Dealing with knucklehead
Posted 6/6/2017 6:57 AM (#864080)
Subject: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 119


Looking for advice on dealing with knucklehead who insists on crowding other anglers.

Last week a friend and I traveled a long way to a good spot to find another angler on it. Disappointed, we did a 3 miles low-probability trolling run to kill time. Upon return, he was heading off the spot, going uplake, and was about 1/4 to 1/3 miles off the spot. We setup up on it and started casting. He immediately turned his boat around and headed directly at us. He trolled within 20 ft of my boat right where I was casting. I tossed a cast in front of his boat (about 20 ft off the bow) to show that we are working the spot. He barked something at us that neither of us could understand. Trying to avoid a conflict, I just left without replying or making any more casts.

A couple days later, my buddy was kayak fishing the same spot and the knucklehead pulled up close behind him and said "don't back up".

(This is on an lightly fished lake where people don't crowd each other. The day he crowded us we were the only two boats in sight!)

I am sure that many of you will say I should have a conversation with the guy, telling him how his behavior is unsportsmanlike and inappropriate. However, I don't think that will work. This guy is in his late-50's to early 60's and has been a hard-core fisherman for a long time in the area. Surely he knows his behavior is inappropriate. I think he is simply a grouchy, mean, old bastard that enjoys pushing others around. I think he has gotten away with it for a long time.

I don't want to get into an argument with him, raise my blood pressure, and have a heart attack. I don't want to battle him on the water. I also don't want to be constantly pushed off the spot, it is one of the top two spots in the entire lake.

What should I do?

Posted 6/6/2017 7:38 AM (#864085 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Location: Northern Wisconsin
Ignore him and fish. If it escalates be ready to call law enforcement. You could also pull out your phone and start recording.
Posted 6/6/2017 7:41 AM (#864086 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 1425

Location: St. Lawrence River
Fish another lake.
Posted 6/6/2017 7:53 AM (#864089 - in reply to #864086)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 119

Ignore him - he is placing his boat where I am casting.

fish another lake - it is my home lake, near my house, next lake is about 20X further away.
Posted 6/6/2017 7:57 AM (#864090 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 119

So I suppose I need to talk to him, eh? However, he won't change, I'll now have an "enemy", and every time I see him my BP will go up. Plus, if anything happens to his car/trailer while I'm fishing (like a flat), he would probably think I did it and retaliate.

I guess I just need to suck it up like a buttercup and let him have his way?
Posted 6/6/2017 8:08 AM (#864091 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Location: On the O
Kill him with kindness, keep doing what you're doing. If he pulls up close again it would be good morning, beautiful day, don't you love being out here. Make him go down your road, don't go down his. Eventually he might see he's being the problem, if not at least your BP isn't spiking. You might be the only "action" he's getting all day, don't take the bait.

Edited by BigC 6/6/2017 8:09 AM
North of 8
Posted 6/6/2017 8:11 AM (#864092 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Unfortunately, you "can't fix stupid". Ignorance can be changed through education and experience. If he was young and didn't know better you would have a chance but he is "stupid".

I do like the idea of using your phone to record him and then put on social media. He may not be a user but people he knows will be and public humiliation is a powerful tool. No one, of any age, likes being a fool for everyone to see.
Posted 6/6/2017 8:24 AM (#864094 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Get a jet-ski and circle the jerk
Posted 6/6/2017 8:29 AM (#864095 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 7036

Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs
Well, you won't ignore him, you don't see any use in talking to him, and you won't go to another lake...
Posted 6/6/2017 8:43 AM (#864096 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 444

Take your pants off every time you see him.
Posted 6/6/2017 9:15 AM (#864104 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 1516

Go down the lake but where he can still see u fish about then go into a figure 8 and whoop & holler like it's the biggest fish you have ever seen. Give a couple more casts then move off like u are letting the fish alone for awhile.

