True Coat Epoxy Question
Posted 4/19/2021 6:04 PM (#978241)
Subject: True Coat Epoxy Question

Posts: 2

So I've got some true coat epoxy that I've been using on my baits and after curing on my turner the epoxy seems soft. Like I can dent it with my fingernail somewhat easily. It looks good and doesn't feel tacky though. Just soft. I'm new to bait making and have never worked with epoxy so I don't really have anything to compare it to. Just have store bought baits and the epoxy on those is rock hard, I can't dent it at all. I'm also pretty sure I'm mixing the two parts well, Stirring until the mixture becomes super clear again, probably about 3-4 minutes.

Do you guys that use true coat get rock hard finishes? Or is this just how true coat cures?

Some potential problems:
I haven't been mixing by weight, just eye balling it in little plastic ramakins. But I just got a little scale for the future.

My turner is in my apartment which I think may be too humid. We have a humidifier almost always running. I just ordered a mini de-humidifier to put inside my turner (basically to plastics tubs stacked on top of each other).

Any help or info would be awesome.
Posted 4/20/2021 7:30 AM (#978259 - in reply to #978241)
Subject: Re: True Coat Epoxy Question

Posts: 357

i have used tru coat for the last dozen or so baits i have made and has worked really well for me. Here is what i got from tru glide for when making small batches:

"If you do small amounts go by volume, use small cups or syringes to measure, In large amounts you can use the weight formula. Mix well for around 1 minute, then let sit for 5 min before brushing on."

What i do is measure the weight of a 5cc volume of both A & B and use that as its easier for me and has worked well.

I mix for a couple minutes then let it sit for the five, then brush on and let spin on the turner until set
Posted 4/20/2021 9:42 AM (#978266 - in reply to #978241)
Subject: RE: True Coat Epoxy Question

Posts: 610

Location: S.W. WI
I used it on several batches last year and found same issue. Too soft. It is no better than E-Tex. Just Too soft for me.
Posted 4/20/2021 12:54 PM (#978272 - in reply to #978266)
Subject: RE: True Coat Epoxy Question

Posts: 2238

Location: SE, WI.
Actually the tru coat, from some bait manufacturers told me the tru- coat is harder material than envirotex, also sets up quicker.

 I’ve used trucoat with no problems. I do have a turning drum. I’ve used both envirotex, and tru coat and stir both  for up to 6-7 minutes before applying. Make sure your stirring the sides of container often .


Edited by jdsplasher 4/20/2021 12:59 PM
Posted 4/20/2021 3:49 PM (#979273 - in reply to #978241)
Subject: Re: True Coat Epoxy Question

Posts: 2

Ok thanks for the replies. I used a scale for the last one and it seems a little harder but I can still dent it with my nail. Ill try mixing it longer next time and see if that helps.

Rudedog what do you use now?
Posted 4/21/2021 6:52 PM (#979290 - in reply to #979273)
Subject: Re: True Coat Epoxy Question

you can add more hardener to make it less soft. it is very forgiving I find.
truecoat being softer, doesnt tend to crack like other, more brittle and hard epoxies.
its been several years since I used etex. I found it awful at every level..
Posted 4/22/2021 7:22 AM (#979298 - in reply to #978241)
Subject: Re: True Coat Epoxy Question

Posts: 357

another thing i should maybe add as im not sure if it makes a difference here or not, but i generally thin it a bit with denatured alcohol and use 2 to 3 coats depending on paint. I add after mix and rest and it only takes a few drops to thin. Have to be careful depending on your turner speed as it can get thin quick but levels really nice.