Medford Fisher
Posted 5/31/2018 3:17 PM (#908749)
Subject: Cranks

Posts: 1060

Location: Medford, WI
Baits are priced from top to bottom. Add $5 for shipping (U.S.). If you're in Canada, PM me.

1st Column
1 $15 (all 3 mollys are new)
2 $15
3 $15
4 $12 sold
5 $12 sold
6 $12
7 $12

2nd Column
8 $10
9 $10 sold
10 $12
11 $10 sold
12 $10
13 $12
14 $15 (new) sold
15 $14 sold

3rd Column
16 $10
17 $10
18 Pending
19 $8
20 $13 sold
21 $18 (new)
22 $25 (new)
23 Pending

Edited by Medford Fisher 5/31/2018 11:12 PM

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Attachments cranks.jpg (72KB - 308 downloads)