Minnesota Muskie Expo Swap Saturday March 8, 7 to 9 PM, at Half Time Rec
Posted 2/25/2025 1:43 PM (#1032679)
Subject: Minnesota Muskie Expo Swap Saturday March 8, 7 to 9 PM, at Half Time Rec

Posts: 43

I've been organizing the swap since 2009. This year's swap will be at Half Time Rec which is about a mile straight east of Gabe's, where we did the swap the last couple of years. The room for the swap is substantially larger than Gabe's, but I'm not sure how many tables the Half Time Rec can supply. There is a lot across street for about 20 cars, but on a Saturday night, I assume you'll have to park in the neighborhood. As usual the swap is free to attend and display. Do not hog the table space.

Half Time Rec is famous for the Porthole Door shown in the Grumpy Old Men movies. It may have been named Slippery's in one of the movies, but the real Slippery's is in Wabasha, I think. Speaking of doors, it may be difficult to bring rods through the double doors, unless you have help. Locals may remember the Rec as a center for Irish music in the Twin Cities with the Tim Malloy's playing there for years.

Half Time has a full menu and bar service. Although the official swap time is 7 to 9, there will be a Happy Hour from 9 PM until 11 PM, with tap beers for $4, if you wish to stick around. I think the Rec will come up with some additional Happy Hour Selections. Come and enjoy the Swap with your buddies.

Greg Ide
PS Gabe's had an event both Friday and Saturday night, so I had to move the swap, and luckily the Half Time Rec was available. It is a great hang with lots of TVs for sports.
happy hooker
Posted 3/1/2025 7:43 PM (#1032772 - in reply to #1032679)
Subject: Re: Minnesota Muskie Expo Swap Saturday March 8, 7 to 9 PM, at Half Time Rec

Posts: 3152

I am liquidating estate musky baits for the family of a very active long term musky guy, we said we would wait for the expo and swap has he was a mainstay at expo and loved the party/swap,,,I will have a bunch/ton of good solid well known standard of the sport baits some new in package for almost penny's on the dollar,,,,family wants them gone and put to good use,,excellent deals!!
And "no" I ain't listing them here,,take me a week.

Edited by happy hooker 3/1/2025 8:22 PM
Posted 3/3/2025 1:51 PM (#1032798 - in reply to #1032679)
Subject: Re: Minnesota Muskie Expo Swap Saturday March 8, 7 to 9 PM, at Half Time Rec

Posts: 43

Half Time Rec is 3 blocks east of Gabes. Take Como East from Expo to Lexington (about 1.4 miles) Then South to Light at Front Street/Energy Park Drive (about 0.4 miles) then east 3 blocks to Half Time Rec. When driving east, the Half Time Rec parking lot will be on the right, then the Rec on the left.

There will be a two-piece acoustic Country duo on the stage starting at 9 PM. If you display your baits on the stage, remove them before 9 PM. There will be a special Happy Hour beginning at 9 PM.

Greg Ide