Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?
Posted 3/13/2006 9:00 PM (#182168)
Subject: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Location: Minneapolis, MN
There is another thread on this board with lots of reply posts about why someone should be a member of Muskies, Inc. That got me thinking, with all these great reasons to join, why has membership stagnated while the number of muskie anglers has skyrocketed?

I am a member but I don’t for a second think any club much less MI is for everyone. However, some people estimate the muskie fishing population to be upwards of 750,000 or more. If that is accurate then MI only represents 10% of muskie anglers. There must be some improvements the organization can implement that would make MI membership more common than 10%?

This survey has run its course in the past a few times. Over the years many have shared comments for not joining or letting their memberships lapse. Some common responses I can think of include, Meetings too far away, chapter near me is too clickish, I don’t care for the magazine, etc. I would like to put a little different spin on it this time. Instead of focusing on what MI is doing or not doing for you individually as if we should be comparing MUSKIE magazine to a magazine published by a for-profit company, let’s focus on ideas you may have for improvements that will decrease the number of members who let their membership lapse or compel new members in their 20’s and 30’s to join. It might be insightful for people to respond with their age as it appears the 20-30 something’s are a big age category not equally represented in the current membership.
Posted 3/13/2006 9:18 PM (#182175 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 32884

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
This is a subject I've spoken to several times, including one time at a Spring meeting. I think the last regime and the current leadership are in tune due to a trend started a few years back, but still need to see further than the folks that are at the International meetings. The Membership. The International needs to look at reaching out to the Clubs AND public, ALL the public, in the Muskie world and fishing world in general. Lots more to say, I'll give this some thought and speak to the subject more tomorrow.
Posted 3/13/2006 9:22 PM (#182177 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 108

Location: IN
I think it's mainly about the politics. Not saying that Muskies Inc. has a problem or is worse than other organizations. But, I think a lot of people just don't want to be annoyed by the political infighting. I no longer volunteer or donate to several non-musky related groups that I used to actively participate in. Mainly because I felt like they supported the politically empowered more than the resource itself. I think the negative shadows that are cast by other groups impact all conservation oriented organizations, including Muskies Inc.. I will say that Muskies Inc. is one of the very few organizations where you can see the benefit of your time and dollars at a local level, on your home waters. I still kick myself for all the time and money I spent to make some rich guys or senators hunting better.
Posted 3/13/2006 11:08 PM (#182198 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Look at it this way - if MI wasn't around - where would our sport be? For all it's flaws - we're still doing better with it in place. If you don't like what is going on with the organization either at a local or (inter)national level - get involved.

ANYONE who can afford to fish for muskies can spare the $35 discretionary money each year. At a minimum - there's power in numbers. The bigger we are, the more influence we can have.
Posted 3/14/2006 2:45 AM (#182213 - in reply to #182198)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Because sometime ago MI decided to not rock the boat. ie. avoid all controversy like the plague. Not the way MI started, that's for sure. When Gil Hamm meet resistence to funding Muskie stocking in Mn. He built his own hatchery and started stocking them anyway. Where is that courage? This movement to maintain the satus quo has stagnated this organization. You have about as many members as when I quit in '92. Something is wrong.
happy hooker
Posted 3/14/2006 5:42 AM (#182225 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

at least has far has Minn is concerned Ive heard people state that MI only represents 10% of the total number of anglers,,,but that makes me wonder why havent the other 90% organized in some other way here in the state????,,with an alternative club,,,its alot easier to start something now then 37 yrs ago we have multiple messageboards two muskie magazines to get the word out,,,there was a statistic out that said we have more bowling alleys now then ever before but the total number of bowling leauges is down this was to illistrate that people are more and more either too busy or just not has willing has before to get involved.
Posted 3/14/2006 8:18 AM (#182237 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 2427

Location: Ft. Wayne Indiana
Being a member of Muskies Inc is great.

I simply just don't have much time to contribute as much as I want.

I agree that the mag. needs to be sent out via e-mail, and not eat up such a large chunk of cash.

Edited by MikeHulbert 3/16/2006 9:50 AM
Posted 3/14/2006 8:29 AM (#182243 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 734

Location: Watertown, MN
Can you say Me generation, if I do this what is in it for ME! Yes the International is not run the way most people see fit, but that is slow to change, but you local chapter is where things get done the effect your local fishery. Yes the $35 might be thrown away to the international, but involvement and fundraising at your local chapter is what you should take pride in. Guest I guess our new approach is to work with the DNR, they are willing, but they also look at our membership and say why should we listen to a small voice, we can only organize 10% of our people and then of the 10% only 1% get involvled?