See if he takes the bait
Posted 6/6/2017 9:21 AM (#864106 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 548

Location: MN
Recording him is not for social media.
It's for law enforcement.
If he is doing something stupid especially when ur in a kayak.
Law enforcement may know him already.
Posted 6/6/2017 9:40 AM (#864109 - in reply to #864095)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 119

Slamr, I said I will suck it up like a buttercup as the fourth, and only option. (e.g. yield the spot to him when he crowds me). I can't ignore him b/c he places his boat where I am casting and thus might injure him.

Edited by curdmudgeon 6/6/2017 10:16 AM
Posted 6/6/2017 9:42 AM (#864111 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 323

Location: Elk River, MN
Crank up the tunes when he's around, something obnoxious and ridiculous.
short STRIKE
Posted 6/6/2017 10:06 AM (#864113 - in reply to #864111)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 470

Location: Blaine, MN
In my world, I confront him... But a lesson I learned later in life (Admittedly later than I probably should have) there is a big difference between confronting a situation aggressively and confronting a situation confidently. Gotta still be respectful, but be confident, and prepared for a good "back and forth".
Posted 6/6/2017 10:31 AM (#864118 - in reply to #864113)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

You really need a big johnson topwater lure
Posted 6/6/2017 10:36 AM (#864121 - in reply to #864109)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 7036

Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs
curdmudgeon - 6/6/2017 9:40 AM

Slamr, I said I will suck it up like a buttercup as the fourth, and only option. (e.g. yield the spot to him when he crowds me). I can't ignore him b/c he places his boat where I am casting and thus might injure him.

Ok, so I was a little blunt...but I feel your angst. I had a fishing guy drive at about 6 mph just off my bow on Sunday and I swear to god he wasnt more then 10' away. I'm up front casting and say "aren't you a LITTLE close?". He just gave me a dirty look, I smiled and called it mission accomplished. Yeah, I was 75 yards off shore, no channel situation, no crowds, he just is a....
Posted 6/6/2017 10:58 AM (#864126 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 20211

Location: oswego, il
Take your pants off and moon him or just take a leak in front of him. Say, hello sparklepuss, nice day out today? Make him not want to be around you. Pull out a camera and just take his picture, dont ask, be obvious and yell say cheese! I take pics of boats all the time on lake michigan that get close, i make sure they see me do it. Dont be ignorant, be weird and confusing to them. Let them be the one that gets mad.

Edited by ToddM 6/6/2017 11:51 AM
Posted 6/6/2017 11:14 AM (#864128 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 1405

Location: Detroit River
If he continues to do it I'd blast some rap music or Justin Beaver.
Posted 6/6/2017 11:15 AM (#864130 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 1144

Location: Minnesota.
That's a b!tch to deal with and I empathize with you man. It would drive me crazy and pizz me off to no end too but this clown is beyond reckoning with. He knows what he's doing...

Best I can say is to ignore him initially and if he persists then maybe ask him what his game is. Don't get anymore confrontational than this at any cost, just isn't worth your time. Then let it go, he knows he's pizzed you off which is what he intended.

You can't fix these types. Move off and return later but don't get into it with him. I learned this lesson in the service and it cost me teeth! Ain't worth the trouble. He'll eventually get his due just don't let it be you to chance it!

Best to you, you did well with this already.
Will Schultz
Posted 6/6/2017 11:32 AM (#864133 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Most states have laws in place for angler/hunter harassment. Get a photo/video call the conservation officer/warden and let them handle it, it's their job.
Posted 6/6/2017 11:37 AM (#864137 - in reply to #864133)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 8772

Law enforcement usually doesn't tolerate that sort of behavior once someone complains about it. They don't want to be bothered with the calls, many of them are sportsmen themselves, and they likely hate the behavior as much as you do. This guy isn't going to learn on his own, but I'd bet after a few tickets he'll start keeping his distance. Confrontations usually end badly, and then if someone else gets fed up and does something to him or his boat, it's YOU who gets blamed.
Posted 6/6/2017 12:23 PM (#864145 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 325

Location: Otsego, MN
Never know the mental status of people these days and if they are carrying a weapon. Best to not be overly confrontational but yet hold your ground. The lake is public water and you have as much right as anyone to enjoy it. If he gets violent or threatening the authority is available 24/7 and a video along with a phone call sounds like the best options. Try and get his boat registration info on the video or read them aloud.

