Posts: 51
| I’ve been slowly turning to jerkbaits more and more as my go to bait. I use a lot of the normal size stuff, 7”-10” dive and rise. The biggest jerkbait I own is a 10” xorsist which has quite the profile to it. My question is when do you reach for the bigger size dive and rise baits? When do you upsize to a 12” suick or a Frankensuick? Is it just in late fall and would you still have confidence if you threw a 10” instead? I fish in Wisconsin and In general it seems that we don’t throw big baits except in late fall. I personally have done best with average size lures, but I’m still focused on catching numbers of fish and learning. I figure I’ll eventually win the war of attrition and get big fish and eventually I imagine I’ll start focusing solely on big fish.
One other question is do any of you have experience with the Harvey javelin or MCbaits MCJerk dive and rise? I saw some underwater footage of these baits on YouTube and they looked really good.
Thanks in advance for your advice, I’ve learned so much from this forum and I appreciate the help. |
Posts: 670
Location: mercer wi | My personal 2 cents here. It doesn't matter if you throw big baits vs normal size baits. If you want big fish in WI, you need to fish big fish waters. If your throwing a 12" suick on a numbers lake, you'll catch numbers fish. If you throwing a regular dawg on trophy water you have a better shot at a trophy fish. Throw what your comfortable with and spend the time on big fish water and really LEARN the lake. |
Posts: 51
| Thats good advice thanks. |

Posts: 333
Location: SE Wisc | If it’s fall and I’m on big fish water with large baitfish like whitefish/trout/cisco then I’m going big too. And you can rarely go too big! |
Posts: 51
| Ciscokid do you stick with 7-10” jerkbaits the rest of the season and only use bigger for fall and big fish water? |

Posts: 333
Location: SE Wisc | I try to match the hatch. I might go big if I’m fishing open water for fish that are suspended that I believe are eating ciscos, then go smaller if I move to a weed flat where the fish are feeding on perch/ panfish. This could be on the same lake. |
Posts: 1457
Location: Brighton CO. | I've spent a lifetime traveling to Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ontario. Ontario the best average size and one true monster caught by my dad and you can take time off to catch Walleyes. Best lures for us 8 inch bucktails an spinnerbaits. Also a lot of Walleye guy's catch huge Muskies by trolling Walleye sized plugs. Minnesota most of our trips to Minnesota have been in the fall with a good average size and fish caught on standard sized crankbaits and jerkbaits and rubber. My largest fish was caught in Minnesota on a 8 inch straight model Depth Raider. My dad was Wisconsin native and been taking trips up to northern Wisconsin since 1936 when he was 4.When he got older he would fish in a boat with his younger cousin fishing with Paw Paw Frog, River Runt's, red and white spoons, Johnson Silver Minnow's and smaller sized Pikie Minnow. When grown men could not catch fish the resort owner would tell them to follow the blond headed kid. Years later my grandparents retired and yours truly got to send a couple summers with my grandparents. In the 70's we fished with Mepps Musky Killers (single treble hook) and only three blade colors Gold, silver, and black and Pikie Minnows Suick and things like Globe, Cisco Kid Topper. Then later all the new lures. Our largest Wisconsin Muskies were caught on a 3 inch Johnson's Silver Minnow and a 6 inch Depth Raider. We've seen one fish in Canada that was 58ish and my dad seen a couple fish that would 50# in Wisconsin back in the 1940's. I fish a lot of off beat places looking for Kong with both huge and small lures. |

Posts: 1252
Location: Walker, MN | Large baits should always be considered on cisco water imo. If the fish are feeding on other forage like perch, shiners etc., then a smaller presentation might be prudent. Just rules of thumb for me though. |

Location: Athens, Ohio | I've caught a 48 inch fish on a six inch jerkbait and a 27 inch fish on a Hang 10 Manta.
Throw what you can work best. m |