Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel
Posted 5/4/2020 2:08 PM (#959320)
Subject: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 307

I've been at it for a few decades (a week a year), and I think it's time I treat myself to a high-end rod and reel, so I'm hoping you all can offer suggestions, since down in the midwest I can't put my hands on much besides Abu and lower-end St. Croix rods.

For reference, I'm looking for something that'll throw Jr. Double Cowgirls with easy (basically double-9s). That's about the biggest, hardest pulling lure I throw. I currently use a Curado 300DSV paired with a 9' TI MH rod for that. I do like the setup, but looking for something a little lighter/easier to use.

I'm pretty set on the Tranx 300, but struggling with the rod. Right now, St. Croix Legend Tournament as at the top of the list, but can't decide which one.

Thoughts? Any other suggestions?
Muskie Gal
Posted 5/4/2020 2:41 PM (#959327 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 199

Big nasty?
Posted 5/4/2020 3:08 PM (#959330 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 1727

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
tranx 400 low speed, add power handle from the 400 high speed, and big nasty for sure. this is my favorite setup. I have two of them. Dad liked them so well, he bought two himself.

400 is for line capacity. 300 is too small for 80 lb braid.
Posted 5/4/2020 3:48 PM (#959335 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 682

Location: Sycamore, IL
Call Thorne Bros...they will build you exactly what you want:)
Posted 5/4/2020 6:35 PM (#959344 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 427

Elk River!
Posted 5/4/2020 6:40 PM (#959345 - in reply to #959335)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 57

Location: Zimmerman
MD75 - 5/4/2020 3:48 PM

Call Thorne Bros...they will build you exactly what you want:)

This. Get a custom predator.
Posted 5/4/2020 7:47 PM (#959349 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 72

I'd go tranx with custom rod also. I built 2 for myself this last fall and they are really nice and light! 16-17 ounces for the combo. Probably a little to light of a rod to pull #9's honestly
Posted 5/4/2020 7:59 PM (#959352 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: RE: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 399

Location: WI
7over50 got it right. Elk River.
Kirby Budrow
Posted 5/5/2020 7:07 AM (#959366 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 2334

Location: Chisholm, MN
I love the big nasty. I thought the sling blade was too wimpy.
southern comfort
Posted 5/5/2020 8:13 AM (#959371 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 393

A lot of fun choices when you go the "high end" route. Based on my experience it would be a Tranx 400 combined with a custom Predator built exactly for your preferences.
Posted 5/6/2020 7:34 AM (#959432 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 358

a 400 and a big nasty is very nice, a 400 and a long ranger is my favorite setup. It might be a bit lite for JR DBL CG in the 8's but it'd match up nice is you are set on a 300 reel.
Posted 5/6/2020 4:34 PM (#959446 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 174

Location: Naperville, IL
Tranx 400 paired on a 9’ Elk River rod
Posted 5/6/2020 5:00 PM (#959449 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 1516

Shimano Calcutta Conquest. Smooth as silk.
Posted 5/7/2020 10:54 AM (#959503 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 32892

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
I've been using the Vexan Big Game rods the last couple years and it's now my go-to. I have an Abu 40 on one and a Shimano 400 on another. The rod is light, balanced perfectly, and actioned exactly for what I like to do. I have around 40 muskie rods in the shop from all sorts of builders, and have used them all.
Posted 5/7/2020 12:31 PM (#959511 - in reply to #959503)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 2017

Thornes X3... if you are looking to treat yourself call Thornes...I have a dozen muskie rods my 9'8' predator is in my hands 70% of the time.
Posted 5/10/2020 1:26 PM (#959646 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 33

First off, with two decades under your belt you definitely deserve it. I use a Sling Blade for double 9s. As a stock rod it is ideal for them IMO, and does many other things well too I fish a river about 50% of the time. You have to drop the bait right against the bank or mid-river cover. The casting and accuracy are excellent. Mine is paired with a Tranx 400A and power handle. I have the 400AHG too but prefer the 5.8:1 for the 9’s. Enjoy whatever you choose.
Posted 5/10/2020 10:28 PM (#959664 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 307

Thanks for the input, everyone. I really like St. Croix, so that's probably what I'm going with. If anyone could compare those (Sling Blade, Long Ranger, Big Nasty) to the TI MI 9' that would really help. The TI as been great, but I'd like something a little lighter/balanced with a slightly faster tip.
Posted 5/12/2020 5:36 PM (#959745 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 120

Booch, I can't compare the TI rod but I do have a Sling Bade, Big Nasty, and the Legend Elite 8'6" heavy like the Sling Blade and a Legend Elite 8'6" medium heavy like the Long Ranger. The medium heavy rod spends most of its time in my garage not even making it into the backup rod inventory in the boat. It is quite light in action. I will use it in the spring but that's about it. The Legend Elite 8'6" heavy is normally what I am throwing. I have a Revo Toro S on it and it is a nice, light, balanced set up to comfortably throw all day. The Sling Blade is also a great all around rod. My cousin prefers this rod to the Legend Elite. The Big Nasty has its place also but I find it much more comfortable throwing the 8'6" all day than the 9' not saying it's always the right decision. If I could only have one it would be the 8'6" heavy Legend Elite. That is of course my opinion and yours could be different. There is a lot of good rods out there. Good luck. I see you said you are pretty set on the Tranx 300. I would go with the 400. I have a Curado 300 and a Tranx 400 and they are about the same size.
Posted 5/14/2020 9:16 AM (#959841 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 349

Big Nasty --> TI XXH
Slingblade --> TI XH w/ 2" trimmed off tip

This is my assessment after using LTs for years and building on the TI blanks a few years ago. I static loaded all 4 to compare power and this is what I found.

Haven't used the TI MH but have thrown the long ranger and would assume the TI MH is similar in power... Way too light for 9s in my opinion.
Posted 5/14/2020 9:27 AM (#959843 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 349

I have Tranx 300s and 400s in each speed. I like the HG for 9s or smaller and PG for 10s or bigger. The 300 is noticably smaller in the hand to me... 300 feels slightly smaller than Curado 300 and 400 slightly bigger (I had 4 Curados prior to the Tranx's). The only functional difference between Tranx 300/400 is a couple inches IPT for the first half of a cast... That can be mitigated by using smaller diameter line.
Posted 5/14/2020 9:36 AM (#959846 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 349

If I'm you I go St. Croix Heavy (slingblade or elite 8'6" H or predator H) with a Tranx 400 HG. I can't say which rod exactly as I've never fished an elite or predator so I would say a call to Throne Bros. is in order for you.

This setup isn't physically lighter than what you have now but would be a great compliment and a lot nicer overall.
Tackle Industries
Posted 5/17/2020 9:01 AM (#959961 - in reply to #959320)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 4053

Location: Land of the Musky
Try the new TI PRO XH rod with WINN grips and the new Revolution reel seat then pair it up with a tranx

Sweet setup!

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(TI-PRO-9XH-C-SG - Copy.JPG)

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Attachments TI-PRO-9XH-C-SG - Copy.JPG (74KB - 509 downloads)
Attachments VI-PRO-9-MH-C-FG.JPG (80KB - 466 downloads)
Cabbage Patch
Posted 5/17/2020 5:40 PM (#959992 - in reply to #959664)
Subject: Re: Help me treat myself to a high-end rod/reel

Posts: 200

Location: Milwaukee, WI
Trance 400 and Elk River. Sweet setup.