
Posts: 2515
Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI | I had a really nice Olympus digital camera stolen from work (I'm a graphic artist and used my own camera because the company's was garbage) and my company has decided not to reimburse me for it. So I'm looking for a new digital camera from about 150.00 to 225.00....any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,

Posts: 5874
| Look at the Kodak camera's. Good resolution, easy to use, great pics. Plus, get the Easy Share dock. One touch downloads, and recharges the battery when sitting on it. I've had mine for about 4 years now, and love it. Also, look at optical zoom, not digital zoom. Some camera's will say the zoom is 10X, but may only be 2x optical, and the rest is done digitally. The optical zoom is what is important.
Sucks when you can't trust your co-workers. Hope you find out who took it. Then lauch a Wabull at his head! |

Posts: 2515
Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI | I'm an ex cop, you'd think I'd know better than to leave something like that in my office. I've been setting traps here, but it looks like the guy/gal has ended his crime spree here with 1 lap top, 1 digital cam, 1 digital scale (we know what that's for) and a Milwaukee Electric Heat Gun. |
Posts: 2037
Location: lansing, il | a while back i put the same post up when my hp. digital crapped out. i bought an olypus stylus 400 4.0 pixels. it is weatherproof (not waterproof) and takes great shots, it has rechargable battereis which i bought an extra one and it seems to last alot longer than the old one i had that ate batteries. i think i paid just under 300 for it and got some mail in rebates because the stylus 400 was replaced by the 410, there are still 400s out there to be had. its a great all round camera!!! |

Posts: 32902
Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin | I am using a Fuji Fine Pix. There are several models from the $175 to $675 range. It has 6X Optical, and more importantly has an excellent lens. I have read several articles of late that assert the optics are actually more important than the Megapixel count if one understands the application. Mine is a 2800, which is perfect for the web. Look at www.overstock.com, click on the camera link. |

Posts: 699
Location: Hugo, MN | http://search.shopping.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Ar_y09Jtg_qXa5rkr9Wi6k...
If cutting and pasting that doesn't work go to Yahoo and click on Shopping then somewhere near the top you will see a SEARCH box and disectly underneath you will dee Top Searches. Just click on the Digital Camera Link then you can search by megapixel, manufacturer, or price. |

Posts: 341
| I sell this technology for a living. The least expensive dig cam in my inventory is a KODAK CX7300 DIG CAM 3.2MP 125.00.. perfect for web and you can get a decent 8x10 pic printed. I just purchased a HP 5.1 mp.....sweet for 8x10 pics and such. The higher the mp the better quality when printing larger pics and zooming in when manipulating your pics later. The Kodak isn't a bad choice if you want something for the boat.
Edited by muskycore 7/28/2004 2:33 PM

Posts: 20231
Location: oswego, il | I work for canon, so I get some perks. I just bought a canon power shot a300 with 3.2 megapixels for 89 bucks. My mom has a sony, I like the computer software better for that. I can save to the c-drive with the sony, I can't with the canon for some reason. |
Posts: 285
| I got a cheap HP here:
This page has all their $100 to $199 digitals: http://www.saveateagle.com/100to199.html
these are factory refurbs. I see they have Kodaks too, and a couple off-name brands.
All these cameras are essentially made by 2 factories in Japan, so brands don't mean all that much. My 2 cents is: buy something that won't hurt you too badly if it gets wet and becomes inoperable. I've gotten away with getting my HP wet twice, let it dry out well with batteries and CF card removed, and it still works. But I don't expect a long life out of it.
When it dies, I'll definitely get another from this site. Have given away 3 or 4 of these as gifts, people love them!
I have a buddy who really likes the Kodaks, too. The HP is simple, dependable.
I recommend a CF or multi- card reader for about $20 from best buy. Much easier than trying to download from the camera, plus you won't burn batteries in the process.
Good luck,
papa joe