Posts: 427
| Last night I caught fish on back to back cast on different lures, first one was a 32 and the second one was a 43 and change. This is the first time I have got fish in the boat on back to back cast and it got me wondering how often it happens?
Posts: 343
| Out of hundreds of muskie catches, I've only had it happen once. So I would say uncommon. |
Posts: 1638
Location: Minnesota | Only once for me had a 4 fish day me and nephew. Three of the four fish came off the same spot. Caught one about a half hour later caught another one took pictures got back on the spot First cast nephew got a 48. That was one of my best days fishing |
Posts: 104
| Had It happen two times and also had a 3 fish in 5 casts 2 weeks ago.
I believe it might be more common than we think. It seems to me in the fall when you find a fish there are usually a couple others holding in the same spot.
Posts: 8792
| Happened to us once. 45 and 47 for me, Samantha got a 44 in between on a total of 4 casts between us. Won't forget that day. Also had a day where I had what I'd call a huge fish follow up. Very next cast I got whacked as soon as the bait hit the water. "I got her! I GOT HER!!" Yeah. I got one of her babies. Maybe 30" if even that.
Anybody who tells you muskies don't hang around together on a spot is full of crap. |
Posts: 20229
Location: oswego, il | It has happened to me 4 times. Once on little arb, clear lake on the mani chain and twice in fibland. A buddy of mine was in my boat and went 4 for 4 and which turned into 5 for 7 on a topraider. |
Posts: 255
| Once long time ago, but same lure. Why the lure change? Bent,wrecked, cut hook? |
Posts: 1425
Location: St. Lawrence River | Never. |
Posts: 431
| Me and Mastical did it on lake st Clair with 2 little 30 something inchers. Netted the second one with the first one still in the net. |
Posts: 785
| I did that with a 43 and a 50. I was peeing and moaning all morning too about how slow it was... and then the window opened haha. |
Location: Contrarian Island | a couple times for me, nothing over 44....buddy got a 54.5, after releasing that we set back up and I got a 50" on the next cast...
Edited by BNelson 10/10/2017 1:50 PM
Posts: 293
| I've done it once, and I was lucky enough to get it on video. |
Posts: 7
| Pretty good since it was an uncommon occurrence. |
Posts: 2337
Location: Chisholm, MN | I got 4 fish back to back once with a partner. All on the same spot. 45, then 44, then 49, then 45. Maybe not exact back to back casts for all of them but within a few casts for sure. Also caught one the evening before on the same spot. Wish fishing was still that good!
I had one other night where I caught a 46 and 47 on back to back casts at night. Full moon major.
That's all I can think of but I bet there have been a couple more. |
Posts: 4
| I had a guy that I was fishing with have 5 follows all different fish. i know it seems really crazy to have 5 fish follow in a row but i saw all the fish, but we couldn't get them to bite. So we went back at sunset and lost 3 in 10 min. |
Posts: 343
| Happened to me once, caught a 32" on my 1st cast, next cast 39", 5 casts later caught a 43.5" all on a topwater, all in the same spot. |
Posts: 284
Location: Eagan, MN | After a fruitless day of fishing, we pulled up to a spot at dusk, where I caught a nice mid-40 on my first cast. After processing the fish, I stood up and fired about four or five cast before I had my second bite...another mid-40 hit the bag. After processing that fish, I stood up and fired another cast and was immediately rocked by a third fish...yet another mid-40'er. I never made another cast in this spot. My buddy (whose boat I was in) recognized that a window had opened. He wanted to race across the lake to a very big fish we saw earlier in the day. We never had any other action unfortunately. I can't argue with the logic to leave, but part of me still kinda wonders what mighta/woulda/coulda happened had we stayed put. Yes, fishing like that doesn't happen often enough...
Edited by BrianF. 10/18/2017 1:35 PM
Posts: 527
| It's happened to me a couple times. The more memorable of the two was last fall the day before MN rifle opener. I caught a 52 casting a big crankbait that was hooked deep that I had to cut hooks. After releasing the 52, I rigged a sucker and put that out while I retied and replaced hooks. I finished retying and replacing hooks, stood up to hit the trolling motor to move back towards the "spot" and heard a splash and the clicker go off... I turned on my headlamp again and saw my sucker t-boned in a 40 incher's mouth! I landed that one and released it no worse for the wear.
Another back to back that I wasn't involved in: My brother and a buddy of ours were out casting blades after dark and my brother hooks up and says," Got one!" our buddy cusses him for hooking up...about 3 seconds later our buddy hooks up, two in the bag at once! One upper 40's the other a 50! |
Posts: 94
| Had a double header trolling two weeks ago. Marked two big fish, all of a sudden two fish on. Landed one that was 47 and lost the other one half way in! |
Posts: 20229
Location: oswego, il | I have been part of two double headers and a third which one came off. The first i hooked up yelled get the net, my partner was hooked up at the same time. He netted his then mine. Second one was with his son, a fish went after the sucker as his son brought in his phantom the musky peeled off and ate his bait. As he fought it the other sucker l, not the original one gets ate. Two in the net again. The thrid would have been the best. With the same person in the first instance no less. We both have fish up in the figure eight on each side of the boat. They both eat. I got mine his came off.
Edited by ToddM 10/18/2017 6:16 PM
Posts: 43
| I've caught 140 muskies in my lifetime and I only had back to back happen once. |
Posts: 580
| Had an occasion where I once caught 4 in 5 casts on the Dairyland Flowage about 15 years ago. All on topwater. None were huge, (biggest was 42.5), but it was awfully fun. |