51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN
Posted 7/28/2004 8:31 AM (#113353)
Subject: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 148

for those who haven't heard- a 50lb+ muskie was caught and released (with a great photo) out of Mille Lacs last week- dimensions were reported to be 51 X 29 - formulas put it near the MN state record (which is 54lbs I believe) maybe this is the year of record muskies! we can always hope, right?

tight lines everyone!

Edited by 55starfire 7/28/2004 8:45 AM
Posted 7/28/2004 8:42 AM (#113356 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 633

Here is the picture


Edited by lpeitso 7/28/2004 8:43 AM

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(bill and jason with fish1.jpg)

Attachments bill and jason with fish1.jpg (45KB - 167 downloads)
Posted 7/28/2004 8:46 AM (#113357 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 3242

Location: Racine, Wi
Did that thing swallow a Dog??!!! That is fat as sin. Holy Buckets. Nice fish!!!
Posted 7/28/2004 8:46 AM (#113358 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 148

Thanks Lance- what an amazing fish!
Posted 7/28/2004 8:48 AM (#113360 - in reply to #113358)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 5874

Maybe a fawn, not a dog, TuffDaddy! WOW!!!! That fish is obese! If it's name was Sandra, it could be my MIL! LOL
Muskie Treats
Posted 7/28/2004 8:54 AM (#113363 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 2384

Location: On the X that marks the mucky spot
I thought the "low carb" diet was supposed to make you loose weight!!!!!!!

Boy I'm glad I wasn't dangling my toes in the water around that fish. It must have been eating everything in sight!
Posted 7/28/2004 8:56 AM (#113365 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 259

Location: Alexandria, MN
Mille Lacs has some of the FATTEST fish you will find, if you get one with some length you have a
record class fish. Great picture, I like the way you blocked out the background to save the spot LOL

That is a great fish and wonderful that it was released.

Good Job!
Posted 7/28/2004 9:19 AM (#113371 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 633

They didn't block the background. It was a night time guide trip.

Posted 7/28/2004 9:23 AM (#113373 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 1937

Location: Black Creek, WI
Three words.....

Posted 7/28/2004 9:28 AM (#113375 - in reply to #113373)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Can you imagine that fish at 56"? Incredible muskie, great shot, thanks guys!
Posted 7/28/2004 9:40 AM (#113380 - in reply to #113375)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

There are no muskies in MN. In fact, you would be better off fishing elsewhere. I believe this photo to be fake in order to attract attention to MN, when in fact it was caught in WI.
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/28/2004 9:44 AM (#113382 - in reply to #113356)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
Thing looks like an Anaconda after a meal of rats....29" girth, that's getting close to my waist size
Posted 7/28/2004 10:16 AM (#113387 - in reply to #113357)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 1769

Location: Algonquin, ILL
WHAT A PIG !!!!!!!!!!

Imagine what that fish will look like in the Fall

Edited by JohnMD 7/28/2004 10:17 AM
Posted 7/28/2004 10:16 AM (#113388 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 294

Location: Suspended
Way cool, awesome fish!
Posted 7/28/2004 10:49 AM (#113390 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Location: Athens, Ohio
Cady, nice try, but I know of at least ONE or TWO 50 inch fish in Minnesota. I think this one ate both of them. m
Posted 7/28/2004 11:19 AM (#113393 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 91

Location: Wausau
I am going to have to switch from the 12 oz beer can to the king can size when I go fish MN to build up the arms to lift a beast like that out of the water. Nice job to the fisherman and the guide for a great catch and a better release.
Posted 7/28/2004 11:30 AM (#113395 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

WOW.... I am speachless, I wonder if the knees have stopped knocking?

Ought to call that fish Tommyboy, I think that fish has what you would call a little bit of a weight problem.
Posted 7/28/2004 12:50 PM (#113404 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 459

Location: New Baden IL
What's the story behind that MONSTER???
Who's the guide/ What was it caught on?
Anybody got the scoop?
Musky Alan
Posted 7/28/2004 12:55 PM (#113405 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 544

Location: Alsip, Il
That is one NICE FISH!!!! GOTTA LOVE FAT GIRLS! Hey, this may provide me with an incentive to drive another 150 miles for a long weekend in early September. What are you guys (You can tell I am from Chicago) opinon about trying MILL LACS, the weekend after Labor Day? It will be my first time there. Thank, Al
Posted 7/28/2004 1:06 PM (#113406 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 148

taken from Northmetromuskies.com

"Caught by Bill from Kentucky Guided by Jason Hamernick of Muskiebreath Guide Service/Battle the Beast"

not sure what it was caught on- but I am sure we get more details in due time
Posted 7/28/2004 1:15 PM (#113408 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 633

I have asked Jason to write something up for the website, and the chapter newsletter. I will wait until he let's me know his story.

