NW Angle Crappie/perch help Sept
Posted 7/6/2018 10:03 AM (#911656)
Subject: NW Angle Crappie/perch help Sept

Posts: 1169

Location: New Hope MN
I'm taking the family up to the angle for a 4 days during labor day. My kids are very young and I'd like to take them fishing for crappie or perch. they are still too young for walleye/bass. Is anyone willing to give me some insight on where i should be looking and how to approach it? Also, we'll be staying in a private cabin and won't have access to bait. Does anyone know of a place to pick up bait? I rarely fish the angle (usually Morson area) and never fish for anything other than musky... I'm clueless.
Posted 7/7/2018 2:01 AM (#911701 - in reply to #911656)
Subject: Re: NW Angle Crappie/perch help Sept

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Crappies: Bring a couple jars of Berkley 1" Gulp Alive minnows and 1/8 ounce jigs, those do the trick up there really well. Looks for shrap self type dropoffs next to points and other structural elements, and any brush or trees sticking down into the water. If they are suspended, you will find them between islands over 32 to 36'.

Perch, all I know is fish where the walleyes are.
Musky Brian
Posted 7/7/2018 8:40 AM (#911711 - in reply to #911701)
Subject: Re: NW Angle Crappie/perch help Sept

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
I could see that being a real challenge. It would be easier to find and catch Walleyes than crappies
Posted 7/7/2018 12:36 PM (#911731 - in reply to #911656)
Subject: Re: NW Angle Crappie/perch help Sept

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
It really isn't, the Angle is famous for big crappies in the Winter. Not many people mess with them after ice out. Check with Coop, he guides up there and knows the Summer crappie patterns.

Posted 7/9/2018 10:32 AM (#911882 - in reply to #911701)
Subject: Re: NW Angle Crappie/perch help Sept

Posts: 1169

Location: New Hope MN
sworrall - 7/7/2018 2:01 AM

Crappies: Bring a couple jars of Berkley 1" Gulp Alive minnows and 1/8 ounce jigs, those do the trick up there really well. Looks for shrap self type dropoffs next to points and other structural elements, and any brush or trees sticking down into the water. If they are suspended, you will find them between islands over 32 to 36'.

Perch, all I know is fish where the walleyes are.

Thanks for the tip Steve! With all the slab crappie pics you post, i was hoping you would reply.

Our cabin is on Brush Island and I'd say the kids can only manage a 10 min one way boat ride or 5 miles away. Any faster, and they put up a fuss about bumps and wind.

Anyway, checking the map it doesn't really look like there is anything that perfectly matches what you are talking about. Deep water is far north from where we are staying.

There is some deeper water east of Windfall Island. Perhaps i could target the 40' hole just off the point on the North east side of the image. thoughts here?

Also, i was thinking about targeting the 17' mud flats in the bay just south of Monument Bay. I like the weedy bays just to the west, but I worry about the size of flats. Perhaps i could focus on the sharper drops and ignore the flat itself?

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Attachments 2018-07-09_9-28-21 - Copy.png (179KB - 341 downloads)
Musky Brian
Posted 7/9/2018 10:53 AM (#911883 - in reply to #911882)
Subject: Re: NW Angle Crappie/perch help Sept

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
There’s crappies in sturgeon channel that time of year. Deep, 30+ feet. They seem to have trouble surviving coming up from that far.