Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish
Posted 5/19/2017 3:31 PM (#862168)
Subject: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 8789

Some of mine:

"WAH!!!" - for the fish that comes out of nowhere when I wasn't really paying attention
"There's one!" - decent sized fish
"GOT 'EM!" - after setting the hook
"holy %&*$" - Big fish

Some fun ones that I've witnessed:

"ooo, ooo, oooo!" - fish going around the 8
"SHHH!!" - every time someone raises a fish.
"BINGO!" Got tired of that one in a hurry.
"Git 'er, git 'er, get 'er" over and over... Dude I'm trying!
"you BASTARD!!" - who hasn't said that to a fish?

Posted 5/19/2017 3:35 PM (#862169 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 1144

Location: Minnesota.
Posted 5/19/2017 3:40 PM (#862170 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 1516

"chutem junior "
Posted 5/19/2017 3:56 PM (#862172 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 141

Location: Minnetonka
"dude...big fish, big fish, big fish, really really big fish, she's still on it, come it, really big fish"
Kirby Budrow
Posted 5/19/2017 4:01 PM (#862175 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 2334

Location: Chisholm, MN
Fish! Big one! Oh wait...not that big...actually it's a pike
Posted 5/19/2017 5:13 PM (#862179 - in reply to #862175)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

when I or my son land a fish we say "PA-POW!!" after our favorite Wicked Tuna team , Hot Tuna..
Posted 5/19/2017 6:14 PM (#862190 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 841

Location: Southwest PA
"Dear Lord Jesus..." in the eight.
"JOE! GET THE NET! JOE! JOE! Joe?!" first muskie while on shore and my net man couldn't be further away, plus he also couldn't hear me and i couldnt see him.
"Fire in the hole!" Healthy strong release.
"Weeds?" Attempting to troll turning into a muskie... one time!
Posted 5/19/2017 8:11 PM (#862200 - in reply to #862190)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 5193

best I ever heard was gak!gak!
Posted 5/19/2017 8:40 PM (#862203 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 399

Location: WI
Caught a fat 42" muskie, took a couple quick pics & we watch it swim away. My friend looks at me asks if I know what I said as I set the hook? I had no clue what I said but it was, "about time". At least I didn't shout "Pete, Pete, Pete, get the net Pete, it's a slobasaurus"!!

Edited by Emptynet 5/19/2017 8:43 PM
North of 8
Posted 5/19/2017 9:59 PM (#862205 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Few years back, I was standing on my dock because I had noticed two of my nephews were working the shoreline. Didn't know they were in the area. When they got close, I said hello and started asking the older one in the front of the boat how the fishing was going. He started to tell me but right then I noticed the one in the back of the boat appeared to have a fish on. The older one noticed where I was looking, turned, watched and finally said, "you got one?" The younger one said, "yeah". The older grabbed the net and proceeded to land an upper 30s fish. He looked at me, shook his head and said, "the only guy I know who doesn't say anything when he hooks a fish until he needs the net". The younger nephew just smiled, shrugged.
Posted 5/21/2017 2:22 PM (#862321 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 614

Location: Michigan
Posted 5/22/2017 12:56 AM (#862382 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 1168

Regardless of the size of the fish, whenever I'm with my brother and a fish is in the net I say:

"Should we keep it? That's a good eater size."

Even though we've never kept one, he's caught off guard every time.
Posted 5/22/2017 9:26 AM (#862398 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 31

its a MEGA Ron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 5/22/2017 9:55 AM (#862401 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 105

Location: Jane Lew, WV
"Eat it, eat it, oh you stupid fish!"

Posted 5/22/2017 11:00 AM (#862405 - in reply to #862398)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 21

esox30 - 5/22/2017 9:26 AM

its a MEGA Ron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha. I've watched a few of these vids...... great stuff!
Posted 5/22/2017 3:38 PM (#862439 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 48

Location: West Central Wisconsin
"That's not a rock!!!"  I think its funnier than my fishing partner does...
Posted 5/22/2017 3:57 PM (#862446 - in reply to #862439)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 8789

The first time Samantha caught a fish on a figure 8 she set the hook and yelled "HA!! Take THAT, Mother%&er!!!!!!!"
Posted 5/22/2017 5:42 PM (#862453 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 155

"GOT ONE"!!!! Oh wait...stump:(
Posted 5/22/2017 9:05 PM (#862490 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 138

Location: Aurora IL
Bang goes the dynamite!
Posted 5/22/2017 10:30 PM (#862519 - in reply to #862446)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 5193

esoxaddict - 5/22/2017 3:57 PM

The first time Samantha caught a fish on a figure 8 she set the hook and yelled "HA!! Take THAT, Mother%&er!!!!!!!"
wtg Sam!
Posted 5/24/2017 11:51 AM (#862706 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 173

