Looking for Lee Tauchen number
Posted 7/17/2005 9:28 AM (#153743)
Subject: Looking for Lee Tauchen number

Posts: 1185

Location: Wishin I Was Fishin'
I have been strugling to find it on the web.

I want to contact him about speaking at a C & R Musky Club meeting.

I think he would do a great job for us.

Does anyone else have ideas for speakers? We are located by Appleton, Wisconsin.

The only thing is we can't afford the $300+ people. We are a small club with a budget to match.
Posted 7/17/2005 9:54 AM (#153748 - in reply to #153743)
Subject: RE: Looking for Lee Tauchen number

lee can be reached at 608-241-4225 at D&S tackle shop...
Posted 7/17/2005 10:47 AM (#153755 - in reply to #153743)
Subject: RE: Looking for Lee Tauchen number

Location: Contrarian Island
Lee no longer works at D+S, he is guiding Mille Lacs for the year
he can be reached at 608-444-2180
Posted 7/17/2005 12:20 PM (#153761 - in reply to #153755)
Subject: RE: Looking for Lee Tauchen number

Posts: 1185

Location: Wishin I Was Fishin'
Thanks for the help.