Like to see more feedback, like hooks said, if not Musky Inc what is our other vehicle for organization and change.

Posted 3/14/2006 8:51 AM (#182249 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
i think some of the work the clubs do on a local level is outstanding and like any "club" there are the people that make a difference and do things without needing to gloat and then there are the guys who join to be part of the "club" ... those are the kind that usually are the poster children for the club and probably run more people off than anything. just because you are part of the "club" doesn't make you an instant "pro-staffer" ... or maybe it does by the way the term is defined in this sport LOL.

i don't like the race for the inches because i think it's self-serving and puts more fish in jeapardy than anything .... IMO
Posted 3/14/2006 8:59 AM (#182251 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Location: Contrarian Island
I think every musky angler shoudl be a member..period...even if not in their local club..pick one they like...our Madison club is one of the best IMO. We do alot for the musky fishing close to home. Sled, I think you are way off on "the race for inches"
being bad for the fish or fishery....I couldn't disagree more...what I think is funny is the guys that seem to be against registering their fish are the same guys that exaggerate their fish lengths and numbers and don't want to put down what they really catch per year...IMO.

Join muskies inc...somewhere, anywhere..it is a good organization....

Posted 3/14/2006 9:38 AM (#182259 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
i joined last year because i really like the leadership of the headwaters club and thought i could help out with some volunteer time with some of the stuff they put on for kids and then some of the dock projects etc ... i was staunchly against joining prior to that because i viewed the club through some of the members i had met out and around. these guys were "clubbies" with a lot of talk, but for sure the logo all over everything making them experts and acting like tv pros. i actually had an argument at Andy Meyers Lodge with some club members about all of this and Donnie Hunt (the real deal as many of you know) was able to convince me that although all of that goes on and then some with the international, get to know the local guys and see what they are all about ... well, Donnie was right at least in my case with the Headwaters Club ... so i joined.

i won't likely register fish, because i think it's a pain in the a$$ doing administration in the other part of my life, why start doing paperwork in my hobby. the competition means nothing to me and i guess i've seen enough targeting of small fish trolling that does damage, if a fish is stressed in "hot" water ... it still gets measured blah, blah, blah ... and for what .... my numbers are bigger than your numbers .... guess i could give a rats a$$ ... i fish for me and nobody else ... i joined muskies inc. not because of muskies inc., but because of headwaters ... this is the kind of club that would be there with or without muskies inc. and they do some pretty good things for the area ...

people in other areas probably benefit the most with the networking for outings and trips etc... more than you would if you live where i live, so for me it's all the other stuff ...

Posted 3/14/2006 9:42 AM (#182260 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 734

Location: Watertown, MN
Brad, I don't totally agree with the Lunge Log. I know alot of people who won't regester fish because they have to name the lake, if they discover a hot bite on Lake X, at a given time of year, I do not want to make that information available for the public, I spent my time learning the lake and discovering the pattern to have other people look to a website and just drive there, and they don't want to enter false information into the log. This change has driven alot of people away from entering into the log, also the DNR in MN use to use the information to determine the how a given lake.

Posted 3/14/2006 9:51 AM (#182264 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Location: Contrarian Island
Troy, I totally agree with your post..I am not one to give up my "lake x's" too easily....
I don't like the fact the lunge log makes you name the lake...it basically makes people that want to register a fish on their lake x, do one of two things...lie or not register it...I think you should be able to register a fish and not have to name the lake...but that is just the way they do it now....

It's unfortunate they make you name the lake....I don't want every tom, d*ck, and harry to know where I am fishing sometimes...
They use to allow "Vilas Co" for an example as the lake name...I wish they went back to that but something tells me it won't happen....

Edited by MSKY HNR 3/14/2006 9:51 AM
Ball Cap
Posted 3/14/2006 10:37 AM (#182274 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Personal opinion is that they should quit publishing the magazine every month. It chew up so much of the budget. Quarterly would be just fine for that mag.
Muskie Treats
Posted 3/14/2006 11:42 AM (#182280 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 2384

Location: On the X that marks the mucky spot
Midge, there's a motion to be voted on that would reduce the amount of magazines to 6 annually. I can't rattle off the cost savings, but it's a place to start.

Some of the problems with the financial side of the Int'l is that we're really at that break-even point with our membership. The dues haven't really gone up, but costs have. Min print runs is really all we're getting on the mag, so if we could increase membership by 25%-50% we would be in a lot better position.

