What am I doing wrong?
Posted 6/13/2017 10:01 AM (#864962)
Subject: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 65

I fish the Door County area, and this is my first spring musky fishing. I usually see 2-3 muskies per day, but I haven't caught anything. The only musky action I've seen is two follows and one big fish missing a bucktail in shallow water. I've probably been on the water for 30-40 hours.

I've fished shallow water, cabbage beds (which are pretty rare around me), and open water. For casting, I've tried many different types and sizes of baits. Mostly, I'm using bucktails, gliders, and twitch baits. Two of my three musky encounters came on double 8's. The other came on a small minnowbait. For open water trolling, I'm constantly around huge schools of alewives and whitefish, but I'm not seeing any big arcs on my graph.

Does anyone have any advice?
Posted 6/13/2017 10:20 AM (#864965 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 1983

Try getting a full cast off of structure and open water casting, often a fun productive technique in June. Mags, swiwbaits, and cranks are usually my go to's.
Posted 6/13/2017 10:24 AM (#864967 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 325

Location: Otsego, MN
If fishing open water follows aren't the most common. They usually just chow it. I wouldn't get discouraged and just keep doing what you are doing.
Casting those schools of bait regardless of arcs is a good idea, casting weeds or trolling either.
I agree with IAJustin that trying a cast length out from the weeds or structure is another good idea.
As the season progresses your approach should only get better but hopefully someone with experience on the portion of water you are fishing chimes in.
Posted 6/13/2017 10:26 AM (#864968 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Location: Eastern Ontario
If your seeing fish, your on the right track and they will come. Try something a little more erratic like a ripped suick or minnow bait and try an elicit a reaction strike.
Musky Brian
Posted 6/13/2017 5:27 PM (#865026 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
You should try cheating and start trolling some 12" or bigger cranks. I hear that's been working well...
Pat Hoolihan
Posted 6/13/2017 5:55 PM (#865027 - in reply to #865026)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 386

Musky Brian - 6/13/2017 5:27 PM

You should try cheating and start trolling some 12" or bigger cranks. I hear that's been working well...

Sure has been!!
Posted 6/13/2017 6:42 PM (#865032 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: RE: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 390

PM me, fished opener in that area and did well.

Sounds to me like your not doing anything wrong. Just need to make small tweaks to your pattern.

Also, 30-40 hours is nothing in musky fishing. If you're complaining already this may not be your sport. Many of us would be pumped just to see 2 fish every time we went out.

As a note I fished 22 hours just for opening day!

Edited by bbeaupre 6/13/2017 7:42 PM
Posted 6/13/2017 7:38 PM (#865039 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 8743

If you have that number of hours in and those are your results? You suck. What are you doing wrong? You're fishing for muskies. Give it up. Go fish for bass. You'll ALWAYS catch bass even on the worst days.

Here's the deal:

The #*^@ things only eat once for a few hours every couple of days even in the best conditions. You can fish and fish and fish your ass off, and get nothing for days. Then you can go out there and F around for a few hours and see fish everywhere and catch 4-5 fish in an afternoon.

If you're actually seeing fish, you're 80% of the way there. Figure out how to convert them.
Posted 6/13/2017 7:49 PM (#865041 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 271

Location: davis,IL
Boy this could be a long list. Seriously though, just start doing some variations on what they're chasing. You got it part right just need to fine tune.
Posted 6/13/2017 7:50 PM (#865042 - in reply to #865039)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 1636

I once met a guy who went 19 years without a follow... fishing with alone and with some of the best guides. He then told me a story about how he caught his first one. Don't give up.
Posted 6/13/2017 8:19 PM (#865047 - in reply to #865042)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

stop paying attention.
Posted 6/13/2017 11:10 PM (#865064 - in reply to #865047)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 1000

mnmusky - 6/13/2017 8:19 PM

stop paying attention.

Worked like a charm tonight
Posted 6/14/2017 7:32 AM (#865073 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 1425

Location: St. Lawrence River
If your seeing fish, just keep plugging away. This sport isn't easy.... Or even fun, sometimes...
Posted 6/14/2017 8:19 AM (#865076 - in reply to #865064)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

tolle141 - 6/13/2017 11:10 PM
mnmusky - 6/13/2017 8:19 PM stop paying attention.
Worked like a charm tonight

hey now

Posted 6/14/2017 8:31 AM (#865078 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 983

30-40 hours and seeing 3-4 fish and missing one is good. Id Love that type of action...We have 2 Muskie in about the last 150 hours or so...It can get rough at times...Have we missed fish In that period absolutly...Probably have missed a good 5 fish in that time that ate and we just didnt get boated
Posted 6/14/2017 9:09 AM (#865086 - in reply to #865078)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Location: Contrarian Island
fish smarter, not harder. while I don't fish up where you are but know it can be tough at times. . So that being said if at all possible choose your times wisely....look for a front coming in, watch the moon phases, be on your best spots during the majors/minors. Try to key in on when you 'think' they might bite....network with others and share info, can cut the learning curve for both sides. look at hiring a good guide a day or 2... that can help immensely if you don't have a network of buds...good luck!

Edited by BNelson 6/14/2017 9:45 AM
Posted 6/14/2017 12:09 PM (#865101 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 255

Keep plugging, because there is no cure for muskie addiction. And casting for them is way more appealing than not, even day after day. The next fish may just surprise you, and then you'll say, "this is so awesome. I knew it would happen sooner or later". Then another 10-30 fishless days will go by...
Posted 6/14/2017 6:16 PM (#865136 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: RE: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 51

fish at night...don't need to see them...you know where they are at...
Posted 6/14/2017 9:10 PM (#865149 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 763

Location: Ames, Iowa
Go walleye fishing. The walleye guys on Leech are always catching muskies.
Posted 6/14/2017 11:13 PM (#865161 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 57

All you can do when your in a slump is keep fishing. I lost a big one on opener.. fished every day of the week including 1 night and finally hooked up Sunday. If your fishing the metro it can be tough, a lot of follows and no bites.
Posted 6/19/2017 12:20 PM (#865632 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 65

Thanks, everyone. All of the advice is very helpful.
Posted 6/19/2017 4:26 PM (#865678 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 426

The quickest way to learn is to join a Muskie club. You will fish a season with different partners. You will see what works during the season for them. Then pick what works for you and throw it till your tired of throwing it then throw it some more. The learning curve can be brutal. Good Luck!
Posted 6/22/2017 8:52 PM (#866074 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 69

Location: Phoenixville, PA
Keep casting. This is an incredibly humbling sport. It requires patience, careful thought, and above all, persistence.

Muskellunge eats when he wants to eat. You can do everything thing right, but if he's not hungry, it doesn't matter.

I have hooked 4 large fish in 80 minutes and I have hooked nothing in 80 hours. Keep hunting muskellunge, and you will find him. And when all else fails, fish the deep weed edges. He likes to live there.
Posted 6/23/2017 10:16 PM (#866226 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 191

That's just Muskie fishing. Like a lot of other guys have said. You can go a long time with out a fish than bam!! You can't keep them off. Keep fishing you'll hit a window and be rewarded.
Posted 6/24/2017 12:13 AM (#866237 - in reply to #864962)
Subject: Re: What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 770

Pay attention to details and log everything you do and see