When is a Weagle not a Weagle?
Posted 7/12/2004 6:36 AM (#111784)
Subject: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 4266

When it's a B-eagle!
When I got this Weagle from Cady a year ago, he was still learning that certain paints and clearcoats don't mix . So Dr Beav fixed it up.
This could have been a contestant on "The Swan"
Can't wait to throw this one.

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Posted 7/12/2004 7:40 AM (#111787 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 2091

Location: Stevens Point, WI
Beautiful Beav!!
Posted 7/12/2004 3:19 PM (#111847 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 4266

Cady, send me blanks if the pressure gets to you. I could paint a few for you in my spare time. Of course it might cost you a couple for payment
Posted 7/12/2004 4:20 PM (#111854 - in reply to #111847)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Nice work, as usual, sir!! If you custom paint Weagles, I will put my black trailer spray paint away for that model, guaranteed!!
Posted 7/12/2004 5:29 PM (#111861 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 469

Location: Downers Grove, IL

Made my first attempt at repainting my weagle. #*^@ thing turned into a wobble after an hour of casting and soaking up water. Still worked like a champ and caught fish. The pic doesnt do it justice... I gotta get a digital camera. Any suggestions on painting? Sorry about the pic size. Couldnt get it any smaller without distorting the image.

Edited by thedude 7/12/2004 5:40 PM

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Posted 7/12/2004 8:24 PM (#111879 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 4266

Sworrall, just send me that beat up thing when you come back from the Goon, and let me know how you want it painted. It would be my pleasure as usual.......you know us guys in the inner circle have to stick together
Dude, painting started out as an experimental process for me, and it still is. I found some really nice new acrylics at a hobby shop near here, and they really are working out well. I can thin them out 100%, so they are easy to airbrush and dry fast. They also blend real well together.
The Envirotex really brings them to life. I bought an old grill rottiserie motor and rigged it up with heavy duty hemostats so I can turn 4- 6" lures at a time. 8"ers get a little heavy, so I only do them 2 at a time, but you have to turn that lure with the Envirotex on it for hours to get good consistant coverage. I've been putting 2 coats on most lures.
Have some fun and experiment with the painting. Got an airbrush? If you do, play around with different paints and thin them out so they spray well and dry fast. Multiple coats are a must too.
I've had my airbrush about 10 years, and I still experiment with it just to try different things.
Some experiments work well, some experiments are failures, but I learn from all of them.
We can talk about it more if you need help. I buy lots of lures and take them down to bare wood and redo them. I buy Suicks just to strip them, weight them, and repaint them. Get Reefhawg kits from Rollie and Hellens. I just got a half dozen. I drill out and plug the hook hanger holes, weight them, eliminate the middle bottom hook and bring the front hook back a little and go with one 5/0 T'd hook instead of two. Then I Enxirotex them so they don't crack.......that'll pi$$ some people off.......but once I weight them the way that I want, they work just fine without cracking.
Play around, and you'll be spending more time painting every year. And every year your painting will get better and better.
Nothing like catching a fish on a lure that you've painted.
Posted 7/14/2004 4:14 PM (#112084 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 469

Location: Downers Grove, IL

THanks for the tips. I've got a few more lures that I want to paint. Undertakers and suicks. I'll have to try the rotation deal on the envirotex, maybe thats why my weagle has a few bumps in the finish. Where can you get screw in eyes and the parts to actually make your own lures from scratch. Kly used to order stuff from Stamina. Do you think they would have something?

Posted 7/14/2004 5:20 PM (#112085 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 4266

I get almost all of my stuff from Moores Lures.
He's got a website, but I don't know if you can order from it. I usually call him.....he's a good guy to talk to and he also gives you help when you need it.
Definitely have to turn the Envirotex, especially on round lures. I'll turn them for 12 hours sometimes.
For the other guys who haven't seen it, I'll include a pic of the Klyturd.
Iowa's colors........wouldn't have it any other way.
I'm making 5 of them for the auction/outing in October (hint-hint )
Keep playing around with it. It can't be that tough if I can do it!