All I can say is look at which chapter you like and look at it as joining that chapter. We need more people to help out on that chapter level if we want to get anything done. I know that I'm getting burned out because we just don't have enough people to spread the work around with. I will say that our chapter's board has gotten a lot younger, and that's helping get fresh ideas out there, but we still need more bodies to do the little things. If I had 10 people who could take just one task a year there's a lot more we could do as a club. I think most clubs are this way.

BTW Joe, 10% of 750,000 would be 75,000. 7500 would be 1%. Now figure that 10% of that 1% is really the number of people doing the work not only for MI, but for the muskie fishery in general. So that's about 750 people that are doing the work for everyone else here. Pretty sad...

Shawn Kellett
Posted 3/14/2006 11:54 AM (#182283 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
i am not a member... i dont think it is for everyone, i have considered joining, over the last year or so i have been looking into seriously joining and doing it with a open mind. what i found was...

very political, and i dont want to be involved with that for sure!

the fish contest is a joke, too many people lying about the size of thier fish. ive had more than a few first hand expereinces with peoples #s changing.

in my area ive noticed way too many "experts" that dont practice what the preach.

the group as a whole seems to be more concerned with signing up new members rather than making sure the current members are doing what is right!

however i know alot of good people who are members, i am considering becoming a member without belonging to a club, but why should i???? just to donate my dues???? i would rather send in a donation to a local club to put toward a kids outing or their stocking program. and be done with it.
i do my share of donating to the musky community throughout the year, what benifit would there be in me becoming a member???

Posted 3/14/2006 11:57 AM (#182284 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 326

Location: Plainfield IL
I think too much of the club membership fees are wasted on publication, printing and mailing of the monthly magazine. I think MI should publish their magazine as a pdf to their website once a month. I am sorry if some do not have computers, the world is changing and its time to jump on board.

Posted 3/14/2006 12:31 PM (#182292 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
that post brings the obvious point ... i hear somewhere, and please someone who knows more accurately ... correct this if it's wrong, but some 80% of dues is required to run the magazine. that being the case, is it about muskies? or about magazines? ... how do you find the culprit connected to establishing the priorities, brake the politics and make the change? or does everyone just go with the flow? .... again, i'm a member of Headwaters and don't feel like a member of muskies inc ...

so, everyone who is claiming it's such a great organization to support the needs of the resource .... where is muskies inc. spending the predominant amount of money that drives the organization? .... for the fish, or the fishermen?

i just got the feb. magazine and there's (1) killed fish on the cover (sure she deserves to keep it, .... BUT), shows a bunch of huge tigers caught in wisconsin and actually has one of the top 10 caught in north american muskies coming from a lake just across the street from me .... we know that can't be true from reading all the "expert" opinion of the waste of time it is to fish in the inferior strain waters of Wisconsin ....

Posted 3/14/2006 12:35 PM (#182294 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

I am a member of Muskies Inc.. I think, like all things. Muskies Inc. has its good and bad. No club is perfect. The good that the club does seems to outweigh the bad. Most but not all members seem to be it for the right reasons. I agree that it can be clickish especially for new members who don't know anyone. I was concerned about this but with time, I made some good friends through the club and my knowledge of muskie fishing hasn't been hurt either. . Also I feel that some chapters are better than others. If you don't like one chapter try another one. The only way a chapter will know if it is poor is if the members leave. The magazine is not the greatest but I do read it and I do like the website. I wish Muskies inc. magazine would have more articles on how to fish or a spot light on a different lake that we may not be familiar with. If you are dissatified with your membership write the president of muskies inc. and let him now what your concerns are.
Obfuscate Musky
Posted 3/14/2006 1:40 PM (#182306 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 654

Location: MPLS, MN
I joined because 2 reasons.

1.} From my understanding the catch and release ethic today is mainly because of them. So I figured in a way I owe them for the strong fishing here in MN

2.} 10% Discount at Thorne Bros. I figure I get back about half my membership on discounted baits.
Posted 3/14/2006 4:03 PM (#182331 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
For me it is a lot about time and location. I am busy with school a lot and when school is out I'm working hardcore to pay for school, so I cant really afford joining a big thing that I cant attend a lot of the times. Plus I have heard some of the bad stuff about MI, but also heard a lot of good about them. I guess I like the comraderory on this site and others that I dont feel the need to join MI.

Posted 3/14/2006 4:38 PM (#182344 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 207

Location: Mpls, MN
". I think MI should publish their magazine as a pdf to their website once a month. I am sorry if some do not have computers, the world is changing and its time to jump on board."

The magazine is available as a PDF now. Was recently made available and I believe the idea is to see if we can get people to opt-out of rec'ving the printed one. And I also agree - times are changing and people do need to accept that somewhat. But there are issues with people that do not have high speed access in the area so downloading a big PDF would be rough. The current April issue is 4.22 megs. Over 56k that would be fair amount of time.

