Transcipts from the Wisconsin Muskie Discussion
Posted 1/3/2005 11:57 AM (#130250)
Subject: Transcipts from the Wisconsin Muskie Discussion

Posts: 32884

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Here's the conversation, pretty much as it was presented. We will be back online this Wednesday or Thursday to continue the discussion.

Steve_Worrall: First agenda item
Steve_Sedesky entered the room.
Steve_Worrall: Is there a problem with Muskie Management in the State of Wisconsin?
Steve_Worrall: Short answer, about three sentenses
Steve_Worrall: tuffdaddy?
tuffdaddy: From what I can see yes. There are too many directions that we are going at once, and no direct goal in sight yet.
Steve_Worrall: ok, Mark?
GeorgianBayMike entered the room.
Mark_Hintz: Yes... Agree with what I said earlier and TuffD
Steve_Worrall: say it again, Mark, please
Steve_Sedesky: I think the fact that it is up to the public and not those trained in the field.
Steve_Worrall: we are answering in order, everyone,
Mark_Hintz: From a size perspective I think if they DNR continues to strip eggs from Bone lake fish with small size genetics than that's what we are going to get... MN does the opposite and look at their program.
Steve_Worrall: everyone will give an answer, couple sentenses
Steve_Worrall: OK, Archerynut?
GeorgianBayMike has left the room.
puddin entered the room.
puddin has left the room.
Steve_Worrall: before you answer, please acknowledge by typing in 'yes'', if no 'yes' we will assume you have no comment
Waldo has left the room.
Waldo entered the room.
Mark_Gostisha: Run with biology not politics. Let the potential of a lake (size, forage base, genetic pool) set precedent for size limits. Seems simple but,,,, tourism $ and emotion get in the way of biology
Steve_Worrall: magnum, go ahead, if Archerynut is still typing his reply will post
magnummusky: Yes the problem is that they let a bunch of people who do not care about Musky fishing vote on the important topics.
Steve_Worrall: theedz?
theedz: yes
Steve_Worrall: Question is:
Steve_Worrall: Is there a rpoblem with Muskie Management in Wisconsin
Steve_Worrall: problem
Steve_Worrall: You are correct, Mark G
Mark_Gostisha: I jumped in line
Steve_Worrall: hehehe
Mark_Gostisha: see answer above
theedz: Tuff hit it on the head. Too many people with too many ideas going in too many different directions. There's got to be some common ground somewhere that will make most of the people happy most of
theedz: the time.
Steve_Worrall: nwild?
nwild: Yes, I think there is a problem in that nearly all the lakes are managed as numbers fisheries. Oneida and Vilas esp. have some very good trophy potential lakes with 34" minimums.
Steve_Worrall: Mr. Sedesky?
nwild: We are not managing anything in that area of the state, with the exception of clear as a trophy fishery
archerynut36: well i am in indiana and i do agree with mark h on what he had to say about getting better strain from better fish . its like deer antler growth. bigger bucks produce better racks same with fish, i t
Steve_Worrall: thank you sir
Steve_Sedesky: I think we need more of the trained people making the decisions. MN does hold meetings for the public, but only for Q&A The DNR does what they feel is the best, and they know the concerns up front.
theedz has left the room.
Steve_Worrall: Waldo?
Waldo: (chat site doesn't work with firefox, fyi - can lurk but not type)
Scott_Thiede entered the room.
Waldo: DNR isn't perfect -there's room for improvement
Waldo: biology and forage more important than length limits
Steve_Worrall: OK, question nuber two
Steve_Worrall: What is it, in your opinion, we as anglers can doto assist the folks who manage the Muskies in WI?
Steve_Worrall: The idea is what can we do to help
tuffdaddy: yes....
Waldo has left the room.
Steve_Worrall: tuffdaddy?
boozer entered the room.
puddin entered the room.
archerynut36 has left the room.
boozer: shhhhhhhhhh
MNesox entered the room.
tuffdaddy: I think by better education of the public on C and R, that in itself can help. The pressured waters of SE WI are producing very well lately, both size and #s, but there is a great C and R ethic down
tuffdaddy: here. That can help as a start.
