Half n half
Gringo Loco
Posted 11/8/2020 12:22 PM (#968745)
Subject: Half n half

Posts: 671

Location: Moses Lake, WA
This bait looks like half carp and half bass. Not sure if I should call it a Barp or a Cass. And for the leprosy lovers in the grandstands it has not one but two rattle chambers - small ball bearings in the front, one large ball bearing in the back chamber. 12" basswood, three position aluminum lip.

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Attachments DSCN4390-1.jpg (148KB - 376 downloads)
Attachments DSCN4391-1.jpg (123KB - 375 downloads)
Attachments DSCN4393-1.jpg (130KB - 379 downloads)
Attachments DSCN4392-1.jpg (135KB - 385 downloads)