Older Buchertail
Posted 4/30/2020 6:37 PM (#959170)
Subject: Older Buchertail

Posts: 275

Any ideas at what era this bait is from?

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Jerry Newman
Posted 4/30/2020 6:56 PM (#959174 - in reply to #959170)
Subject: RE: Older Buchertail

Location: 31

BMuskyX - 4/30/2020 6:37 PM Any ideas at what era this bait is from?


Posted 5/1/2020 12:54 PM (#959197 - in reply to #959170)
Subject: Re: Older Buchertail

Posts: 1457

Location: Brighton CO.
I bought a few of these in 91, 92 time frame , I still have 1991 Thorne bros. catalog and Bucher had a full sized with the French spinner and a small down sized one with maybe a size 4# blade and a small tail smaller then the single tail Mepps Musky Killer.
Posted 5/2/2020 1:57 PM (#959231 - in reply to #959170)
Subject: Re: Older Buchertail

Posts: 275

Thanks... my brother got this from someone and we don't remember the older ones having a holographic sticker