Steve_Worrall: boozer, we have a moderated chat going, will put you in line if you want to participate
Mark_Hintz: I think we as a Musky Community (all organizations) need to find a way to speek as one voice. Similar to the power Ducks Unlimited has on waterfowl issues.
Steve_Worrall: Thank you, sir, Mark H?
David_4 entered the room.
boozer has left the room.
Mark_Gostisha: Many of the biologists outside the Musky areas have no idea of musky issues. The Oz county biologist knows salmonids, by design. Lend an ear to their education and we have a better voice
Steve_Worrall: Magnummusky?
magnummusky: I think we need to form a club that won't be influenced by big business and stick to our guns on what we feel is right
Steve_Worrall: nwild?
nwild: Yes
Steve_Worrall: types slow like me...
Mark_Gostisha: SHOOT. I jumped in line again!!!!!!!!
Steve_Worrall: that's OK
nwild: I agree entirely with Hintzy, we are a special interest group, but we can't even decide what we want. we need a common voice to get anything done
Steve_Worrall: Steve S?
Steve_Sedesky: We need to spread the word on CPR -- let people know the time and money that has been spent to create a 50" fish. Let them know the value of the fish they are holding.
Steve_Worrall: Scott?
David_4 has left the room.
Scott_Thiede: yes
Mark_Hintz: Scott just say you agree with me and Gostisha and all will be well..:)
Scott_Thiede: I think that we need to trust the people that are hired to manage the resource. There's got to be someone standing behind them instead of bashing them every chance we get. Too many people jump th
Scott_Thiede: the gun and immediately start to trash them. give them time to work their magic.
Steve_Worrall: continue, please
Steve_Worrall: thanks
Steve_Worrall: puddin?
puddin: Hi
Steve_Worrall: any answer?
Plitz entered the room.
puddin: Let the professionals do their job and put the Conservation Congress back as an advisor only group.
Steve_Worrall: MN, welcome, answer?
MNesox: hi
MNesox: just observing
Steve_Worrall: OK
Steve_Worrall: Question number three
Steve_Worrall: Please list the top three things you would like to see as changes to Wisconsin's amangement strategies
Steve_Worrall: tuffdaddy?
tuffdaddy: yes
tuffdaddy: That is a tough one
Steve_Worrall: yes it is
Mark_Hintz: Resource before politics.
Mark_Hintz: Woops sorry..
Steve_Worrall: being first in line doen't help, either...everyone else has time to think about it
tuffdaddy: I agree with Mr Hintz, in that they need to choose better brood for collecting eggs from. Increase size limits according to size potential, and change the way that things are voted on. The people
Mark_Hintz: #2 Manage lakes for size and numbers.
tuffdaddy: that should be heard from are not speaking their opinions ie the April hearings
Steve_Worrall: OK, MArk H, number 3?
Mark_Hintz: Rat Farts I keep hitting enter by mistake and number #3. Conservation congress back to advisory only
puddin: 1. Musky stamp (to raise money)?, 2. Don't let the Conservation Congress set policy. 3. Ban single hook sucker rigs
Mark_Hintz: I got more but I'll shut up
Steve_Worrall: thank you, Magnum?
magnummusky: YES
Scott_Thiede: 1 Identify and manage "trophy" systems. 2 Identify and manage as such "numbers" systems. 3 Public education of all anglers, both resident and non-resident, of the theory behind tropy and numbers
Steve_Worrall: lets keep it in order please
Scott_Thiede: management.
Scott_Thiede: Was an accidental discharge Steve, sorry.
Steve_Worrall: hehehe
magnummusky: I think we shoul try for a statewide 40 at least maybe try to put a 50 on specific lakes (trout) . Try to take a closer look at stocking and the effects it has on the Specifis fishery
Steve_Worrall: nwild, go ahead
nwild: 1. More lake specific management obviously with some trophy management thrown in, there are enough lakes in WI for everyone's interests 2. Conservation congress has got to go
nwild: 3. ???
Steve_Worrall: OK, Mark G?
Mark_Gostisha: 1 Musky stamp that allows one kept fish a year, eliminates keeping incidental "crappie" keeps, funds go to education and propagation 2 increase available waters for fishing to support increased # of
Mark_Gostisha: anglers 3 biology before politics
Steve_Worrall: Thank you, puddin?
dward entered the room.
