Vintage? St.Croix and Penn. Use,Save, or Display?
Posted 6/12/2022 2:32 PM (#1006930)
Subject: Vintage? St.Croix and Penn. Use,Save, or Display?

Posts: 539

Location: NW WI
So my uncle swung by when I wasn't home and gave me his father in laws old Trolling combo. I'm having trouble finding any information online about the rod. Appears that the reel isn't worth much. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me anything about it. I'd like to give it some use, but not sure if that'd be heresy, if it should go into the gun safe, or be a display piece? It's a "Field and Stream by St.Croix CH-6 5'6" ". Paired with a Penn Peerless No.9.
Both in very good condition.

Edited by 7.62xJay 6/12/2022 2:42 PM

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Posted 6/12/2022 5:52 PM (#1006932 - in reply to #1006930)
Subject: Re: Vintage? St.Croix and Penn. Use,Save, or Display?

Posts: 866

Location: NE Ohio
hang it up and admire it. very cool!
Posted 6/12/2022 9:46 PM (#1006934 - in reply to #1006930)
Subject: Re: Vintage? St.Croix and Penn. Use,Save, or Display?

Posts: 793

Location: Delavan, WI
Yup I got a collection of old st Croix s that I display
Posted 6/13/2022 10:01 AM (#1006943 - in reply to #1006934)
Subject: Re: Vintage? St.Croix and Penn. Use,Save, or Display?

Posts: 767

Interesting topic here, because I also have a vintage, early 60's combo. Mine is a white glass St. Croix 5'06" 7107, with a mint 4 screw Abu 5000. Have it spooled up with time correct black dacron line to. Wonder if there is a market for equipment like this. Like you mentioned, it would make a beautiful display piece for a northwoods bar or for a muskie fisherman's man cave. Kdawg
Solitario Lupo
Posted 6/13/2022 11:01 AM (#1006945 - in reply to #1006930)
Subject: Re: Vintage? St.Croix and Penn. Use,Save, or Display?

Location: PA Angler
Looks like a nice rod still in good shape. I’ve used older rods and they still held up great to the fight but after using them I see why they should be hung on a wall or displayed.
Posted 6/13/2022 11:25 AM (#1006948 - in reply to #1006930)
Subject: Re: Vintage? St.Croix and Penn. Use,Save, or Display?

Posts: 1462

Location: Brighton CO.
I got a old glass rod from the 70's leaning in the corner along with a oar from my first boat (40-50's era Rhinelander wooden guide boat) along with some 1930-50's lures that are beat up and have major hook rash.
Posted 6/13/2022 12:09 PM (#1006953 - in reply to #1006930)
Subject: Re: Vintage? St.Croix and Penn. Use,Save, or Display?

Posts: 539

Location: NW WI
Think if I email St.Croix they'd be able to tell me some information?
Posted 6/13/2022 1:01 PM (#1006954 - in reply to #1006953)
Subject: Re: Vintage? St.Croix and Penn. Use,Save, or Display?

Posts: 767

7.62xJay - 6/13/2022 12:09 PM

Think if I email St.Croix they'd be able to tell me some information?
Won't hurt giving them a shout out. The reel you have was probably made in the usa, which for the most part, is worth cleaning up and using or holding onto to sell. Some tips I learned to restore the rod. Mix vinegar and baking soda into a paste and apply it with cotton to your line guides. In a couple of hours, it should remove any rust or oxidation on your guides. It will also bring back a nice shine. Use any auto scratch repair, I use Meguiars, and apply to the rod blank and buff it out lightly to bring back the shine. Be extra careful not to damage any of the line wraps,especially if they appear to be original.Sand down to remove the dirt on the cork, fill any damage with a wood filler, sand again then seal with a cork sealer or clear polyurethane. The combo should be ready for display. Kdawg