I had a boat being a prick on the water come cut me off. I tried being the bigger man and attempted to leave and they followed me to another spot and tried fishing 20' in front of me. I asked if they were having any luck today and all I got was a F-off response. I whipped out my phone and recorded a short dialogue and tried to turn my boat 180 degrees and go the other direction when they again proceeded to cut me off. I got their information and the incident on video. Started my motor and called the DNR. They payed this individual a visit and he was forced to issue an apology to me.
Much easier doing this then having to take matters in my own hands putting my life on the line and dealing with someone who may have been crazy, on drugs, concealing a weapon, etc.
Baby Mallard
Posted 6/6/2017 12:27 PM (#864147 - in reply to #864128)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Zib - 6/6/2017 11:14 AM If he continues to do it I'd blast some rap music or Justin Beaver.

Add in the Barbie Girl song too.  Play that over and over and blast it as loud as possible.  That would have to drive him absolutely crazy.

Edited by Baby Mallard 6/6/2017 12:43 PM
Posted 6/6/2017 1:03 PM (#864151 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 1516

That, "Hey John Gillespie" by Brian Schram on a loop might get a reaction especially if you did the little dance with it
Posted 6/6/2017 1:27 PM (#864155 - in reply to #864145)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 4269

Location: Ashland WI
Muskers - 6/6/2017 12:23 PM

Never know the mental status of people these days and if they are carrying a weapon. Best to not be overly confrontational but yet hold your ground. The lake is public water and you have as much right as anyone to enjoy it. If he gets violent or threatening the authority is available 24/7 and a video along with a phone call sounds like the best options. Try and get his boat registration info on the video or read them aloud.

I had a boat being a prick on the water come cut me off. I tried being the bigger man and attempted to leave and they followed me to another spot and tried fishing 20' in front of me. I asked if they were having any luck today and all I got was a F-off response. I whipped out my phone and recorded a short dialogue and tried to turn my boat 180 degrees and go the other direction when they again proceeded to cut me off. I got their information and the incident on video. Started my motor and called the DNR. They payed this individual a visit and he was forced to issue an apology to me.
Much easier doing this then having to take matters in my own hands putting my life on the line and dealing with someone who may have been crazy, on drugs, concealing a weapon, etc.

This is very true. You just never know what the other person may be capable of doing. Not worth it.
Posted 6/6/2017 2:02 PM (#864159 - in reply to #864155)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 239

Location: Madison, WI
easy one... wear a romper and every time he comes around ask him if he likes the way it fits you
Posted 6/6/2017 2:17 PM (#864160 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 2024

^^^^ This! Or cast a line with some mono and a bobber in front of him to try to avoid. Give him something to practice his boat driving skills with.
Posted 6/6/2017 2:38 PM (#864168 - in reply to #864160)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 8772

Easier than that. Bring a kid with you. Give him a Weagle, pretend to be teaching him how to cast and have him try his best to hit the guy and everything in his boat. If the guy says anything just say "Sorry! We got this group of kids from our church we're teaching how to fish, and this little guy is going to be a champion caster if he ever learns to aim! If I were you, I'd either put on a helmet or give him a wide berth!"
Posted 6/6/2017 2:42 PM (#864169 - in reply to #864160)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 119

Thanks all for the advice.

I called my State DNR Police to inquire. Told them I knew it was low priority as poaching and pollution are much more important. They said "we deal with conflicts all the time" and that they would check the regs and get back to me.

Seems the best would be to get all the other anglers he cheeses off together to have an *INTERVENTION*, but that would be almost impossible to coordinate.