Steve_Sedesky: My first three changes would be - Use big fish to get better fish for stocking. Increase size limits and put the DNR in control! Maybe try a differnet strain, but not right away.
Steve_Worrall: sorry, Steve
Steve_Sedesky: ok
dward has left the room.
Steve_Worrall: puddin?
puddin: Musky stamp, for a 1 fish a year bag limit and to raise money for the fishery. Would that mean more kept fish?
Steve_Worrall: MN, any comment?
Mark_Gostisha: I think most real musky anglers would never keep
magnummusky: I agree
MNesox: higher size limit may help a great deal
Mark_Gostisha: Most crappie,walleye anglers will not purchase the stamp and are not avialable to keep
Steve_Worrall: Pliz, any comment?
Plitz: 1. I often wonder about the baitfish (need to manage this bettter ?) 2. 44" state wide bigger or smaller depending on each lake as fit. 3.develope better geen pools.
Steve_Worrall: OK, thank you. Question
Steve_Worrall: What can we do as Muskie anglersto assist the DNR here to implement new regulations?
Steve_Worrall: We tried for new regulations recently, and failed
Steve_Worrall: What should we do?
tuffdaddy: yes
Steve_Worrall: tuffdaddy?
Mark_Gostisha: Is a contract on Rizzo out ofthe question?
Steve_Worrall: HAHAAAA
nwild: lol
nwild: Give it time Mark
magnummusky: Is he still alive?
Mark_Gostisha: I skipped again, sorry guys
Steve_Worrall: That will rquire some editing...hehehe
Plitz: whe need to ban together...Strength and #ers do somthing not just talk about it
Steve_Worrall: tuffd?
tuffdaddy: I think if we get out in more #s and VOICE our opinion, vs talking on the boards on what should be done. We all speak here, but the others (bait fisherman and hunters that don't fish)....
Steve_Worrall: stay in order, please
Plitz: many talk then never show up to meetings
Plitz: ok
tuffdaddy: are the ones that show up and vote on the issues. We could use the avail organizations to get out and speak our opinions, and raise awareness.
Steve_Worrall: thanks, Mark H?
Mark_Hintz: Sorry too many PM's going on I'm not paying attention. Suppose burning stuff in their front yard is out of the question..?
Steve_Worrall: probably, yes,
Mark_Hintz: I still think speaking as one voice and possibly having political advocacy on our side would help
Steve_Worrall: thank you, Magnum?
magnummusky: I think if we try to sneak a couple by every year might be the only way to make it happen
Steve_Worrall: nwild?
nwild: We need to have a common voice. The 50" failed miserably largely due to conflict among northern wi guides. We need to come up with something we can all back
Steve_Worrall: other than an effigy, Mark G?
Mark_Gostisha: What I said earlier. Outlying biologists have little knowlege of musky issues as it is not relevant to their geographic area. Educate them, steer them to good educational web sites, elighten on the
Mark_Gostisha: timeto grwo trophies
Mark_Gostisha: my typing sucks
Steve_Worrall: thanks, sir, Steve?
Steve_Sedesky: Does Wisconsin have a Muskie Alliance or some group to speak for the masses?
Steve_Worrall: mine too
Steve_Worrall: yes, but ineffective on this sort of issue
Steve_Sedesky: Can we start a new group?
Steve_Worrall: that should be taken as an answer?
Steve_Worrall: that we could?
Steve_Sedesky: Or get the MI chapters out in force.
Steve_Worrall: OK, thanks, sir
Steve_Worrall: Scott?
Scott_Thiede: You can talk all you want, get out and vote all you want but what continually surfaces is the political agenda of the conservation congress. Until you change that, nothing else will change....CC
Steve_Worrall: OK, puddin?
puddin: On my lake our lake association approved to have a 40" limit but the question never made it onto the Conservation Congress ballot. Our Park Falls fish manager backed us - didn't help.
Scott_Thiede: are the ones who have their hands on the pulse of these issues. As long as they are "steered" by the resort owners and other large money goups we will only be treading water. Sorry, long.