Posted 3/14/2006 5:33 PM (#182362 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 3480

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
I was a member for a couple of years and chose to drop it due to issues that we have seen on this site even. I went to one meeting, and pretty much felt out of place...it just wasn't my thing. The main issue I had is that I met quite a few people, and from what I observed, some seemed to hold this "purist" aura about themselves....as if others were below them. I felt that if I had a little differing view on aspects (any...you name it) I was looked down upon as being less of a "muskie fisherman". What even became more ironic is that I had been fishing for these fish for many years more than they had (not that "that" is really important). I get enough of that teaching kids these days that I don't need it as part of my most favorite thing to do outside of my career.

My second attempt to try and join a club dealt with a chapter up in the walker area, since the lakes in the area are where I spend my time. I would love to get involved in stocking efforts, promoting expasnsion of fisheries, tagging, etc... Left multiple messages for the only contact I had, with no response.... Definitely not the way to make a good impression for gaining membership, and thus I am not a member.

Now..I have met a few really nice people as well, through this site. Treats (great guy) and EsoxLady (did I win the boat?) are two that come to mind right now. I have yet to meet some in person like Esox50 (exchaning tactics about lake X) and look forward to doing so someday... It is people like this that build solid friendships that no club can really do as an entire group. I would consider going to more TC chapter meetings to make more contact with others, etc. but after a full day of work with kids, the last thing I want to do is leave home again for hearing membership info, selling raffle tickets, and in some cases, unknown speakers who just repeat what I have heard and read countless times on websites, magazines, chats, etc. It just gets old hearing the same-old same-old time and again. That is why I have dropped my muskyhunter magazine, and only rarely purchase one or Esox Angler. At this point, I have not seen much that is new in the muskie world besides a bunch of new custom lures.

It's been a long day...sorry about the rant...


Posted 3/14/2006 10:23 PM (#182410 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 699

Location: Hugo, MN
Too Much Preaching and Whining . . . if a person catches a fish and wants to keep it that is his prerogative. I think catch and release is essential but if a person is within his rights as defined by the law then what he does is his business and I have grown tired of people being chatised for things like that. That and the fact there is no Sioux Falls chapter has kept me out of the club.
Posted 3/15/2006 7:44 AM (#182430 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 50

Location: Park Ridge, Illinois
BenR - 3/14/2006 4:40 PM

If they would explain what happened to the national fund back in the day, many of us would join once again. Clearly it was a major mess, but since, nobody had explained what happened to all the money. Not a "me" generation, but don't want to donate to any one person's retirement account...Ben

I'm a fairly new member - what was the National Fund? When did it go away? What if any was the explanation for it going away?
Posted 3/15/2006 8:16 AM (#182432 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 4266

Easy answer for me....I don't like clubs.
Been to many clubs doing seminars back in the day, and personally, the last thing that I need is to be in club- go to meetings- go on outings- have people wanting a piece of my time that is already in short supply. It's great for some people to belong to clubs, they just aren't my bag.
Posted 3/15/2006 8:40 AM (#182440 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Not sure who VMC is but he made some VERY GOOD POINTS!
Nice reply VMC!

Ater my 9th year attending the Minnesota Muskie Expo, and being a Member of MI for about 10 years it seems
all I see these days is Large Ego's More and More over priced lures, salesman that make me want to vomit,
Solicitation that reminds me more of Going to a Kids Carnival.

Thats not to mention the fact that these Outfitters (mostly in Canada) want me to spend big money for me to stay at there resort and then have the balls to tell me I cant keep a 52 incher! and that I should use Barbless hooks (which I will NEVER do again)and then have people tell me that I should not even take the fish out of the water for a Photo, (becasue I might hurt the poor little muskie)

In the mean time I go home and watch Joe Bucher holding fish out of the water for that Great Camera shot, and watch the Tails on his fish being split because of the large meshing on the Net (Joe needs a new net)

I know im straying here a little bit, but my point is simple, PEOPLE dont join MI because of the Stigma, the
Hypocrisy, the ego's and those people imposing there Values on everyone else.

Its not rocket scince in my book...its actually quite simple if you think about it.

Brian Kaiser
Posted 3/15/2006 8:45 AM (#182441 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Oop's I meant to say VMS (steve) Good Reply!

