Hayward Area Marinas?
Posted 7/13/2005 9:56 AM (#153366)
Subject: Hayward Area Marinas?

Posts: 476

Location: WI
Well, 4 days before my trip to Hayward and I blew my motor on my Tuffy on Oconomowoc Sunday night. Great timing. Does anyone know if any of the marinas rent motors up in Hayward? I don't want to make a rush decision on a used motor right now, and my only other option is my 8hp Mercury on my duck boat.....put,put,put.... This sucks!! Anyone have any ideas?

At least we got two muskies after the motor blew (39",35")........

Posted 7/13/2005 9:59 AM (#153367 - in reply to #153366)
Subject: RE: Hayward Area Marinas?

Round lake marina rents motors, also there is a boat service place between LCO and Grindstone, Dick marina I believe, great guy.

Good luck

Posted 7/13/2005 10:17 AM (#153371 - in reply to #153366)
Subject: RE: Hayward Area Marinas?

Posts: 255

Might want to try Hayward Power Sports. I have rented other stuff from them before (ATV and sleds). They were great to work with. Good Luck, Tom
Posted 7/13/2005 11:32 AM (#153386 - in reply to #153366)
Subject: RE: Hayward Area Marinas?

Posts: 476

Location: WI
Thanks guys, it looks like only rentals of 15hp so far. Going from "put, put, put" to "I think I can, I think I can". Errr........
Posted 7/13/2005 11:35 AM (#153387 - in reply to #153366)
Subject: RE: Hayward Area Marinas?

When you heading up to hayward, I might be up there this weekend and might be able to get ya out, don't know the wife plans yet, we are on LCO, and would be willing to fish any area lake in you want to jump in for the day.

Posted 7/13/2005 12:00 PM (#153390 - in reply to #153366)
Subject: RE: Hayward Area Marinas?

Posts: 476

Location: WI
I will be up there the 15th through the 23rd. We have another couple coming up with us on the 15th and 16th, but they are leaving Sunday morning to head back to Milwaukee. If Sunday works into your plans, or any other time that week, that would be great!! Appreciate the offer.

Posted 7/14/2005 7:12 PM (#153569 - in reply to #153366)
Subject: RE: Hayward Area Marinas?

Posts: 476

Location: WI
Well off I go with the 8 horse on the Tuffy..........Maybe I'll get lucky and find something bigger than a 15hp when I get there.

Troyz, sent you a PM under your Troyz. address

Week in Hayward and in two weeks another week in Vermilion...yee hah....

Posted 7/14/2005 10:48 PM (#153584 - in reply to #153366)
Subject: RE: Hayward Area Marinas?

Posts: 255

GOTONE'S I will be on LCO and Grindstone Sat, Sun, and Mon. If you see a guy in a blue and silver Alumacraft tiller stop over and say hi! Good Luck, Tom