Edited by curdmudgeon 6/6/2017 2:50 PM
Posted 6/6/2017 3:05 PM (#864174 - in reply to #864169)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 119

SOLUTION courtesy of DNR Police

§ 4-506.1. Intentional disruption of lawful fishing activity prohibited

(a) Intentional interference. -- While on private or public land, or Maryland waters, a person may not for the purpose of disrupting a lawful fishing activity:

(1) Interfere intentionally with the lawful taking of fish or other marine life by another person;

(2) Intentionally harass, drive, or disturb any fish for the purpose of disrupting a lawful fishing activity;

(3) Intentionally block, impede, harass, or disturb a person engaged in a lawful fishing activity;

(4) Intentionally deny passage by creating or erecting barriers on public property or on private property without the landowner's prior permission to areas where a lawful fishing activity is permitted; or

(5) Intentionally hinder a lawful fishing activity by placing obstacles or objects in waters of the State.

(b) Incidental interference. -- The conduct declared unlawful in this section does not include any incidental interference arising from lawful activity by private land users or users of land managed by the Department, including farmers, miners, or persons engaged in recreation.

(c) Enforcement. -- A Natural Resources police officer or other police officer of the State who has probable cause to believe that a person has violated this section may:

(1) Order the person to desist or to leave the area; or

(2) Arrest the person who refuses to desist or to leave the area.
Posted 6/6/2017 3:29 PM (#864181 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 1710

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
I agree with the above comments saying take pictures. He will most likely be confrontational when you take his picture. Save your breath explaining the law to someone who is trying to intimidate you out of "his spot". It can be hard to stay calm, but I have had the best luck with keeping my head down and keeping the course. Here in IL, you are required to keep 75 ft of distance between an anchored boat. Drop anchor and take a picture. DNR/Conservation police may help, but they often cannot be there in time. Write down the boat license numbers and make sure he knows what you are doing.
Posted 6/6/2017 3:29 PM (#864182 - in reply to #864096)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 864

Location: NE Ohio
thescottith - 6/6/2017 9:43 AM

Take your pants off every time you see him.

the best option EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 6/6/2017 4:00 PM (#864186 - in reply to #864182)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Ring 36 24 36 hey.....
Posted 6/6/2017 6:09 PM (#864192 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 456

Bullies will bully until put in check. You have as much right as he does. Time to protect yourself and stand your ground. But if that's not your style or something your comfortable doing then just fish the spot before he does, early bird gets the fish.
Posted 6/6/2017 6:51 PM (#864198 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 386

Definitely not worth dying or going to jail over. Plenty of good advice here, and some not so good... Only thing I can add is to bring a sixer with next time and try to offer a beer to try and smooth things over. Keep the camera rolling JIC and just get the hell out of there if you don't feel safe. Hopefully he'll just calm the hell down when/if he realizes you're a local just trying to do your thing. It's pretty lame that it comes to this - not sure why everyone can't just do the "how's the fishing", we lie to each other, and then go about our business.
Posted 6/7/2017 12:46 PM (#864274 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 3479

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
Confrontation is always something that can be touchy depending on the person....

I once had a guy who knew exactly where I was going to fish...I came out on multiple evenings, starting in an area that was clear of anyone, and start fishing. This guy would come right in after I started, fish the point I was working toward, then leave just before my casts would be in the spot.

After multiple times doing this, I finally called to him as I was getting closer and asked him if his pattern is something he wanted to continue doing..I'd be happy to join him in his actions as his little 9.9 moving from spot to spot, I could overtake him with to my rig and I could do the same thing to him all evening if he'd like...

He stated he only had a few spots to fish, so I said go fish another one if someone is on a spot you normally fish... It is simple etiquette.... He proceded to ask if I had land on the lake system, which I stated that has no bearing on this is simple etiquette and sportsmanlike...and would appreciate him not continuing to do as he had been.

He has left me alone since....

I've had others who swear at me for calling them out as well....but those usually involve some sort of adult beverage being consumed by the offender...that involves a whole different way of dealing with them... and...can be more volatile due to said beverage consumption... more caution here...

Posted 6/7/2017 1:26 PM (#864281 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 20211

Location: oswego, il
I have seen that before, he is watching his spot. He probobly catches fish or has raised a big one there. I fish a lake in wisconsin, for the sake of argument, lets call it lake x. A musky fisherman on the lake sees me musky fishing comes out and quickly hits this one spot before i get to it. Doesnt cut me off but sees me working towards it. Fishes 5min and goes back and gine before i am 100 yards from him. Smart strategy helps his odds of getting the fish he raised there.

