Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies
Posted 2/23/2006 2:53 PM (#179171)
Subject: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

Posts: 157

This is an e-mail I recieved...poll is on the left side 1/2 way down...read the story and vote.

A front page story in today's Duluth News Tribune has the headline
"Mathematicians call for muskie study". The mathematicians in question
are Joe Gallian (UMD - Duluth), Dorian Goldfeld (Columbia) and me. We
were asked by the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame to provide
mathematical analysis of some photographs involved in a constested
world record for the largest muskie (fish) ever caught. We were not
happy with the way the Hall withheld information from us and
misrepresented our results, and so wrote them a letter about it. When
the letter was ignored we posted it publicly
(www.ima.umn.edu/~arnold/muskie/), and this led to the article.

The News Tribune "Quick Poll" for the day is on our recommendation:
"Should the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame create an
independent panel to examine all evidence on Louis Spray's world-record

So I am writing to encourage you to cast your vote for the honest use
of math and science (even for fish records): take a minute to go to the
www.duluthsuperior.com , click on the Quick Poll and vote yes.


Dan Smith
Posted 2/24/2006 10:15 PM (#179479 - in reply to #179171)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

Hear are a couple of quotes from the Hall of Fames director Brown that I found interesting to say the least.

Third paragraph of the Hall's 1-16-06 "*findings*" reads:

"Countering the (DCM) report's inconclusive results is much strong documentation supporting the size of the Spray musky. There are many sworn statements by credible witnesses; the mount of the fish was on public display for nine years;

****and the photos of this musky actually prove-through the use of same plane, direct scaling techniques that were employed by two professors of Mathematics (both of whom hold doctorates in Mathematics)-that the reported length of Spray's musky (63½ inches) is in the "ballpark" (the approximate range) of where it should be. It's important to note that: the same plane, direct scale techniques that were applied to the Spray photo have been subjected to a control test, which proved to be accurate to within three quarters of an inch, by the same two (above mentioned) professors."****

Now let's jump ahead to Tuesday's latest press release in the Duluth Tribune:

"In the grand scheme of things the documentation -- the affidavits -- is the strongest piece of verification that the fish existed in the reported dimensions," Brown said. "Photo analysis can and is subjective."

My question to Mr. Brown, What happened to your findings from just a month ago?

A portion of his quote from the Hall's findings (the "ballpark" portion) is also included in the article. So either they have control tests accurate to 3/4" of an inch or it is subjective and all photo analysis is useless.

Here is a link to what changed Mr. Brown's tune.


Posted 2/25/2006 7:47 AM (#179514 - in reply to #179171)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

Posts: 3479

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
By the time this is all done, I'll probably have ticked a bunch of people off. I ask this of everyone here and to all your friends, relatives, aquaintances, adversaries, enemies, fishin buddies, et al: WHY EVEN BOTHER WITH THE NFWFHF?
It's like beating a dead horse or teaching a rock how to do dog tricks. I will say this....It is time where we ALL need to change our outlook on where the record stands and what record keeping body is non-biased to ALL fish species. Not the fish itself....but the record keeping body.
We as a group of sportsmen/sportswomen in all categories of fishin need to make this controversy over the Hall's decision and judgement a moot point. I have set my mind such that the hall is just a novelty of Hayward wisconsin to draw tourism...THAT IS THE OUTLOOK I ASK ALL OF YOU TO MOVE TOWARD.

Look..I am sure I will offend some with this, but I'm sorry...it's just ridiculous. It's time to end it and move on. Records go to IGFA...period!!

I'll get off the soap box now...

I know the chastising will come... I'm not looking to offend anyone, so again, I will apologize now if I have.

Posted 2/25/2006 7:59 AM (#179521 - in reply to #179514)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

Posts: 32880

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
After all I have seen on this issue, I would agree. In my opinion there now is one credible record keeping organization, the IGFA.
Posted 2/25/2006 8:10 AM (#179523 - in reply to #179171)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

Location: Green Bay, WI
Amen to that.

Dan Smith
Posted 2/25/2006 12:13 PM (#179549 - in reply to #179171)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

TB, we agree again!

I just listened to the recording of the Mike Norris outdoor show from 2-23, pretty interesting discussion between him and the lawyer who signed off on the WRMA report.
Of particular interest was a quote from Professor Gallion who was part of the Halls experts who recanted.

His quote:

"direct scaling is only accurate under ideal conditions, and we did not have these conditions. Even a small amount away from perfect can make a significant difference in what the ultimate numbers are."

It would appear the hall's method was a real Rue Goldberg experiment from the get go, embarking on a mission to save the Louie fish at all costs.

Dan Smith
Posted 2/26/2006 9:46 AM (#179679 - in reply to #179171)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

I just found the link to the entire article that the above quote came from.

Ryan W
Posted 2/27/2006 9:26 AM (#179852 - in reply to #179171)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

I can hardly believe the FWFF tried to put one over on us like that!!! I'm hangin with whatever the IGFA does now too.
Posted 2/27/2006 8:32 PM (#179957 - in reply to #179171)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

The fact that Brown did such an abrupt about-face tells me he is completely biased and protecting of John Dettloff and his pet fish.
Posted 2/27/2006 9:12 PM (#179965 - in reply to #179171)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

Posts: 96

It just goes to show how far a lie can go.
I think there should be *** next to many old state records as well.
With the gear available 40-50 years ago you just have to wonder how you could land a 50-70 pound fish legally.
I have had several 40 pound + fish that have foiled my attempts using state of the art gear. Busted leader, straightend 4X hooks etc...
ESOX Maniac
Posted 2/28/2006 3:28 AM (#179987 - in reply to #179965)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

Posts: 2752

Location: Mauston, Wisconsin
VMS- Well said. IRDGAS what the FWFHF says, if God should ever bless me with any record class fish, any species, it's going to the IGFA & State or Providence DNR. Now let's all go fishin!

Have fun.
Ryan W
Posted 2/28/2006 3:39 PM (#180117 - in reply to #179171)
Subject: RE: Take a poll for the U of M math, science and muskies

It's a shame to think that we really have a shot at a state record here in GB WI except for those phony fish over in hayward, the mose I think about it the most pissed I get!