Wish list?
Posted 12/21/2019 2:05 PM (#951418)
Subject: Wish list?

Posts: 1516

What did you ask Santa for this Christmas?
Posted 12/21/2019 2:44 PM (#951420 - in reply to #951418)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 32903

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Really not much, we decided to get a robot vacuum. Should be cool.

I hear those things suck.
Posted 12/21/2019 2:47 PM (#951422 - in reply to #951418)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Location: Athens, Ohio
Steve, is this for the house or the boat?

I wanted a Rippin Dawg. I don't throw much rubber and I'm told this would be good exercise. m
Posted 12/22/2019 8:23 AM (#951444 - in reply to #951418)
Subject: RE: Wish list?

Posts: 768

Hope Santa can communicate this to mother nature. For northern Wis next year. A warmer than average spring, with less precipitation, meaning an earlier ice out. This way I could have all the house work, boats, and gear ready to go for opening day. Average temps. in the summer with less rain and violent storms. To many bad storms last summer. And finally, average slow declining temps. in the fall,less rain/snow to extend the fall fishing season. Merry Christmas to all. Kdawg
Kirby Budrow
Posted 12/22/2019 8:52 AM (#951446 - in reply to #951444)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 2351

Location: Chisholm, MN
Santa isn’t real!
Posted 12/22/2019 9:24 AM (#951452 - in reply to #951446)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 768

Kirby Budrow - 12/22/2019 8:52 AM

Santa isn’t real!
Kb, that's why it's called a wish list!!! Kdawg
Posted 12/22/2019 9:46 AM (#951454 - in reply to #951446)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 32903

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Kirby Budrow - 12/22/2019 8:52 AM

Santa isn’t real!

Santa is very real, and alive and well. I saw it on the news.
Kirby Budrow
Posted 12/22/2019 10:11 AM (#951456 - in reply to #951454)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 2351

Location: Chisholm, MN
In that case, I’ll take a two month trip to Lac Seul!
Posted 12/22/2019 1:47 PM (#951464 - in reply to #951420)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 1287

Location: E. Tenn
sworrall - 12/21/2019 3:44 PM

Really not much, we decided to get a robot vacuum. Should be cool.

I hear those things suck.

Why stop there? Heck, they might come out with a snow blower next year!

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North of 8
Posted 12/23/2019 7:36 AM (#951485 - in reply to #951464)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

miket55 - 12/22/2019 1:47 PM

sworrall - 12/21/2019 3:44 PM

Really not much, we decided to get a robot vacuum. Should be cool.

I hear those things suck.

Why stop there? Heck, they might come out with a snow blower next year!

My in law's have a neighbor that uses one of those mowers. Big lot, has to be at least 150 x 150', grassy ditch, etc. and it always looks good, even when they are away for a week.
Posted 12/23/2019 7:56 PM (#951524 - in reply to #951485)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Location: Neapolitan Chain Of Lakes
An engineer bought a gas push mower from me a couple years back and made it remote control. Yes a robot is nice but imagine the fun you can have chasing nosy neighbors and dog walkers away from the air conditioned comfort of your living room. It's the little things. Maximum Overdrive style. In case you're wondering it gps'd up to 43 mph before a wayward reduction wheel caused a catastrophic rollover whilst chasing his estranged wife. My wish list includes a couple Mattlocks and a shredder. Thank you
Posted 12/23/2019 8:13 PM (#951525 - in reply to #951524)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Location: Neapolitan Chain Of Lakes
Oh and Santa could I please have a Fat AZ project X? That would be dope
Posted 12/24/2019 10:27 AM (#951544 - in reply to #951418)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 528

I’d be happy to just have more time to fish than last year...with an infant at home, I doubt that’s in the cards! Oh well, soon enough he’ll be fishing with me!
Posted 12/24/2019 5:33 PM (#951557 - in reply to #951418)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 1330

All I want for Christmas is a happy sciatic nerve. Was completely out of commission from fishing, from mid-June to the end of September. Still barks at me on occasion, and have to be a little careful.
Posted 12/24/2019 9:50 PM (#951559 - in reply to #951557)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

