Sinister Tackle Jerkbaits
Posted 3/29/2018 8:12 PM (#900540)
Subject: Sinister Tackle Jerkbaits

Posts: 164

Just wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to try one of the Sinister Jerkbaits. I bought one by accident the other day thinking it was a Phantom Softail. After finding out what it really is I am kind of excited to give this new to me bait a try and see how it runs. If anyone has used one and could tell me how they run and look in the water that would be great. Also is this a new bait on the market or have they been out for a while now?
Posted 3/29/2018 10:52 PM (#900557 - in reply to #900540)
Subject: Re: Sinister Tackle Jerkbaits

Posts: 1084

Location: Aurora
Been out for a few years as far as i know.
Todd Cleveland, original maker of the Phantom & Viper started Sinister after he sold Phantom.
Never seen one run myself.
Posted 3/30/2018 2:41 PM (#900614 - in reply to #900540)
Subject: Re: Sinister Tackle Jerkbaits

Posts: 1039

Location: North St. Paul, MN
Not too different from a phantom, in my opinion. I have the 6" Natural and have caught plenty of pike, but not a musky, yet. I'd say it doesn't have the "swing" a 6" phantom has, but it still glides nicely side to side. The drop is similar to a phantom, too. I say use it anywhere you'd use a phantom. Plus, if it fooled you, think about what it'll do to those muskies that can't resist a phantom! Good luck.
Posted 3/30/2018 10:52 PM (#900661 - in reply to #900540)
Subject: Re: Sinister Tackle Jerkbaits

Posts: 164

Thanks for the replies. Cant wait to give it a try. Love early jerkbaits season.