Jerry Newman - 7/6/2018 8:39 AM
Honestly, the inter tube is a little bulky, I started out using just a heavy leather glove (#3 - polaroid scan from 1987?) and found out the hard way that you need to wrap the inner tube completely around the thumb with the seam away from your fingers because the glove has a tendency to roll in struggles. The super fabric is probably the way to go because it will protect better and be less bulky… can get a better grip along the lines of just using a leather glove like MO 16 does.
I have lipped with the Lindy glove many times also so I know that the super fabric holds up well, still need to watch for cuts… but can use the leftover super fabric fingers for patching.
For those of you not familiar with this technique I would like to throw a word of caution that this will not offer 100% protection unless you are able to maintain a very strong grip on those small lower front teeth… basically can't allow your thumb to slide into the “steak knife” area. However, the welding glove in general is good to pop fish off alongside the boat (#1-2) , and the lip technique allows you to open the mouth wide and have control of their head just like with a bass to quickly remove deep hooks… and potentially save the fish's life.