Best Month for Sabaskong
Johnny K
Posted 7/26/2004 1:28 PM (#113176)
Subject: Best Month for Sabaskong

I'm looking for opinions for the best month to fish the Sabaskong Bay area of LOTW. Any thoughts?

We generally fish in September.

Thanks for any input.
Posted 7/26/2004 2:36 PM (#113184 - in reply to #113176)
Subject: RE: Best Month for Sabaskong

Posts: 670

Location: Minnetonka , MN.
First week of July
Posted 7/29/2004 2:02 PM (#113514 - in reply to #113176)
Subject: RE: Best Month for Sabaskong

Posts: 285

Best month from what I have seen is ANY MONTH YOU CAN GET THERE.