Drop Shotting For Gators??
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/19/2005 8:56 AM (#153979)
Subject: Drop Shotting For Gators??

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
I've been thinking of doing this with larger sucker minnows in deeper water while either drifting or using my trolling motor (in Waukesha co). I figured a smaller sucker will last longer and shouldn't be too big of a problem rigging on the drop shot.

Anybody try this? Any tips?
Posted 7/19/2005 9:46 PM (#154056 - in reply to #153979)
Subject: RE: Drop Shotting For Gators??

Posts: 317

how about the a drop shot with a 8" Yum Dinger or other large plastic?