Webster Ice out Outing
Musky Alan
Posted 4/4/2004 2:52 PM (#102799)
Subject: Webster Ice out Outing

Posts: 544

Location: Alsip, Il
Hey it was cold out there, Matt and I had an zero day. Out of 85 participants only 5 fish caught with the biggest being 33 inches. All fish came from Barbee Chain. Also, I believe a congradualtions go to the Michigan Alliance Team for winning the traveling trophy. Al
Posted 4/4/2004 3:15 PM (#102802 - in reply to #102799)
Subject: RE: Webster Ice out Outing

Posts: 69

Location: Toledo
I didn't know we could have fished lakes other than Webster.

"The Musky Shakes"-Mark
Musky Alan
Posted 4/4/2004 3:20 PM (#102803 - in reply to #102799)
Subject: RE: Webster Ice out Outing

Posts: 544

Location: Alsip, Il
I thought so too, until we read the ad in Muskie Inc. magazine on the way to Webster, then we were discussing which lake(s) to try and ended up on Webster because my partner got a 38 incher the week earlier. Al
Posted 4/4/2004 4:32 PM (#102804 - in reply to #102799)
Subject: RE: Webster Ice out Outing

3 came from Barbee and 2 from Webster.
Posted 4/4/2004 6:30 PM (#102819 - in reply to #102799)
Subject: RE: Webster Ice out Outing

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Did not fish that area, dang, my 39", 20lber would have won! Too bad not all the lakes are on the tournament list.