Steve_Worrall: MN, any comment?
puddin: Talk is that the Resorts sunk us
MNesox: in MN, our dnr works closely with MI chapters
Steve_Worrall: pliz?
Plitz: whe need a leader that knows how to handle these things + whe need to fund stocking by ourselves (look at all the skies from the kly tourny)
Steve_Worrall: thank you, gents
Steve_Worrall: We are now open for general discussion, let her rip!
tuffdaddy: lkasjdfjoiwejlkjfglaksj
tuffdaddy: sorry, couldn't resist
Steve_Worrall: that actually makes sense
nwild: So Mr Worrall, what are your views and how do we get them accomplished?
Scott_Thiede: Steve, hows the crappies.
Steve_Worrall: slow, Scott, but the perch are awesome
Steve_Worrall: My views?
nwild: You've been around this for a while we need guidance.
puddin: see you next time, bye bye
puddin has left the room.
magnummusky: Norm Did you put our new club together ?
Steve_Worrall: What change requires in a society lie we have in Wisconsin
Steve_Worrall: is a total social paradigm shift
tuffdaddy: It seems that there is a diverse community right now in this chat (geographically) I think that we all have good views, and could put something together, but with limited knowledge in some areas, it
Steve_Worrall: education, and I mean ACTIVIST education
tuffdaddy: takes a good deal to take it somewhere.
Steve_Worrall: is going to be required
Mark_Hintz: Hard thing is getting everyone together...heck I'm president of a M.I. chapter and with the organization there is strong devision of where people think it should go. Alliance will work if it has
tuffdaddy: Like Cady Activism
Mark_Hintz: established goals and proper funding.
Steve_Sedesky: In MN we have many of the MI chapters that hold raffles or tourneys to raise money for stocking. It helps add to what the DNR can do.
nwild: It really gets frustrating talking to the old timers on Pelican, a lot of them absolutley hate muskies
Steve_Worrall: well, Cady might be a bad example, mooning one's detractors \
Steve_Worrall: doesn't always work
tuffdaddy: We really need to get others to get in on this though. There is alot of we can do this, and we can do this, but when it comes down to it, there is no backing.
tuffdaddy: lol
Scott_Thiede: But even them Mark if the leadership changes over time, you don't know that the organization will continue in the direction it was originally intended. Therin lies the problem
Steve_Worrall: exactly
Scott_Thiede: with each change in leadership, the original recipe becomes watered down.
Steve_Worrall: and somewhat muddled with plitics
Steve_Worrall: politics
nwild: It is really disheartening that on a musky only website we could only muster 10 people for a chat on the subject
tuffdaddy: so it is in the youth, and people to continue in the path that is set. It seems that the younger guys are too busy to get involved
tuffdaddy: unfortunately
Mark_Hintz: I agree... Hard thing is getting the state to allow the DNR to make decisions from biology standpoint instead of political. Would be easier if I would quit my job and move to MN where it's already a
Steve_Worrall: Norm, the rest DO care, but will act when it appears there is a direction they can believe in, and follow
Mark_Hintz: work in progress... Suppose I could afford a new boat and gas working at the Dairy Queen..?
tuffdaddy: Anyone know any WI politicians? Got cash? lol
nwild: just to get common direction is years of work away I feel
Mark_Hintz: Actually Terry Moulton "Hawg wobbler" is now a state representative. I contributed to his campain fund.
Steve_Worrall: I agree, but that year is also lost if we do nothing
nwild: I agree 100% Steve
tuffdaddy: Norm, I think things can establish a system, or goal, you would be surprised how many would jump on
magnummusky: Are there any proposals to note on this spring ballot ?
Steve_Worrall: I agree
nwild: So do we form a coffee club to discuss these goals?
Steve_Worrall: I don't know, anyone?
tuffdaddy: only if you have a coffe maker
nwild: Internet talk is fun but it won't get anything done
Steve_Worrall: that's the base idea.