VMC makes a fine Hook though....."Smile"

Brian Kaiser
Muskie Treats
Posted 3/15/2006 9:17 AM (#182442 - in reply to #182362)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 2384

Location: On the X that marks the mucky spot
VMS - 3/14/2006 3:33 PM

I was a member for a couple of years and chose to drop it due to issues that we have seen on this site even. I went to one meeting, and pretty much felt out of place...it just wasn't my thing. The main issue I had is that I met quite a few people, and from what I observed, some seemed to hold this "purist" aura about themselves....as if others were below them. I felt that if I had a little differing view on aspects (any...you name it) I was looked down upon as being less of a "muskie fisherman". What even became more ironic is that I had been fishing for these fish for many years more than they had (not that "that" is really important). I get enough of that teaching kids these days that I don't need it as part of my most favorite thing to do outside of my career.

My second attempt to try and join a club dealt with a chapter up in the walker area, since the lakes in the area are where I spend my time. I would love to get involved in stocking efforts, promoting expasnsion of fisheries, tagging, etc... Left multiple messages for the only contact I had, with no response.... Definitely not the way to make a good impression for gaining membership, and thus I am not a member.

Now..I have met a few really nice people as well, through this site. Treats (great guy) and EsoxLady (did I win the boat?) are two that come to mind right now. I have yet to meet some in person like Esox50 (exchaning tactics about lake X) and look forward to doing so someday... It is people like this that build solid friendships that no club can really do as an entire group. I would consider going to more TC chapter meetings to make more contact with others, etc. but after a full day of work with kids, the last thing I want to do is leave home again for hearing membership info, selling raffle tickets, and in some cases, unknown speakers who just repeat what I have heard and read countless times on websites, magazines, chats, etc. It just gets old hearing the same-old same-old time and again. That is why I have dropped my muskyhunter magazine, and only rarely purchase one or Esox Angler. At this point, I have not seen much that is new in the muskie world besides a bunch of new custom lures.

It's been a long day...sorry about the rant...


Things have changed quite a bit in our chapter. I was a member in the mid 90's and left. I then joined another chapter a couple years later and left that chapter to give the TC a try again. I was VERY anti-MI and expressed my views publically about it. Dick Pearson basically threw it back on me to either put-up or shut-up. That was what I needed to get involved. I can say that I don't know of anyone that pubically puts people down about how they fish or anything like that. I may not see it, but I used to years ago. The feeling I get is that the old "who are you and get away from my fish" mentality is going away in favor of a new generation of anglers working for the resource. My whole motivation to be President was to get our chapter back to it's roots and get more involved with the DNR and stocking. That goal is becoming a reality. George and I have been bringing good feedback to the DNR and they are responding. We're also going to start 2 rearing ponds this year. VMS, we could use some help dragging that net this fall if you're still interested in helping with the fishery.

I will give you your point on the speaker thing. Here's the problem, the people that have good information either 1. don't give it up or 2. Can't really speak well in front of a group. We're TOTALLY open to ideas for speakers. I will say that we have had a couple good ones back to back with Larry Dahlberg and the MN DNR. Both had people glued to their seats.

Yes we do sell raffle tickets, need volinteers for events, and hold other business at meetings. Unfortunately there's business that has to be taken care of and money to be made if we want to do all the "fun stuff". Nothing comes cheap/free.

As far as the Walker Chapter. They had issues which is why they folded. No need to dig-up that dead horse.

Basically, the club is what you make of it. I didn't know more the 3 people in our club a few years ago and now I can say I have about 100 new friends. I realize that not everyone is outgoing or has time to invest in a club, but what I've found is that the people who volinteer their time from the start always have a possitive experience in our club.

Feel free to come to any meeting. In fact we're holding a poolside in April in Bloomington. More to come on that one.

Snowcrest 6
Posted 3/15/2006 10:17 AM (#182451 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 303

Location: Valentine, NE USA
Well, I just spent 10 minutes going through this thread making a list of most of the reasons people don't want to join. Hopefully, I/we can use this information in our chapter.

Let's hope all the other Chapter/International heads do the same thing.

Brian Sanger
MI 53
Posted 3/15/2006 10:18 AM (#182452 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Location: Contrarian Island
I think publishing the magazine is a big waste of funds...They could put it up on the site monthly or send it out PDF format via email and save lots of dough....
Posted 3/15/2006 4:52 PM (#182566 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 33

Location: Minneapolis, MN
My TC membership lapsed. I will probably rejoin based solely on the great comments and energy I see in Shawn's posts. I enjoyed most of the guest speakers and appreciated their time and information. During my first year I lost interest however, I'm pretty sure these are the reasons I stopped making MI a priority:

Networking: I joined b/c I was new to the sport and area, and many recommended MI. However I was unsuccessful at making any connections with club members. I have as much passion for the sport as anyone there. But my relative inexperience was a handicap as most people expected me to share good information with them before they would think about helping me out. The impression I got was MI was a fun place to brag but a poor place to learn. These internet boards are much better IMO.

