Muskie School Canceled 03/14/20
Steve Reinstra
Posted 3/12/2020 12:57 PM (#955767)
Subject: Muskie School Canceled 03/14/20

Posts: 255

Location: MadCity Wisconsin
IMMEDIATE NOTICE: Due to Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers announcement of a public health emergency in the State of Wisconsin today 03/12/20 at 11:30am and the request to postpone public events of 250 attendees or more we must unfortunately and sadly cancel the Muskie School Saturday. 

We will begin the process of trying to reimburse paid Registrations but the process is uncertain at this time. We will try to send emails out to all to have registered so people do not travel or show up at Waunakee High School on Saturday. For those who Mailed in registrations we do not have phone numbers but will try to make contact by whitepages, etc. 

Please help us get the word out as well as we begin notifications. 

Any questions contact: Geoff Crandall at [email protected] or 608-219-0164. Or Steve Reinstra at [email protected] 608-770-7131.
Posted 3/12/2020 2:57 PM (#955777 - in reply to #955767)
Subject: Re: Muskie School Canceled 03/14/20

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
This stinks, but it is what it is.