Steve_Worrall: we do it here, I publish the transcripts, edited, of course
Scott_Thiede: I've got a coffee maker. You gonna make the trip down.
nwild: So, where do we start other than hat we are doing here
nwild: Tony will be glad
tuffdaddy: I think that something should be started, but as far as ideas, we need both experience, and determined peeps to join and take the lead.
nwild: and biologists on our side tuff
Steve_Worrall: I expect Don and Bob will have ideas, too
Steve_Worrall: they will be here next week
Scott_Thiede: Invite them to coffee Steve. Where and when.
tuffdaddy: you bet Norm
Steve_Worrall: The biologists are on the side of Muskie conservation, and BIG muskies, too
Plitz: What is the goal anyways?
Plitz: or is that part of the prob?
nwild: That is the $64,000 question
Steve_Worrall: That's what we discussed tonight, ideas for next weeks chat to define goals
tuffdaddy: I would think to get an organized effort towards a common goal, or goals
Steve_Sedesky: I'm in MN but like to drink coffee I would drive over from time to time to join a discussion group.
nwild: Actually our goal is bigger muskies, but we can't agree on how to get there
Scott_Thiede: I gotta run guys. Mark, Steve and all be safe. Catch ya later. Take care guys.
Steve_Worrall: you'll be surprised what you actually proposed as a group tonight
nwild: see ya theedz
Mark_Hintz: Steve, I'd rather drive your way and fish and drink coffee...:)
Steve_Worrall: Later, sir
tuffdaddy: We can do a weekly trip to DuBay and have coffee while trolling and organizing. Good central location.
Scott_Thiede has left the room.
Steve_Sedesky: Any time Mark!
Steve_Worrall: I hate to disagree, but it's REALLY tough to get everyone in a physical location all at one time
tuffdaddy: The question that I have is, why are some areas seemingly going in a good direction, and others not. I see the Madison area as up and coming, but others remain idol
Mark_Hintz: Spring aint far away...
Steve_Worrall: we can do alot here, and meet when we get a good, solid agenda
nwild: I really feel the next proposal we put up better succeed or we are going to run out of fight
nwild: SO we need to do it right
tuffdaddy: very true, but I wanted a reason to fish DuBay.
Steve_Worrall: Agreed
Mark_Hintz: Agree Norm
Plitz: I want more stocking and for lakes to be managed 1 by 1 not as a whole
Mark_Gostisha: Agreed as well
Steve_Worrall: me too
MNesox: 1 by 1 lake management would be the ultimate, but it would cost alot and that is why they don't do it
Steve_Worrall: The problem is actually one of money first, and social mores second
boozer entered the room.
Plitz: and I think whe need to fund the stocking cause the dnr can't
Steve_Worrall: hey boozer, we are open discussion now
tuffdaddy: so what would be some things to focus on? We would need a starting part. Then progress as we WILL do.
nwild: Maybe if we got the WRMA on board to consolidate everyone......just kidding guys!!
boozer: cool beans
Steve_Worrall: hehehhe
Steve_Worrall: we actually got a good start tonight
Mark_Hintz: Water quality, Musky Stamp as stated by Gostisha, then let the biologist do their jobs lake by lake.. Numbers, trophey and get the eggs from fish with genetics capable of reaching upper 40/50's.
Plitz: yup what mark said
Steve_Worrall: Here's my plan, for what it's worth
Steve_Worrall: Number one:
Steve_Sedesky: I need to get my littel guy to bed -- I will be on the board in the AM. Take care
tuffdaddy: I for one, need to get better educated on the system in general. I know the flaws, but don't have a real good grasp of some of the processes.
Steve_Sedesky has left the room.
Steve_Worrall: Define the problems, make sure they actually exist
Mark_Hintz: Thanks Steve
Muskiecrybaby entered the room.
Steve_Worrall: come to an agreement as to what to do about said problems
Steve_Worrall: acquire the support in Madison and locally to begin an agenda for the public
magnummusky: Kinda off the subject but it does'nt help when Musky clubs such as my local club in Wausau are against higher size limits and they make sure their members know it !
Steve_Worrall: then educate
Steve_Worrall: educate
Steve_Worrall: educate
Steve_Worrall: and get the vote out when it counts
nwild: I think the demise of the northern lakes is a touch exaggerated, so I really do agree with the defining the problem
Steve_Worrall: MM, exactly
Plitz: how could they be agaist higher limits?