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Posted 7/15/2004 10:08 AM (#112133 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 2378

Beav -

Can you post a picture of your drying rack? I want to build a better one and your method sounds like a good one. Thanks

Posted 7/15/2004 11:56 AM (#112153 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 4266

All I did was buy a grill rotiserre, I took off the things for spearing chickens and tossed them. Then I bought some small needlenose visegrips and simply fastened them to the rod with tie wraps when I use them. That way I can take them off and put a torch to them to clean off the excess drippings. I fastened the motor to a 2x4 and got it up off of the ground so the lures have room to spin and notched another 2x4.....the bottom of an upsidedown T.....so the rod had another end to rest in for support. That's it. Polish engineering at it's finest. Works great. Nice slow rotation speed and a powerful enough motor so that it isn't laboring if you dry six lures at a time.
Posted 7/27/2004 7:01 AM (#113245 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: Rotissurie

Posts: 1937

Location: Black Creek, WI
I use a rotissurie too for envirotexing lures. Works great when the lure stays on the rod!!! I've been using a C-Clamp to hold the lure on the end... and one of my favorite Jakes fell on the floor TWICE last night with an extra heavy coat of glue. After a big mess and slimy hands (how do you get tacky envirotex off your hands?)... I saved the Jake and the heavy coat was reduced to a thin coat (ha ha)... but at least the lure was saved from the trash can.

I've tried the vice grips pliers trick... but then the lure is off center on the shaft. Is that not a problem? If so, how do you fasten your vice-grips to the shaft so the clear-coat rolls evenly??

Posted 7/27/2004 9:56 AM (#113262 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 4266

I'll go check them every half hour for the first two hours to watch for build up, bubbles or other problems. I was just using tie-wraps to keep my visegrips or large hemostats on the rod, but I talked to a mechanic at work, and he said that he could tack weld them on the rod.
When I start getting build up and have trouble with Envirotex getting on my tools, I fire up my soldering torch and burn it off. Envirotex doesn't like flame!
Use the C-clamp to clamp a needle nose vise grip to the rod. That should keep it very solid. I like the needlenose because you can get a good grip on a hook eye without sealing the eye to the visegrip when you get some over-run and the Envirotex dries.
As far as cleanup, I've been using epoxy thinner, and it works very well but dries the hell out of your skin.
This sounds like a Polish engineering manual.
I'd like to see how the pros do it.
I've heard some guys use bike wheels and can do a dozen lures at a time.
I've included a pic of my last paint job with Fire Opal glitter in the Envirotex.

Edited by Beaver 7/27/2004 11:23 AM

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(The Purple Phantom.JPG)

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Posted 7/27/2004 12:44 PM (#113281 - in reply to #113262)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 459

Location: New Baden IL
That purple phanom lookes AWESOME!
Posted 7/27/2004 1:13 PM (#113284 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 1937

Location: Black Creek, WI
Beav... that is a great TripleP (Pretty Purple Phantom).

I like the Rotissurie for tinkering. The ability to coat just ONE lure at time is nice when you are not into mass production of lures. Plus, then you can put on one super thick coat in a single application rather than multiple coats. I just need to upgrade how I fasten the lure to the turning rod... since the C-Clamp likes to let go at times. Thus, I'll probably try your needle nose vise grip pliers trick again.

Posted 7/27/2004 11:52 PM (#113332 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 921

Location: Apollo, PA
Your really a nice painter. Like a luremaker friend of mine once said " you either have it, or you don't....." Nice phantom, and that beagle kind of reminds me of my beagle!! PS
Thick Shady
Posted 7/28/2004 12:05 AM (#113333 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Looks incredible Beav!

That B-Eagle is an original that was made of Basswood and it super light compared with what the maple "Weagle" is now!

I'd be interested in obtaining that one back from you and adding it to the wall of fame... in exchange for some new "Weagle" blanks? Heck we could then use your creations to raise money for stocking during the Kly memorial outing this fall.

Just an idea....'

P.S. I know some other guys who threw the originals away...no names (SR) with a (LAM) in between. glad you kept it!

Posted 7/28/2004 6:25 AM (#113334 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 4266

Actually I stripped down a heavy Wabull to bare wood, drilled out all of the lead, reweighted it for Weagle applications, and repainted it. It sits much lower in the water than the original.
You may have the original B-eagle for the wall.
Send me some blanks.

Edited by Beaver 7/28/2004 6:29 AM
Robby D
Posted 7/28/2004 5:53 PM (#113438 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 188

Location: Chicago
Where I can I buy a weagle, I like the beagle pattern! Is there a web site or do I buy directly from Steve Cady?

Posted 7/28/2004 8:07 PM (#113446 - in reply to #111784)
Subject: RE: When is a Weagle not a Weagle?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Beav, you are an artist. You need to share your work with others. Sell some of your stuff on ebay. Do you do thru-wire on those baits? I have tried doing some thru wire but my drilling makes a road coarse look boring.