Posted 7/28/2004 1:58 PM (#113412 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 146

Location: Wayzata, MN
Posted 7/28/2004 2:09 PM (#113413 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 4

Location: Wisconsin-Montana
what a brute
tell Hamernick nice pink hat.

Badfish Outdoors
Posted 7/28/2004 2:17 PM (#113414 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

HOLY #$&*!!!!
Posted 7/28/2004 2:51 PM (#113422 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 129

thats a beautiful fish, a few more inches and in the fall, and boom its the record!!! CONGRATS!!!
Posted 7/28/2004 3:04 PM (#113424 - in reply to #113422)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 437

The only thing I can say is that I would have been a bit more excited. I mean, he looks about as excited as a guy who just got kicked in the nuts! Come on, that is absolutely a fish of a lifetime, you better celebrate or let someone who deserves it catch it like me!
Truly an amazing fish though. Begin dark it likely helped the fight. I know if I had a fish on of that size and was able to see it I would be filling my drawers in short order.
Posted 7/28/2004 8:54 PM (#113451 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 432

Location: mpls
I just came back from Mille Lacs today. If I knew that they caught my fish,I would've stayed home. All I got was a 25" Walleye,a follow, and some pike. That wouldn't even be dinner for that thing!! Great fish!
Posted 7/28/2004 10:12 PM (#113456 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I heard they were using a 40" 20lb sucker as bait. Is this true? That fish is one spring time booty call for them there male muskies.
Posted 7/29/2004 8:46 AM (#113475 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 633

Here is a link to the writeup from Jason.



Posted 7/29/2004 1:09 PM (#113507 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

I bet that's why he looks that way! He loaded those drawers!

Even Big Fish Hammernick looks a bit out of it.

Posted 7/29/2004 1:13 PM (#113508 - in reply to #113380)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 120

Location: Chicago, IL
Anonymous - 7/28/2004 9:40 AM

There are no muskies in MN. In fact, you would be better off fishing elsewhere. I believe this photo to be fake in order to attract attention to MN, when in fact it was caught in WI.

I agree... cant you tell by the markings... I mean... only the Big Chip could produce a hog like that. After all... Everyone knows that it the Chip is the home to world record muskies.

No fish in Minnesota.
Posted 7/29/2004 1:15 PM (#113509 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Location: Athens, Ohio
Kinda sad to see MI members putting the fish on the boat carpet. I like Koepp's approach of wetting a rainsuit and laying the fish on that for a good measure. We all live and learn.

But - What a Fine Fish! Man! I'd need tranquilizers for a week after hooking that beast. m
Posted 7/29/2004 2:14 PM (#113515 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 492

Location: Lindenhurst, Illinois
#*#*, lets just stop fishing for them all together.
Posted 7/29/2004 2:52 PM (#113517 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 921

I just wanna say that either Hamernick is amazed by the look on his face or just plain drunk.

Midge Moneymaker
Posted 7/29/2004 3:13 PM (#113520 - in reply to #113517)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 459

Location: New Baden IL
If I was fishing or guiding when a HAWG like that came into the boat, I would have my "face" on like his!
What a beast! I cannot believe the gut on that monster.
Clark A
Posted 7/29/2004 3:31 PM (#113526 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 629

Location: Bloomington, MN
I'm glad the fish was released and commend the angler for doing so, but how would a replica be made of something that probably never existed before this?
Posted 7/29/2004 9:26 PM (#113556 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

"That thing looks like it ate a beaver!", said my son when I showed him the photos. Remarkable.

Twin Cities
Posted 7/29/2004 9:44 PM (#113557 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Caught on a Pacemaker........yeah, those things are just another Tallywhacker.
Where are the lure rippers now?
Posted 7/30/2004 6:54 AM (#113562 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 148

I thought it was a typo when I saw 51x29.Wow, like the rest of you guys, I can't believe the girth on this fish.As far as smiling, most of my musky pictures, I am not, but once the fish is released is when I go nuts.Just too concerned/serious about getting a quick picture, and a successful release to even think about smiling.Congrats on who caught this fish, and would make an excellent replica because of the girth.Mille Lacs boat traffic is going to be increasing in the near future.
Posted 7/30/2004 7:50 AM (#113566 - in reply to #113517)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 1769

Location: Algonquin, ILL
Refering to the guys expresion it could just be SHOCK that fish is almost as big as he is.

The color and markings of that beast are just plain beautiful what a wonderful replica that fish will make hope fittante gets the job

Edited by JohnMD 7/30/2004 7:53 AM