Plitz: what is there claim
Mark_Hintz: I think a one fish per year limit takes care of numbers... Proper stocking genetics takes care of size, and water quality will make sure that all lakes don't like like pea soup in 10 years.
magnummusky: I do but we need more help we need to get everyone together on spring hearing nights NO EXCUSES
nwild: There are still a bunch of old schoolers out there that don't like the DNR telling them what to do, and alot that won't release due to the spearing isssues
Muskiecrybaby has left the room.
Mark_Hintz: woops...should say "look like pea soup"... Agree Norm...Muskies are still food to many in WI
Plitz: to bad
Steve_Worrall: Norm, that is the Social mores issue
Steve_Worrall: and a tough one
Mark_Gostisha: You can get around their numbers Norm
magnummusky: They say if we have higher limits we will shut Minocqua down
tuffdaddy: I wonder if there would be a way to re-establish some of the ecosystems to where there could be better spawning habitat, thus reducing the amt of $ needed for stocking?
nwild: I agree steve
Plitz: I guess I'm new school
nwild: We all are
Steve_Worrall: even the old guys are new school
Plitz: I am 26 now ya know!!
magnummusky: See ya guys
Mark_Gostisha: Do you know one Worrall?
nwild: see ya shane
Steve_Worrall: sure, but I would NEVER suggest that be you, sir...
Steve_Worrall: hehehe
tuffdaddy: from what it sounds like, there are quite a few that are "new school" but the old school actually makes sure they are heard
Mark_Hintz: Some of us like Worrall and myself have grown from when shooting muskies with a pistol was fun to never thinking we would kill one again and doing what we can to educate, promote and help things grow.
magnummusky has left the room.
Steve_Worrall: That's the key
Mark_Gostisha: AMEN!
MNesox: everyone always compares MN to WI, but it seems they are on opposite ends of the spectrum on lots of issues
nwild: I don't think we are that far apart
Steve_Worrall: If we want to be heard, we have to be extremely organized, well structured, and solid as steel on the platform
Steve_Worrall: know the issues, have the solid backing of the biologists, and move forward
nwild: It will be interesting to see what happens in MN in the next couple of years with increased pressure
tuffdaddy: correct you are.
MNesox: not much different
Plitz: IMHO the general public does not care about the water its all about the cash
MNesox: pressure has been increasing tons since 1999
tuffdaddy: got some I can borrow Plitz??? hmmmmmm
Plitz: ?
nwild: I'm all ears Steve
Plitz: ohh
Plitz: yea right
MNesox: spill it steve
tuffdaddy: really? Let's hear
tuffdaddy: this could take a while if Steve is typing. ha ha
tile_guy entered the room.
Steve_Worrall: The Leech Lake strain may not be the best possible option in many waters t for the future, others are already under consideration
MNesox: ...
Plitz: is one strain best for the whole state?
nwild: I've seen a couple of big fish caught over there that looked a lot like the WI strain we have been dissing
tuffdaddy: There are some nice looking WI strain down here.
Mark_Hintz: Me too Norm...
Steve_Worrall: The not too distant future will tell the story, many of the waters over there are JUST maturing with the first few solid year classes of Muskies to reach max size
Plitz: anyone? I don't know how that all works
MNesox: WI strain fish that were stocked in the early 80's in MN got to be very large, not length, seemed to max at 52" but very fat
Steve_Worrall: the DNR here says the strain we have is very well diversified
Mark_Hintz: I think it depends on the ecosystem no, not one for all waters
Steve_Worrall: and can and does reach very respectable size
Steve_Worrall: interviews I've had, it seems to be one answer
nwild: Fittante did a rep for a 45# class fish that was a no doubt WI strain, caught on Mille Lacs I believe
Steve_Worrall: too much harvest
Steve_Worrall: period
nwild: everywhere
MNesox: so, what was the biologist saying? MN is gonna start stocking different strains?
tuffdaddy: I think that there are some very good fish caught in WI that go unheard.
Mark_Gostisha: Can we jump to a conclusion the the Leech gene pool may be a little shallow?
Mark_Hintz: Sure it can but only if the eggs for frye come from females with teh genetics to grow to those sizes...