I only want Todd M. to get a 50 in the new year.
Posted 12/25/2019 7:46 AM (#951565 - in reply to #951418)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 13

Yes there is a Santa , aka wife who allowed me to get a new ride 2020 Lund 1875 Pro v bass
Posted 12/26/2019 10:54 AM (#951598 - in reply to #951418)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 85

Location: Michigan U.P.
I got exactly what I wanted. A slightly used copy of "Muskies on the Shield ". Life is good.
Merry Christmas all.
Posted 12/26/2019 6:07 PM (#951609 - in reply to #951559)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 20232

Location: oswego, il
mnmusky - 12/24/2019 9:50 PM

I only want Todd M. to get a 50 in the new year.

aaaaaawe! That's warmer than some Brandy in front of the fireplace!
Jerry Newman
Posted 12/27/2019 11:30 AM (#951627 - in reply to #951557)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Location: 31

TCESOX - 12/24/2019 5:33 PM All I want for Christmas is a happy sciatic nerve. Was completely out of commission from fishing, from mid-June to the end of September. Still barks at me on occasion, and have to be a little careful.

If you haven't tried an inversion machine, I recommend giving it a shot.


North of 8
Posted 12/27/2019 12:41 PM (#951628 - in reply to #951627)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Jerry Newman - 12/27/2019 11:30 AM

TCESOX - 12/24/2019 5:33 PM All I want for Christmas is a happy sciatic nerve. Was completely out of commission from fishing, from mid-June to the end of September. Still barks at me on occasion, and have to be a little careful.

If you haven't tried an inversion machine, I recommend giving it a shot.


X2 on the inversion table. I opted out of the recommended surgery for a ruptured disc 12 years ago and still use mine when my back is giving me issues. Before purchasing, I would see if you try one. Some folks really cannot handle the inversion. My family doctor said he tried it a couple times but it just was not something he could do.
Posted 12/27/2019 1:03 PM (#951629 - in reply to #951628)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 88

Location: Des Plaines, IL
Another vote on the inversion table. I always thought they were a joke when I would see the Teeter Hang Up commercials. My back gets tweaked playing basketball now and again and this is the greatest remedy for it. I like to spend a few minutes a day on it regardless and it turns weeks of agony into a few days, sometimes less depending on the severity.
Posted 12/27/2019 5:48 PM (#951633 - in reply to #951418)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 1330

Is this inversion thing the device where you strap your feet in and tip it upside down, and hang for a while? I think one of the apartment buildings that I manage has one of those in the fitness room. I don't have any back pain at all. It is primarily focused around my hamstring. I can feel a little discomfort at times in my lower left glutei, and occasionally down into my calf, but the real fire has been in the hamstring area. All they did was prescribe a steroidal anti-inflammatory regemine, followed by ibuprofen as needed. Once I was able to go back to work for a couple of weeks, I backed off the regular ibuprofen, and only used it when it flared up. Was told that it can take a long time to get back to normal, so I have been patient. Was feeling good enough to start fishing again in time for the fall outing at Spring Bay, and got out a couple of times after that, but as I mentioned, it is still in the background, and I am pretty hinkey about pushing things.
Posted 12/27/2019 6:35 PM (#951636 - in reply to #951418)
Subject: Re: Wish list?

Posts: 866

Location: NE Ohio
^^ i do believe the pain your feeling is from your sciatic nerve being pinched or agitated somewhere (probably back discs) and swelling. when it swells the first place that it contacts is where you feel the pain. more than likely its your hip joint where it passes through on its way to your leg. then your ham string starts to ache because its attached to your hip. then if it worsens your glute and calf become painful.

i went through all of it! mine ended up being from a herniated back disc L5. that's where the nerve was pinched. the only way they found it was an MRI. i found it hard to believe also that a back problem was in my leg and never no pain at all in my back. good luck and tread lightly with that. it does get better.
Posted 12/27/2019 10:44 PM (#951638 - in reply to #951418)
Subject: RE: Wish list?

Posts: 20232

Location: oswego, il
One of my kids was thoughtful and got me something nice for when I am up in the Northwoods.

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