| Let's see the pics of the one that can't get away !!
(No offence to the unnamed baitmaker...I just don't like the color..)
For three years I have tried to sell this... any takers? Hulbert?? LOL
Attachments ---------------- DSC01938.JPG (30KB - 82 downloads)
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Posts: 2427
Location: Ft. Wayne Indiana | That is way to funny, I just gave one away about a week ago. Same bait, different pattern. | |
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| So what you are saying is that you NEED one now?? LOL !! | |
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Posts: 5874
| Norm will take it. But you'll have to buy him a drink! | |
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| I'll take it off your hands,,,,,,,,,,, I'll pay the shipping if you really want to get rid of it ,,,,,,,, a few minutes on my 12" disk sander ,,,, and an ounce or two of ballast should fix it right up ,,,,,,, ?????????? -------- Rocky Martino ,,,,,,, [email protected] | |
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| HRJOHNNY ------- ??????????? ---------- ROCKY | |
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| Rocky, do you have an e mail addy I can reach you at???
johnny | |
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| HRJOHNNY ------- [email protected] ----------- Rocky Martino | |