Edited by ToddM 6/7/2017 1:28 PM
Posted 6/7/2017 1:49 PM (#864284 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Location: Northern Illinois
I'v had a couple people do that on the Fox Chain down here in illinois.... To many crazies. Even worse are the power boaters running there 35' powerboats 40 feet from shore and complaining that your in the way and then keep buzzing you with giant wakes.. I've lost a couple double 8's casting into or on there boats.
Posted 6/7/2017 2:09 PM (#864286 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 20211

Location: oswego, il
The one that gets me the most is the about face. Your working one direction, a boat coming to you from the other. Conventional wisdom, one person goes around thenother, exchange a hello and on your way. Some people turn their boat around and are now right in front of you. I drive around them immediatley.
Posted 6/7/2017 5:02 PM (#864305 - in reply to #864286)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
This would solve your problem, rapidly.

Edited by Pointerpride102 6/7/2017 5:04 PM

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Click to expand / contract the width of this image

Attachments IMG_4501.JPG (47KB - 406 downloads)
Posted 6/7/2017 6:23 PM (#864316 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 221

Load up on some Behemoth, Amon Amarth, Anaal Nathrakh, Acacia Strain, White Chapel, etc and crank it up when he comes over. Also a great wakeboard bros deterrent.
Posted 6/7/2017 9:30 PM (#864338 - in reply to #864305)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

I want a GAU-8 for my boat to deal with these asshats. Think it'll fit?

Posted 6/7/2017 9:45 PM (#864341 - in reply to #864281)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 3479

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
ToddM - 6/7/2017 1:26 PM

I have seen that before, he is watching his spot. He probobly catches fish or has raised a big one there. I fish a lake in wisconsin, for the sake of argument, lets call it lake x. A musky fisherman on the lake sees me musky fishing comes out and quickly hits this one spot before i get to it. Doesnt cut me off but sees me working towards it. Fishes 5min and goes back and gine before i am 100 yards from him. Smart strategy helps his odds of getting the fish he raised there.

The funny part about the one I was dealing with is he never caught a fish in front of me, but I had caught a couple just after he left, but just before getting to "his" point. Nice touch of karma here and there when it happened...


Edited by VMS 6/7/2017 9:47 PM
Posted 6/8/2017 9:57 AM (#864373 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 456

Send out the lake name and post an image of the map with the "spot" highlighted here. Guy will be flooded with new musky hunters beating up his spot. Sharing is caring.
Posted 6/8/2017 10:09 AM (#864374 - in reply to #864305)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 7036

Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs
Pointerpride102 - 6/7/2017 5:02 PM

This would solve your problem, rapidly.

I tried a .50 and a twin, both shook the sh*t out of the seat base they were mounted on. Went with a simple flame unit, easier to mount and operate.

Zoom - | Zoom 100% | Zoom + | Expand / Contract | Open New window
Click to expand / contract the width of this image

Attachments flame.jpg (20KB - 364 downloads)
North of 8
Posted 6/8/2017 12:16 PM (#864398 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Back in the early 1970s, I got to test a prototype the Army was considering for non-lethal crowd control. It was a converted WWII flame thrower converted to spray CS (tear gas). By pressurizing the tank with the built in hand pump, it could spray a stream of CS out to about 40 yards, more if you had a breeze behind you. (never spray into the wind) Five gallons could be sprayed out in just over a minute. Never went into use because while it didn't kill you, the liquid CS left chemical burns and could blind you. However, it might be just the ticket in this instance. Spray slightly ahead of the boat and let him drift through the cloud. He will not do it twice.
Posted 6/8/2017 2:55 PM (#864421 - in reply to #864174)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 1425

