in early June. They usually move on quickly to discuss the nice muskies they "accidentally" managed to get in the process, often on a traditional muskie lure like a bucktail. Now, we all know why people do this--the muskies haven't been pressured yet, and they are in easy to find, predictable locations. In fact, I know people who have scheduled "pike trips" for this very reason.

If you're doing this, it's called poaching and I hope you get caught. It's not fair to the fish, and not fair to everyone else who follows the rules.

Now, if by some chance you are actually pre-season "pike fishing" and you catch a musky, here's what I suggest you do: put it back, don't take a picture, and don't tell us about it later. After all, it's not what you're fishing for, right? People should not receive any credit or recognition for fish caught out of season--doing so will only encourage this behavior.
Posted 7/4/2006 11:20 PM (#199291 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Early season pre-fishing is poaching and anyone you see doing it to the local MNR/DNR

Have the poaching hotlines for each state you fish in keyed into your cell phone for when the time comes
Posted 7/5/2006 3:27 AM (#199296 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Who really cares? If people release the fish be it. Many of the best muskie shows were filmed this way...Rowan lake pre-season is home to many big name fishing shows....All states should go to a release only time but, no closed season. It works out east and our fishing is Okay compared to much of the midwest....getting bent out of shape about nothing..Ben
Posted 7/5/2006 7:41 AM (#199304 - in reply to #199296)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Posts: 224

Location: Madison
BenR - 7/5/2006 3:27 AM

Who really cares? If people release the fish be it. Many of the best muskie shows were filmed this way...Rowan lake pre-season is home to many big name fishing shows....All states should go to a release only time but, no closed season. It works out east and our fishing is Okay compared to much of the midwest....getting bent out of shape about nothing..Ben

You must not understand much about muskies. Muskies get beat up badly from spawning, and additional stress from catching them can do nothing but hurt them this time of year. Are you really saying you think poaching is OK?

And BTW, I was on Rowan for the opener this year. There was a boat at the resort that had clearly been prefishing muskies the entire week before. They were used to fishing there in the fall, however, and were clueless about fishing earlier in the year. They got skunked, and I'm glad they did. But "many of the best muskie shows?" No - maybe you're thinking of back when the opener was earlier in the year than it currently is. The only video I've seen with Rowan footage is one or two of the older In Fisherman shows. Hardly "many of the best muskie shows."

Posted 7/5/2006 8:19 AM (#199310 - in reply to #199296)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Posts: 56

You're kidding, right? If it was no big deal then why would they even have a protected pre-season period and an opener? Obviously, someone knows that this is one important strategy to help preserve a fishery.

The reason is to protect a particular species during the usual spawning period. Catching those fish during that time can physically damage them, relocate them from their established spawning locations and disrupt entire spawning areas. Do you really think handling a 45" fish on the verge of spawning is not going to affect them?

The larger issue is, do you want to continue to have good fishing in the future or not? If you do, then you have to accept that there are times when you simply will not be able to fish. That's the price you pay, and people who don't follow these rules jeopardize the whole thing for everyone else.
Posted 7/5/2006 12:08 PM (#199344 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

I agree that if it is against the law you should not do it...however what would be the problem with a catch and release season during the spawn? Muskies are broadcast spawners, the water is cool at this time...what damage would be done. You see the photos every spring of the fish jumping the dams in madison and such...It would seem the rough trip through the rocks and such would be way worse than catching one. I can hear the emotions, but what hurt would it really do to the fishery? Ben
Posted 7/5/2006 12:18 PM (#199345 - in reply to #199344)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Posts: 5874

I believe the reason that seasons are closed during the spawn, is to prevent harvesting of the fish, not merely catching them. Most rules have been in effect since way before C&R was even a concept, much less a reality.

I think in a system with no natural recruitment, the season probably could and should be open year round. Not so sure about a lake with natural recruitment like the Chip, and LOTW.

I do know that a certain lodge on LOTW includes fish caught out of season in their yearly totals.

Musky Brian
Posted 7/5/2006 1:32 PM (#199364 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
eh..I hear the emotions but I think some of this might be misguided. I Have seen a lot of Muskies caught on the opener week that are either still spawning or are very freshly beaten up meaning they JUST got done. If you want a 100% safe effective method then there would be no fishing in June in NW ontario for Muskies period....That's not going to happen, nor should it.

I can understand your frustrations, I wait until that 3rd Saturday every year whereas I would prefer to go earlier in June. I wait so I can be legal....But i'm not going to lose any sleep over fish being C&R'd out of season or even photographed, if they are put back into the water the tiny amount of the population that chooses to do this illegal activity will not be enough to effect a fishery in my opinion.
happy hooker
Posted 7/5/2006 2:13 PM (#199369 - in reply to #199364)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Yes but its growing,,the people doing it and the sport,,,it will be out of hand if we let the 'if you cant beat'em-join em" philosophy take hold,,,Here in Minn were trying to convince the Minn DNR to open the 20 or so designated stocked Tiger lakes the same date has walleye/pike oppener has they dont reproduce and the tiger lakes dont get used like they should and will give muskie anglers a chance to get out earlier,,,If your THAT much of a muskieholic,,start planning a trip to cave run in the spring,,if you got the money to go to Canada then you have it to book for Kentucky
Posted 7/5/2006 9:00 PM (#199420 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

Posts: 17

a few resort owners were telling me and my partner that some people were prefishing

I will not stay at a resort that allows pre-fishing. I have also made it very clear why I am not returning. $$$ speaks louder than words.......
Posted 7/6/2006 3:07 AM (#199442 - in reply to #199215)
Subject: RE: pre fishing canada opener

I would be willing to bet that pre-fishing muskie has ZERO effect on the the spawn...Common sense would show that. If you know how to release a fish, it should have no effect what so ever on spawning...If you say otherwise I would be curious as to how you base your facts or atleast an educated opinion...kinda tired of over zealous newbies and their emotions. Muskie broad-cast are releasing them in cool water...what could be a problem? Stress would not be an issue...if you claim stress you are no better than Peta and are applying human emotion to an animal or fish...every see a cow, horse, or deer give birth? They do not stress out at all and up to their normal things with little issue. I will repeat if the season is closed don't fish for them, but we should have a C&R season so this would not be a problem as the fish would not suffer in my humble thoughts...Ben