I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/13/2005 9:41 AM (#153365)
Subject: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
With the advent of "Super Lines" and thier low diameter to high LB test rating, I knew it'd only be a matter of time before I started seeing broken rods.

Sure enough, I counted how many cracked or shattered Musky sticks I've seen at Gander this past month and a half.....17! I personally took back 9...and each one was used with XP, Spider Wire or Power Pro.

Anybody have problems using lines that are rated higher than thier rods?
Posted 7/13/2005 10:07 AM (#153368 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 341

Not sure I use St Croix and cortland 80lb. How the hell are they breaking them? Must be snagging tree trunks or they're jumping off the side of the boat to set the hook??
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/13/2005 10:11 AM (#153369 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
Of course every guy who I talked to said he did it on a fish, but odds are he probally got hung up and pulled too hard.

I've seen everything from rod tips to rods at mid-blank cracked and shattered in up to 4 pieces.
Posted 7/13/2005 10:11 AM (#153370 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 1083


I'm thinking people are horsing around somehow breaking rods, ie, snags, drags too tight, yanking and pulling like idiots.

Dropping rods is not good for the rods either. Consistent dropping of a rod over time creates stress fractures that could lead to premature failure when they do get snagged on a log and go yanking on it.

What people don't realize with these super braids is, when they do get snagged...to NOT be yanking on the snag with their rod and reel. That'll only damage/break rods and reels. Duh.

When snagged while using a super braid...people should start tying that super braid around a boat cleat and use the boat to pull up the snag. Hopefully they'll straighten out a hook on the lure or the line or the knot will break before the snag comes up depending on what the snag is.

Whatever anyone does...DO NOT PULL ON SNAGS with your bare hands unless you do not value your fingers and hands. It'll cut you up and potentially cut off fingers in no time flat.

It all comes down to one thing: Common sense.

But...common sense...that's a concept of yesterday...that doesn't exist much in today's day and age from my experience.
Posted 7/13/2005 10:23 AM (#153375 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 341

Mack that is the best tip ever.....Use the boat.
Posted 7/13/2005 10:25 AM (#153376 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 743

GMG..if i was guessing, all but one rod was broke by the car truck, someone standing on it..shutting it in the door. probably only one of those rods broke actually fishing.
Rich D
Posted 7/13/2005 10:35 AM (#153378 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 122

Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Great idea, using the cleat! I always thumb the spool and point the rod directly at the snag, but will start using the boat.

Rich D
Posted 7/13/2005 10:48 AM (#153380 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
#*^@, Mack.....

That is a gooder one! Thanks.

(I didn't know D_MN was a"bad" word these days )

Edited by BigMo 7/13/2005 10:53 AM
Big Perc
Posted 7/13/2005 10:52 AM (#153382 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 1188

Location: Iowa
I have been tying my snags off on the boat cleat every since last year and I have only had my line broken once...I use 80 pound power pro and everytime that the lure has come free the hook that was caught has been straightened somewhat but not too much to fix or just replace the $.50 hook...not worth break a $200 rod over a $15 lure...

Big Perc
Posted 7/13/2005 12:16 PM (#153391 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 4266

Call Rich at St Croix and ask him how many I've returned.
I have broken several, all but one because of stupidity.
The only rod that I broke was one that snapped during the cast on a Reef Hawg.
Now that's a defect.
I broke one while setting the drag on my reel.
I tied my line to a full laundry basket and backed up 15' and started to lift with the intention of seeing when to stop backing off on the drag.....never made it to that point. Broke one on a snag on a windy day. Thought 80# Tuf-Line was a good mooring line. Bad idea.
I've snapped several walleye rods on the hookset, but never a muskie rod.
$hit happens, but some guys just do stupid $hit!
I try to treat all of my rods and reels with respect, because I want them to work properly when they are supposed to.
But, then again, there's the rod and reel that flew well over 50 yards when my line broke on a boatside hit by a pig. Wasn't the rod and reels fault, but it was what I had in my hand at the time, so I grabbed it by the tip and let it fly......good thing I wasn't taking a pee at the time.
Posted 7/13/2005 1:24 PM (#153401 - in reply to #153369)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

I think it may be simpler than the current discussion. I now use power pro but tried spiderwire one year up in Canada and got the mother of all back lashes trying to cast a suick too far. Result. Not only did it breat the rod tip, which by the way I just repaired at my own expense, but broke the suick as well.

I suspect I am not the only one with this situation.
Posted 7/13/2005 2:27 PM (#153411 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 1270

We musky guys have been using the no stretch "super lines" for years so I don't think that this is new. How many musky rods does your Gander sell in 1-1/2 months? This seems like a excesivly high return rate. I probably sell around 50 musky rods a month this time of the year and I would be surprised if I get 3 of them back broken!

Could it be:
People have gotton used to the "we'll take it back for whatever reason" and are breaking them on purpose to get a different action? Or watch the store for when the cheaper rods are out of stock and then return them nowing that they will be upgraded to the more expensive rod?

Rockin' SV
Posted 7/13/2005 7:32 PM (#153439 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 425

Location: Elkhart, IN
HMM, Reelman you have some pretty good ideas, and I'll bet you're right on at least some of them. I'm a truck driver that delivers three days a week to a well known nation wide store three days a week. What I deliver is the catalog orders. Of everything I deliver I would say about 40% of the stuff people order gets returned without ever even leaving the store. Honest to god somebody ordered two couches last week and as I was unloading them I said "well here's a couple more returns". Sure enough the people came in and looked at them and said they didn't want them without ever leaving the store with them. When the return policy is so liberal there are going to be alot of people taking advantage of it. Not to say that's whats happening in this case but it is a possibility.
Posted 7/13/2005 8:29 PM (#153442 - in reply to #153365)
Subject: RE: I Knew I'd Start Seeing This........

Posts: 148

We snapped one this trip on a snag,but son was only trying to get the lure off the rock by jiggling it,and didn't really put that much torque on it.However,it was grandson's pole,and I know he had stepped on the pole hard a couple of times on the bottom of the boat.12 year old coordination along with rough waves,so pole probably had a crack.We've used the cleat to drag some pretty good size lumber off of shore to retrieve a lure,and know that works.My lure retriever pole bails us out on a lot of rod and boat damage getting lures out of wood and rock.Saved over a $100 this trip alone on lures.Handy tool.