Veteran's Day
Posted 11/10/2005 6:47 PM (#165089)
Subject: Veteran's Day

Posts: 1278

Location: Stevens Point, Wi.
To all our vets----THANK YOU!

Edited by ghoti 11/10/2005 6:49 PM
Posted 11/10/2005 7:01 PM (#165094 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 32890

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
As one who has not served, but the father of one who has, I echo that:


I fish and hunt, enjoy my freedom and at times take it entirely for granted. You made sure I could do just that back here in safe old Northern Wisconsin, and for that you deserve much more than thanks.
Posted 11/10/2005 8:53 PM (#165101 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 484

Location: St. Louis, MO., Marco Is., FL, Nestor Falls, ON
We appreciate your thanks, but it was an honor to serve. It was probably the single most life changing event I have experienced. The military today is the finest this country has ever had. The difference between today's soldier and that from my era is like night and day. I cannot begin to express my gratitude to those young people who choose to put their lives on hold while serving in the Guard and Reserves and being activated every other year. The regular military today cannot function without these dedicated citizen/soldiers. They are an integral part of our military machine and serve with honor. God bless the USA and those who fight to preserve it.
Posted 11/10/2005 8:58 PM (#165102 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Location: Des Moines IA
"God bless the USA and those who fight to preserve it." Amen to that! A big "Thank You" to all those men and women who have, and those who continue to risk ther lives for me, and the rest of America to be free.
Posted 11/10/2005 9:04 PM (#165104 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Too all Veterans, thank you for serving our country and protecting our freedom!
Posted 11/10/2005 11:47 PM (#165113 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 2112

Location: The Sportsman, home, or out on the water
Folks, Thank you for your kind words and prayers. 1991 seems like a lifetime ago. When I was over in Iraq, I had yet to kill a deer, and had thought a Musky was something I would never catch. Hell, the mother of my kids told me just before I got on the plane to go over there, that if I came back, she hoped it would be with a flag drapped over my coffin. Stuff changes. Out of all the people I have met, the relationships I have made since (you guys included), has made what we did in Desert Storm worth while (to me anyway). God Bless all of our brave folks still fighting the good fight, and all those who have came before us, so that we still live the American DREAM!
Posted 11/11/2005 5:30 AM (#165123 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 1438

Thank you all. Like Steve said, as someone who hasn't served but my father and many uncles have.

Even though in today's society, it doesn't seem to be socially acceptable to acknowledge what the armed forces does.... there are many of us who appreciate the ALL the sacrifices you make.

Thank you again.

A side note to those of you who want to express your thanks. Several years ago, shortly after 9-11, I was on a trip to Talladega and was out to eat. A polished young Marine and his family were at the restaurant we were at and as we left I walked up to him and shook his hand told him that he looked sharp and "Thank You" sir for all you do. I then turned and walked away. As I walked away, I overheard 2 of his family members saying (not really whispering although trying to) that they couldn't believe that I did that and how it was so very nice. I'd like to think that I made that families day and maybe it really did impress upon them exactly how much us regular citizens out here really do care. If you want to make an armed services members day, randomly walk up and just say thanks.

Posted 11/11/2005 6:20 AM (#165126 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 3240

Location: Racine, Wi
A very large thank you from our family as well. I was not in the military either, but my dad, uncles, and grandfathers all served. It is a life changing event in to go into the military, and even serve in war time. Every year seeing what is going on brings this home even more. It takes a very strong person to put their life on hold to protect our country. Not only during the times of war, but even after the battles have been forgotten. Thank you all for your sacrifices and courage. God Bless!
Posted 11/11/2005 6:31 AM (#165129 - in reply to #165101)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 743

to quote Bob Pieske "It was probably the single most life changing event I have experienced."
Thanks for your and your kinds dedication Bob Pieske...your big life changing events/experiences is what keeps my so constant and keeps everyone's life constant... You and your kinds sacrifices make our nation a wonder (the best) place to live. I can only hope it did change your life and other Vets' lives in a postive way...
Everyone here gets to live the positive results of your kinds life changing events....your experiences changed your life forever....your experiences keep our lives pretty constant and happy. we all owe all vets...the most courageous women and men in our country...

thanks for the sacrifices..thanks for keeping us free
Mark H.
Posted 11/11/2005 6:40 AM (#165132 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 1936

Location: Eau Claire, WI
Proud to be an American... and THANK YOU to all who help keep it free.
Posted 11/11/2005 6:53 AM (#165134 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 1316

Location: Madison, WI
Yes i'm always willing to shake the hand of anyone fighting for our country. Thank you!!
Posted 11/11/2005 6:56 AM (#165135 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Location: Athens, Ohio
My mom served as a nurse in the Pacific Theater during WWII , where she met my late father in Japan, he being stationed in the Phillipines with the US ACE. They were part of what has been termed The Greatest Generation. Vets are close to my heart. It came as a bit of a shock, then, to get the following message from my Congressman this morning. Perhaps our friends in Indiana can contact their members of Congress to get this mess changed? m

Veterans' Day gives our nation an opportunity to pay tribute to the men and women who have selflessly served our nation. While Memorial Day remembers those we have lost, Veterans' Day is an opportunity to thank those who are still with us.

Over the course of my last two terms in Congress, I have had the honor of serving on the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. During that time, I have learned volumes regarding the impact the VA has on the everyday lives of America's honorable veterans, and I have grown to appreciate the hard work done by America's veteran service organizations.