Members Only Contest: I could care less.

Annual Tournament: I don't have a boat or regular partner, and with limited time I prefer non-tourney fishing.

Community Events: I am solicited daily to give my time/money to great causes. I have a set list of charities/events that I care personally about and focus on in order to make greatest impact.

Improving the fishery and/or local waters: While I was there I don't recall a single initiative. Maybe I missed something. Sounds like this has become an area of focus.

Posted 3/15/2006 10:01 PM (#182646 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 20211

Location: oswego, il
I joined and glad I did. It's not about the international part for me but my club. We hosted an international board meeting las tyear and quite frankly, I walked out disgusted. I don't think they could agree on the color of the sky without geting angry at each other. I love my club. We have great people, great outings, great meetings and have alot of fun. I am now a board member and our speaker director. It's about that comraderie for me and being a part of something good. No infighting, no argueing and bickering, we all get along great and our club flourishes because of it, we never even arugue about anything at our board meetings.
Steve Reinstra
Posted 3/15/2006 10:37 PM (#182653 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

This is a great topic for all muskie anglers. If you are not a member of Muskies Inc. or any other Muskie Club you have to ask yourself one question. That is "What have I personally done to improve muskie fishing for the future of the sport?" Those of you who are members of Muskies Inc. can proudly say...."Ive done a lot for the muskie fishery". Members put their money and sweat equity where their mouths are by donating money to muskie stocking their local waters. By laboring at the stocking ponds, or buildng fish cribs for the lakes, by communicating with local DNR fisheries managers and helping them in any way that we can. If you are not a member of Muskies Inc. I ask you to step up to the plate, improve the fishery.

Granted, clubs arent for everyone. A close relative of mine doesnt like clubs but he handed our Treasurer a check for $50.00 and said "Please use this money for stocking muskies in my sons name". Its time to step up folks!

Steve Reinstra, Pres., Chapter 8
Obfuscate Musky
Posted 3/16/2006 5:24 AM (#182683 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 654

Location: MPLS, MN
My wife just booked a hotel room in duluth for a night and we saved $15 more on my muskies inc discount over the AAA discount. I've only been a member for 2 months and I already almost made my membership dues back in saving on baits and hotels. I've yet to attend a meeting though. Think I'll check out Brad Hoppe in April though.
Posted 3/16/2006 7:22 AM (#182689 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
steve, im not a memeber, i have bought items at auctions online and at meetings where the money goes to stocking programs, i have entered tournaments and paid the fees which go to the club and lake. i have made donations at shows toward stocking programs. i have purchased products where funds have gone to muskies inc, i do not see the need to spend 35.00 for overpriced magazine subscription. ...or am i better off just joining , pay my 35 bucks and not do anything else all year...so i guess i wonder how many people sign up because they are pressured to do so, but then do nothing else throughout the year?????? to make it sound like because some of us are not members, we are not doing our part is wrong........if i took your post the wrong way i apoligize!
Vince Weirick
Posted 3/16/2006 7:46 AM (#182691 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 1060

Location: Palm Coast, FL
To all,

Muskies Inc. also has a chapter #99. It is a chapter this is has no "location". There are no board members. There no board members or politics. It is simply ot be able to enter fish, access information on the site, and enter fish. I personally am involved in as much as I can with the Webster Lake Musky Club. I try to go to every event/outing, tournament, guide for a day, youth outing, etc. I enjoy every bit of it! The friends I have mead will last a lifetime and I am sure many more are to come.

How many people out there went to college and joined a fraternity or thought about it? Did it help you out while attending college? Did you feel some sort of belonging? Did you make more friends? Being a part of something that you love so much is worth so much more than $35.

As with any organization you are going to have disagreements. That is what debate is all about and will further the club/fisheries in doing so. No matter what club or organization you will ever get involved with you will never be 100% satisfied. But you can join and do what you can or share your ideas/thoughts to help the organization out.

Our club always heard the most familiar question of all..."What do they do for me?" Well, our club started a free dinner for all WLMC members last year. It has been a great success and gets people out of there house. We usually host it in February when everything is froze up. We get a few new members, trade/sell/buy used and new lures, and most of all make new friends and visit with old ones.