Steve_Worrall: not yet, I don't think
tuffdaddy: What strain are in Tonka? Those seem to look like WI type fish
Steve_Worrall: I'll be interviewing MN folks next month
Mark_Hintz: Tonka has hybrids and barred from what I'm told
MNesox: all MN lakes since 1987 are stocked with Leech Lake strain, except a few hybrid
vman entered the room.
davej entered the room.
Steve_Worrall: some think we stocked that strain in GB
Steve_Worrall: we didn't
tuffdaddy: so maybe the habitat in Tonka makes 'em look a bit different.
Steve_Worrall: Lake St. Claire
Steve_Worrall: MN, yes
nwild: ? for everyone, when is a female sexually mature about 38?
Mark_Gostisha: Why the weight difference in Clair fish and those in the GB areas?
nwild: Forage
Steve_Worrall: the DNR in Madison Wisconsin told me there have been some recent concerns, and some changes might occur
MNesox: habitat makes a huge difference in the fish's look
tuffdaddy: So how big of a role is the development of lakes going to play in the future as well. More money peeps trying to get what they want as well. That would be something else to consider
Steve_Worrall: Forage
Mark_Hintz: GB has all sorts of oily forrage
Steve_Worrall: water chemistry
Yev_Kasem entered the room.
Mark_Hintz: I've wondered about water chemistry...
Yev_Kasem has left the room.
MNesox: fish in leech look alot different than cass and the fish in vermilion look different than bemidji, etc...
Joe_Mellott entered the room.
Steve_Worrall: actually, Norm, some can spawn at an earlier size
Mark_Hintz: when I take my boat out of Mille Lacs or Cass it has a white haze on it.. .minerals..?? No different than big buck country..?
Mark_Gostisha: Hi Joe
nwild: what is the general rule of thumb?
Joe_Mellott: hey Mark
Steve_Worrall: not sure, Mark
Steve_Worrall: general rule is set the limit allowing the fish to spawn at least one time
Steve_Worrall: 34"
tuffdaddy: so how big of a difference would taking eggs from say a 36" fish from a good gene pool, and eggs from a 48" fish make as far as future growth?
Steve_Worrall: none
Steve_Worrall: at all
MNesox: i fish a small, good clarity, non cisco, lake in MN. it has both wisconsin, shoepac, and leech strain fish
nwild: NO different tuff, genes are genes
jacorn entered the room.
MNesox: u wouldn't believe the weird fish we catch in there
Steve_Worrall: bet so!
tuffdaddy: good to know. Like I said, I need some education of my own in certain areas
Mark_Hintz: None as long as the fish had the genetics to grow to that size. No different than expecting Shaq's kid to be taller than mine.
Steve_Worrall: Competition from the three strains will be pretty unpredictable, I bet
tuffdaddy: nice analogy Mark. LOL
Mark_Hintz: Yea but true... fish are no differnent.
MNesox: we catch fish that are pure gold
Steve_Worrall: Have that variation on Pelican
tuffdaddy: right you are.
Mark_Hintz: Those are the ones that are thought to be WI strain.
Steve_Worrall: fewer all the time, though
nwild: THose are my favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve_Worrall: mine too
nwild: Big ugly no marks, I love them'
MNesox: i thought wisconsin strain was barred?
Steve_Jonesi entered the room.
Mark_Hintz: I got Wissota junk yard dogs over here... green/black...look like an old green bean out in the sun.
nwild: Steve are those the native river fish, I find them all the way from Pelican to Boom to Three Lakes to The Desert
Mark_Hintz: you doin bud..?
tuffdaddy: Kinda like the river fish.
tile_guy has left the room.
mskyhntr entered the room.
boozer has left the room.
Steve_Worrall: yes they are
tuffdaddy: There are a bunch like that in the Mani Chain, as well as the rivers around there
Steve_Jonesi: Just home from work
Joe_Mellott has left the room.
Steve_Worrall: I caught those by the numbers in the mid 70's
nwild: It seems like they get bigger too!
Steve_Jonesi: How's everyone tonight?
Mark_Hintz: Ah...another rough day at you like'n the new gig
MNesox: hi
nwild: Hey Jonesi!!
tuffdaddy: Very good Skinny One
Steve_Worrall: they don't, I don't think, they just were there, and OLD
Steve_Jonesi: So far so good, but I'm longing for open water