Since the early 20th century, veteran service organizations have worked with Congress to make sure America takes care of the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our nation. They have earned the respect of Congress and the Administration, and serve as strong advocates for those who have served in our nation's military.

So it came as a shock this week as, three days before Veterans Day, the Chairman of the House VA Committee, Steve Buyer (R-IN), announced that VSOs would no longer be invited to give testimony at a joint House-Senate hearing regarding the legislative needs of veterans on issues including the VA health care budget, disability offset benefits and the timeliness of claims processing. This courtesy has been extended to VSOs for 55 years.

It was a brazenly callous announcement to make on the eve of Veterans Day. The unilateral move by the Chairman is stunning in its shamelessness and demeaning to those who have served our country in uniform. It appears to be nothing more than an attempt to minimize the influence of groups dedicated to caring for and helping America's veterans.

But I'm not alone in my reaction.

The Disabled American Veterans sent Chairman Buyer a letter protesting this decision.

"The right to fully participate in the democratic process is a cornerstone of our nation," DAV National Commander Paul W. Jackson said in the letter. "Eliminating these joint hearings is an insult to the men and women who have fought, sacrificed and died to protect our Constitutional rights, including the right to petition the government."

The fact is, for decades, groups like the DAV, the Vietnam Veterans of America, the American Legion, AMVETS and others have advocated for veterans within the halls of Congress. They have worked tirelessly to make sure veterans have access to quality health care, receive promised benefits and are respected and cared for in a way befitting a nation that appreciates and honors their service.

The attempts by the VA committee chairman to marginalize the strong voices these groups provide reflects a growing realization that House leaders and the Administration are increasingly being called to task for trying to cut veterans health care funds, exclude thousands of veterans from the VA health care system and failing to provide proper benefits to surviving widows of veterans who have passed away.

The first victim of this marginalization of VA advocates was the former Republican chairman of the VA committee Chris Smith (R-NJ) who was removed from the committee this year for actually standing up for veterans. Now, the new chairman is seeking to edge out the remaining veterans advocates.

But as this is going on, more than 30,000 veterans are waiting six months or more for an appointment at VA hospitals, more than 148,000 are veterans awaiting disability claim decisions and, thousands of veterans are still being shut out of the VA health care system.

A nation that values its heroes has no business trying to silence them. The Administration and Congressional leaders should be putting their energies into keeping America's promises to its veterans, not wasting time on devising new ways to divert attention away from its failure to provide promised benefits from the men and women who have selflessly fought for our country.

Hopefully, as these leaders give their speeches, watch the parades and get their pictures taken with veterans on this Veterans Day, they will remember their responsibility to those who have served. These men and women performed their duty honorably: it's time for Congress to do the same.


Ted Strickland
Posted 11/11/2005 8:47 AM (#165155 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 94

Let us all say a prayer for all of our countrymen and women still out there protecting us.
Posted 11/11/2005 10:32 AM (#165180 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 699

Location: Hugo, MN
Thanks to all for your appreciation and Thanks to those still serving. Our Military strength is one of our greatest acheivements as a society. It provides the opportunity for young men to learn a skill set while learning about themselves. The years I spent with the Marine Corps were some of the greatest of my life and I will never forget them or the men I served with.

I will refrain from using this board or holiday as political fodder. Just remember there are 2 sides to every story.
Posted 11/11/2005 10:44 AM (#165181 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 1764

Location: Ogden, Ut
My deepest gratitude to those that served and those who still do. I cannot thank you enough. Many eloquent words have been expressed on this thread and I will not attempt to top them. Suffice it to say that I owe my 'cushy' lifestyle to those that, years ago, spent sleepless nights in a foxhole or somewhere just as undesirable, successfully fighting a tyrannical enemy. Today, our brave soldiers fight a different battle, no less important to the security we enjoy. May they achieve the same degree of success and return safely home.
Posted 11/11/2005 10:46 AM (#165182 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 2378

A big thanks to all those who do, have, or will serve!!
Snowcrest 6
Posted 11/11/2005 11:19 AM (#165187 - in reply to #165101)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 303

Location: Valentine, NE USA
Bob said it right. We thank you was, in fact, our honor to serve.

Brian Sanger

Posted 11/11/2005 11:29 AM (#165188 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 4266

We couldn't do what we love to do if it wasn't for you and your sacrifices.
Thank You,
Posted 11/11/2005 2:34 PM (#165203 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 327

A very big THANK YOU to all the vets who have helped preserve our freedom in the years past and to come , and another THANK YOU to the ones who are still serving and the ones who will in the future . I enjoy everything I have and my ckilderen and my grandchilderen will be able to enjoy the things I do becuse of all of you . God bless the ones who fell to help protect such a great country !!
BILL Ludwig
Posted 11/11/2005 8:18 PM (#165236 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

I travel quite often and every opportunity I have I personally thank those in uniform. The next time you are in an airport go up to these young men and women and thank them for the sacrifices they are making for those of us back home. Unless you have experienced what they go thru it's hard to appreciate their sacrifices. "All gave some, some gave all".

Posted 11/11/2005 10:31 PM (#165244 - in reply to #165089)
Subject: RE: Veteran's Day

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Thank you to all our veterans and those still serving. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten, your courage never matched........Thank you all so much, and all those stationed somewhere stay safe and I'm praying for you all!

Mike Bolinski