Posted 3/16/2006 7:50 AM (#182693 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 4266

You can "step up" without joining a club.
Check the archives and see how much I've "stepped up" for The Kly Auctions and The Ashton Auction.
I just don't like belonging to clubs and see no reason to start now. I've given enough seminars to enough clubs, and find most of the rest of the meeting, besides the speaker, a waste of time.
Though I do belong to Wisconsin Bowhunters. But there are no meetings to sit through or outings to attend.
Posted 3/16/2006 11:19 AM (#182739 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Location: Contrarian Island
Very true Lambeau...there is no right or wrong answer...I believe in it...sure I have a few issues with the MInc..but overall I like it..great networking tool as well...

Steve R
Posted 3/16/2006 5:26 PM (#182806 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Muskihntr and Beav....I would like to personally thank you for what you both have done for the muskie fishery. Even though you may not be members of a Muskie club you have contributed to the fishery in your own way.

What would our muskie fishery be today without the fore knowledge and insights of folks like Gil Hamm, founder of Muskies Inc. and the leadership of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Midwest, and Canadians MNR and DNRs. Many have said "These are the good old days" of muskie fishing today. Are there improvements and changes that should be made....Yes, but the Clubs are leading the way. I'll say it again.....Its time to step up folks, help the fishery any way you can.
Posted 3/16/2006 5:32 PM (#182808 - in reply to #182739)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Through all the negative replies I would have to say there should be plenty of people that should step up and give it some change, then. I understand each Chapter has its issues, welcome to the 21st Century. If you don't wish to make a grand entrance and become a speaker or become politically active, I wouldn't blame you, but there are things you can do like take a member fishing or donate or participate in a mini outing for students or less fortunate or help with the stocking or whatever you choose. You can control on how you use the club. Sure, they want more data as far as catches etc. are concerned, if you see this as an issue that you don't wish to participate in, then don't. If you don't believe in what the plaques stand for or have some other issues with it, stand up and let it be known.
I was taught at a young age that you need to stand up for what you believe in. That also includes voting and becoming part of organizations that are important in what you do. If you don't belive in something don't participate, if you do believe in something, you need to participate because it is the right thing to do.
Its not all about what Muskies Inc can do for you. It is also about what you can do to make the sport of muskie fishing better for all. "Put Up or Shut Up" I believe is a fair ultimatum. If you choose to "Shut Up" well... enjoy the resorce that Muskies Inc has greatly contributed to.
Posted 3/17/2006 2:56 AM (#182854 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 956

Location: Home of the 2016 World Series Champion Cubs
If you are not sure AND you want to make a difference in muskie fishing but dont know how, Id say join for one year. Attend meetings, read the magazine and news letters, talk to fellow members and absorb what is offered in our web site. See exactly what it is that MI and its chapters and members can do and offer. In one year you will be more than able to make a better decision when and where you might wish to "make a difference" Muskies inc is not the only way to be a part of something postive though in MY opinoin it is the best. MI's ultimate gaol is not in bolstering its numbers. More important is the education (of all anglers member or non), Youth (members or non) and fisheries which belong to everyone (members AND non). Please dont feel pressured. What we encourage is debate and educated decisions in planning and management. Then after one year make up your mind. Joining for one year should not be considered a life sentence. If you wish to renew annually........that will become an educated decision you and only you can make. If you wish to talk more about MI, PM me and I'll send you my #.
Karl Scherer
Local Chicagoland chapter Member and board member,
International At-Large Director.
Posted 3/17/2006 9:01 AM (#182889 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 829

Location: Maple Grove, MN
I joined Muskies, Inc about five years ago and am glad I did. I have met many nice folks in the North Metro chapter and its easy to see all the good things they and the TC chapter are doing here in the Twin Cities. The fishery would not be what it is without their involvement.

One thing I've learned in my life is that a person can always find something wrong with an organization no matter which one you look at. It doesn't matter if one looks at a fishing club, church, company, civic group, government agency, or a political group, it will never be perfect and there will always be issues of some sort. Count on it. I think one has to look at an organization to see if you have things in common and if they, as a group, are dedicated to the same things you are. If one just focuses on the weaknesses, then one will most likely never join anything and will never stay long anywhere if you do.

Yeah, no MI club is perfect. There will always be some there with over-sized egos and some who are not so nice and a few you won't agree with. So what? If you are a serious Muskie fisherman and care about the resource, then you have a lot more in common with MI than you don't.

Looking back on it, I wish I had joined MI years earlier. Just never got around to it.
Posted 3/17/2006 4:50 PM (#182986 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

I was a member of the only Colorado Chapter last year. I joined because I thought I would have an opportunity to connect with someone to do fishing. I have never fished for tigers here because the boat is at the cabin in Wisconsin. The two meetings I went to I heard a lot about how the chapter is really about getting people into musky fishing in Colorado and "if you ever want to go fishing, just give us a call." After a few calls, I realized it was all talk and no action. Needless to say I wont be renewing my membership.
Posted 3/19/2006 1:53 AM (#183170 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 3861

"What have I personally done to improve muskie fishing for the future of the sport?"

