abu revo 60 nacl drag issue
Posted 11/13/2017 8:42 AM (#884165)
Subject: abu revo 60 nacl drag issue

Posts: 51

Location: Between a 10wt fly rod and a XH dawg rod
For some unknown reason I can't tighten my drag down tight enough on my Nacl. While throwing pounders over the weekend, when i would pull the pounder my drag would slip. I checked the spring washers to make sure they were () and they were. Any other ideas?
Posted 11/13/2017 9:32 AM (#884171 - in reply to #884165)
Subject: Re: abu revo 60 nacl drag issue

Posts: 676

Location: Wisconsin
Are you using backing on the spool? Is it the line slipping on the spool due to the weight? Do you also release the drag when in storage?

If you have recently taken off the side plate, the washers might be upside down.

Posted 11/13/2017 9:58 AM (#884177 - in reply to #884165)
Subject: Re: abu revo 60 nacl drag issue

Posts: 51

Location: Between a 10wt fly rod and a XH dawg rod
There is electrical tape on the spool and I originally thought thats what it was however its not. Also I have triple checked the washers.
Posted 11/13/2017 10:46 AM (#884184 - in reply to #884165)
Subject: Re: abu revo 60 nacl drag issue

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160
The drag washers could have oil and or grease
On them ???
Maybe the AR Bearing has slip up not allowing the AR Sleeve
To push down on the drag washers ???
Best to send it to me !!!
I’ll have a lock down drag for you with no problem