Location: St. Lawrence River
curdmudgeon - 6/6/2017 4:05 PM

SOLUTION courtesy of DNR Police

§ 4-506.1. Intentional disruption of lawful fishing activity prohibited

(a) Intentional interference. -- While on private or public land, or Maryland waters, a person may not for the purpose of disrupting a lawful fishing activity:

(1) Interfere intentionally with the lawful taking of fish or other marine life by another person;

(2) Intentionally harass, drive, or disturb any fish for the purpose of disrupting a lawful fishing activity;

(3) Intentionally block, impede, harass, or disturb a person engaged in a lawful fishing activity;

(4) Intentionally deny passage by creating or erecting barriers on public property or on private property without the landowner's prior permission to areas where a lawful fishing activity is permitted; or

(5) Intentionally hinder a lawful fishing activity by placing obstacles or objects in waters of the State.

(b) Incidental interference. -- The conduct declared unlawful in this section does not include any incidental interference arising from lawful activity by private land users or users of land managed by the Department, including farmers, miners, or persons engaged in recreation.

(c) Enforcement. -- A Natural Resources police officer or other police officer of the State who has probable cause to believe that a person has violated this section may:

(1) Order the person to desist or to leave the area; or

(2) Arrest the person who refuses to desist or to leave the area.

Listen, im not trying to stir the pot or anything but.... this is obviously a Not Givin a F##K type of guy. Calling the cops on him, you may just earn an enemy for life.. Just think it over before you snitch. I know I would.
Posted 6/8/2017 11:51 PM (#864485 - in reply to #864281)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 1084

Location: Aurora
ToddM - 6/7/2017 1:26 PM
I have seen that before, he is watching his spot. He probobly catches fish or has raised a big one there. I fish a lake in wisconsin, for the sake of argument, lets call it lake x. A musky fisherman on the lake sees me musky fishing comes out and quickly hits this one spot before i get to it. Doesnt cut me off but sees me working towards it. Fishes 5min and goes back and gine before i am 100 yards from him. Smart strategy helps his odds of getting the fish he raised there.

Reminiscent of the woman that comes outta nowhere whenever i'm about to play a slot at the casino. "I'M playin that one there!!" and then she budges in between me and the machine, sits down, and acts super natural and casual about the whole thing.
Here's a shot of her without curlers in her hair.

Zoom - | Zoom 100% | Zoom + | Expand / Contract | Open New window
Click to expand / contract the width of this image

Attachments SMGuardian.JPG (64KB - 347 downloads)
Posted 6/9/2017 6:47 AM (#864489 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 20211

Location: oswego, il
Sidejack, just try yelling bingo before she does!
Posted 6/9/2017 7:11 AM (#864492 - in reply to #864373)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 770

chasintails - 6/8/2017 9:57 AM

Send out the lake name and post an image of the map with the "spot" highlighted here. Guy will be flooded with new musky hunters beating up his spot. Sharing is caring.

I really like this idea... or have evryone ready and around the corner when he rolls up on you next time.... might not solve the problem but would be great payaback!
Posted 6/9/2017 9:07 AM (#864501 - in reply to #864286)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 1144

Location: Minnesota.
ToddM - 6/7/2017 2:09 PM

The one that gets me the most is the about face. Your working one direction, a boat coming to you from the other. Conventional wisdom, one person goes around thenother, exchange a hello and on your way. Some people turn their boat around and are now right in front of you. I drive around them immediatley.

I've had this happen too on a few spots up on the V, where some boys can get a bit pushy. Most are okay...

I'll go around as suggested and pass on the deeper side, casting out deep until we pass the other guy. The pretty amazing thing is something that took me completely unawares....there have been more than a few times when we've been "hit" out deeper like this!!! Nice surprise!
Posted 6/9/2017 11:56 AM (#864511 - in reply to #864501)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 20211

Location: oswego, il
Salmon guys do it too it is amazing the defensive and offensive moves made.
Posted 6/10/2017 10:58 AM (#864585 - in reply to #864080)
Subject: Re: Dealing with knucklehead

Posts: 426

Every time that happens to me I've told the other guy if you need a guide hop in I charge $400.00 a day. They get the message grumble, say a few words and far!