Nothing. I have never assumed such responsibility. My local MI comes off as analunits. Huge. I'll stay loner hereabouts.
Posted 3/19/2006 10:28 AM (#183197 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Location: Minneapolis, MN
Thanks for all the replies. I didn't start this thread with a motive, more out of curriosity. A lot of great ideas and information came out of this thread that I hope chapters will focus on to attract and retain more members. A lot of people posted how great it was to see what the chapters are doing for the fishery. I thought I would share some photos that really illustrate the power of people comming together for the benefit of the fishery.

Edited by Luke_Chinewalker 3/19/2006 10:37 AM

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Posted 3/21/2006 9:10 AM (#183439 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 829

Location: Maple Grove, MN
Awesome pictures!!! Thanks so much guys!

xyz, You need to remember that the people who said that are all just volunteers. They are no different than you and me and you may have caught them when they were busy and/or had no time to take anyone out fishing. Face it, everyone gets really busy at times and we all have limited time. I would recommend trying to hook up with people in other ways like at the MI meetings or club outings. I wouldn't expect to place a phone call and get lots of people lined up to take you fishing - no matter what the offical motto is. It'll take time, but I expect you'll be able to make some friends at your MI club. Just remember those people are busy like you.

I think if one only looks at what they can get out of it, they will most likely be disapointed. Its usually a two-way street with any group and one gets little if one gives little. One generally gets more if one gives more.

I really like the people in my MI chapter. Lots of nice folks and good fisherpeople there. They sure aren't perfect, but I'm not either. Just wish I had more time to get involved.......
Posted 3/21/2006 12:02 PM (#183468 - in reply to #182168)
Subject: RE: Why aren’t you a Muskies, Inc. member?

Posts: 207

Location: Mpls, MN
When I got involved with MI my first few meetings I sort of kept to myself, which is not me. Happy Hooker was the one that got me to come to my first meeting. After those few meetings and talking to people, I joined up in October of 2004. I wasn't involved in anything at that time but as the months past I got to know a few more people. Learned a few things and by May of 2005 I had done 2 events, by mid summer I spent a week up on LOTW with Treats, Troyz, Happy Hooker, Tek, Fishpoop and B420. In September I helped out at our tournament even though I was not on the committee. I had talked with Luke about going fishing and before you know it I have fished few times with him and made some good friends. Then I opened my pie hole about our website and next thing you know I did that with the help of Senor Chinewalker. Next thing you know I'm on the board and having a ball. It is a lot of work and I did over extend myself. But it was worth it.

Far as boat rides, I have only asked once and it didn't work out since his batteries were stolen that weekend. Not a big deal really. Either way I enjoy being a part of it and over that time I have learned about the issues higher up with money and so forth. I did dishearten me to think something like this could come crumbling down that from I have learned has done alot on several levels. It cannot all be fixed overnight. I won't walk away from it because of that. I do my part on certain levels and maybe down the road on a bigger level to keep things going.

I've heard several people point out that we can get things done but it takes voices and people that are able to step up to the plate together. Things like Muskies Inc and the MMA here in Minnesota have those voices it just takes time and organization. As Treats said I believe, the DNR is willing to provide us with fry if we can provide the pond the raise them. If you show then what can be done and make it known, it makes it hard to ignore.

Far what they do at the national level. I think it is more of the organization of the entity itself. The international has the framework, the chapters implement it. Makes it structured so each chapter is fairly close on how they function. Not that it cannot be done as an individual club. But it makes easier I would imagine for a group of people to have a framework. Why reinvent the wheel? Maybe it is not the best framework but that's where the chapters come in, see the issues and address them with the international and make those changes so things do work better. That's where the time comes in. I guess you could say it's a work in progress and will always change as time evolves.

And what I get out of it is even better. And what I put into it, I get more out of that then I could have ever imagined. Do I still suck hunting muskies? You bet! But the friendship and fun I get are worth working on the issues that come up. Anyways it is certainly not for everyone. We're all different, have different goals, free time and so forth. I need to get back to work. I just forgot my lunch today and didn't want fast food when I have pot roast in the fridge. Maybe I am just blowing smoke right now or you (not speaking of anyone specifically) think I am talking out my arse.

This is a good discussion and certainly brings up good points. There are obviously a lot of things we can work on at all levels from the chapter to the international.

Edited by mm12463 3/21/2006 12:08 PM