Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay
Posted 5/3/2006 7:23 AM (#190031)
Subject: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 113

Location: Green Bay, WI
Best of the Best International Tournament! Muskies Inc. is pleased to announce the Best of the Best Tournament on October 13th, 14th, 15th 2006 in Green Bay Wisconsin. The Titletown Muskies Inc. chapter of Green Bay is hosting this Muskies Inc. International tournament, which will be open to 150 teams. Cost is $400 per boat. The tournament will be held on the Lower Bay and Fox River on the 7 miles up to the De Pere Dam. Sportsman’s Warehouse in De Pere will be the command center. Our scheduled payout will be $20,000 with $10,000 going to the first place team. A total of ten places will receive cash pay-outs including two team drawings for $500 each. A portion of the proceeds from the tournament will go to support the fisheries in Wisconsin and the net proceeds to go into the Gil Hamm, Kermit Benson, and Perry Smith Memorial Muskie Funds. This will also be a great opportunity to highlight the great Muskie fishing in the Green Bay area. It has been a long hard road to get this fishery to the point of where it is today, and it’s a great example of the DNR and the local fishing clubs working together along with the businesses of Green Bay to get the job done and create a great fishery in the Green Bay area. For more information or if you would like to be a sponsor you can contact Ken Karbon at 303-688-4954. Muskies Inc. International and Titletown Muskies are excited to be a part of this tournament. Muskies Inc.

You can get more information at or at and click on events.
Wisconsin Wade
Posted 9/13/2006 4:02 PM (#209070 - in reply to #190031)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 194

Location: Lincolnshire, IL
Sponsorship for this tournament has been outstanding. Therefore, discussion took place at last evening's meeting regarding the possibility of a $10K or similar payout for a smaller field. Hopefully a decision will be made soon and posted on the muskies inc. website regarding that...but...some of the discussion was that a field of only 50 to 75 boats may be required for a larger payout. Hopefully this will come to fruition...and encourage greater angler participation.

Edited by Wisconsin Wade 9/13/2006 4:10 PM
Posted 9/13/2006 4:22 PM (#209072 - in reply to #209070)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 113

Location: Green Bay, WI
Wade the decision has been made and will be updated soon on the Muskies Inc. website. The decision that was made is that at 50 boats the payout will be the same as if the field was full. This was a hard decision but Ken Karbon of the International tournament committee wanted as good a payout as possible. Jay
Posted 9/13/2006 4:30 PM (#209073 - in reply to #190031)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 20

it will be cool to see what they catch.
Posted 9/14/2006 6:14 AM (#209133 - in reply to #190031)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

There were only 7 teams signed up as of yesterday, so you've got a decent shot at winning.
Posted 9/14/2006 8:12 AM (#209147 - in reply to #190031)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 723

How many guys on this board plan on fishing it?

I dont see a point in signing up if they cant get 50boats entered for the maximum payout. They are already taking a huge portion of the money for certain funds, so, if they only get 30 boats, prize money drops, makes $400 seem kinda steep for minimal payout.
yes, your chances improve greatly if there isnt as many fisherman out there, I would love to see only 60 teams instead of the full 150, that place will be a zoo if they end up filling it, but, by the looks of it, its not doing so hot right now.

Since I am computer illiterate, someone should put up a poll to see how many guys are going to fish it,
I know of lots of good sticks that fish this water, but quite a few are against having a tourney there, I figure, if its going to happen, I might as well get in it.
I would probably be out there anyway that day.
Posted 9/14/2006 8:24 AM (#209150 - in reply to #209073)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
I would suggest that a press release go to all media sources as soon as you have the details clear. The Muskies Inc website is nice, but you need more exposure to get the word out.
Reef Hawg
Posted 9/14/2006 9:59 AM (#209174 - in reply to #190031)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 3518

Location: north central wisconsin

I am waiting to see how many sign up myself before I do($400 too much for me if only a few boats in to ripen pot). Probably what alot of folks are doing, not that that is the right thing to do... I'm in your boat, as I will probably be over there that weekend anyhow.
Posted 9/14/2006 11:15 AM (#209203 - in reply to #190031)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 723

I was just looking to get a number of maybe the people off here that are interested in it. Muskies inc has put an article in their monthly mag talking about the area, and they are going to have a couple of seminars coming up. I would think that would spark some interest in it, but, like I said, some guys are dead set against it.

I say we just have another Musky Jugs outing like Joe set up last year. fish, wings, beer, HOOTERS! that was a good time.

Edited by dogboy 9/14/2006 11:15 AM
Reef Hawg
Posted 9/14/2006 11:34 AM (#209205 - in reply to #190031)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 3518

Location: north central wisconsin
I agree man. I tried to get it going last year but no interest. Lets do it for sure. I like weekdays but we can do something else. November works best for me.
Posted 9/14/2006 1:59 PM (#209238 - in reply to #209150)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 113

Location: Green Bay, WI
Steve the press release is in the works. Thanks Jay
Posted 9/14/2006 3:36 PM (#209264 - in reply to #190031)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

Posts: 2068

Location: Appleton,WI
How many boats are signed up as of today?
Posted 9/14/2006 3:58 PM (#209272 - in reply to #190031)
Subject: RE: Muskies Inc. Tournament on Green Bay

7 last I heard.