Location: Probably Minnesota that time...
"Fish, real big fish, that's a monster! Oh Bobby, that is the biggest fish I've seen!"
-Dr. J. Schneider
Posted 5/24/2017 12:28 PM (#862715 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 1039

Location: North St. Paul, MN
^^^^^Classic, Bob M.!!!!^^^^^
Posted 5/24/2017 8:32 PM (#862760 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 841

Location: Southwest PA
I was just fly fishing for trout and the guy next to me hooked up and proceeded to scream, "YEAH! THAT'S HOW I ROLL M.F.!" I about fell in from laughter because he was completely serious about letting the fish knew that's how he rolled...
Posted 5/25/2017 10:26 AM (#862790 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 112

Location: Illinois
"Fish!" Usually followed by "about god**** time"

Brother had a big one come in on the 8...all he kept saying was "sh**,sh**,sh**!" I laughed so hard. He didn't even know he was saying it.
Posted 5/25/2017 1:30 PM (#862805 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 322

Posted 5/25/2017 11:21 PM (#862892 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 20

Location: Marshfield,WI
I am old enough and lucky enough that I have helped many friends and extended family land their personal best over the years. When the fish is finally safely in the net, and the adrenaline rush is still surging, I am fond of kidding them by saying "For a minute there I didn't know if you had the fish, or if the fish had YOU!" That always gets a good laugh.
Posted 5/26/2017 9:17 PM (#863023 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 8789

*GASP* "Oh my GOD! That's the biggest fish I've ever SEEN!! Oh... Wait, that's a weed. Okay, I'm an idiot..."

I really wanted to laugh at the poor guy, but I saw it right before he did and thought the exact same thing.
Posted 5/29/2017 6:50 PM (#863177 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 47

Fish could be wired 12 ways from Sunday but lots of folks say it anyway:

"Barely hooked...... She's barely hooked....."
Posted 5/30/2017 12:40 AM (#863229 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 735

Location: Apparently where the Muskie aren't
NET! NET! NET! NET! NET!!!!!!! wait, never mind, another pike. Wanna eat it?
Posted 5/30/2017 9:16 AM (#863247 - in reply to #863229)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Location: Green Bay, WI
Another classic Bob M line: "'S THE ONE!"

Posted 5/31/2017 1:36 PM (#863376 - in reply to #862203)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 1405

Location: Detroit River

Emptynet - 5/19/2017 9:40 PM At least I didn't shout "Pete, Pete, Pete, get the net Pete, it's a slobasaurus"!!


Smoking a "J" before you film a show will do that to you.


Posted 6/2/2017 12:18 PM (#863671 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 1516

"That's a whipper snapper there", James Lindner
North of 8
Posted 6/4/2017 5:38 PM (#863888 - in reply to #863376)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Zib - 5/31/2017 1:36 PM

Emptynet - 5/19/2017 9:40 PM At least I didn't shout "Pete, Pete, Pete, get the net Pete, it's a slobasaurus"!!


Smoking a "J" before you film a show will do that to you.


I don't know if I could take a full day in the boat with him but you have to appreciate his passion for what he does. 50 different shows a year, including going out a couple days after having a heart procedure. Every time I watch a Gillepske show I am reminded of the old career advice, "do what you love and you will never work a day in your life". Few people are as excited about their job as he is.
Posted 6/10/2017 11:25 AM (#864589 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 427

I've heard other anglers say look that f****g boat got another one right where we left. They gotta be doing something illeagle!
Posted 6/30/2017 10:39 AM (#867180 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 95

My fishing partner's PB (53") while fall trolling a lure running 12' over 17' of water:
"I'm snagged" - and then - "Fish, fish, fish!!!"
Posted 6/30/2017 11:05 AM (#867188 - in reply to #867180)
Subject: RE: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 95

Granddaughter, at age 11, trolling, her first muskie (44"):
"I think I got a fish!"
Now that's our name for that spot on Lake of the Woods
Posted 6/30/2017 11:46 AM (#867207 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 93

Location: Des Moines IA
There is a spot on LOTW's and every time someone hooks up I say "Debbie's doubles D's have done it again" I name some of my favorite spots on ladies I have known in my life.
Posted 6/30/2017 11:50 AM (#867208 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

come here fat ****ing good guy,im not gonna hurt ya
Posted 6/30/2017 11:51 AM (#867210 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Location: On the O
Hooked a 50" fish the other day and after seeing it my net man is yelling at me, "don't F**k it up, don't f**k it up get it in the net." Thought that was pretty funny.
Jerry Newman
Posted 7/3/2017 12:10 PM (#867556 - in reply to #867210)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Location: 31


With the Lowrance side scan we sometimes see them before they hit trolling.

 “target acquired”

Posted 7/3/2017 2:49 PM (#867568 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 8789

I had forgotten all about this one: A buddy of mine after seeing the surprise fish follow in late:

"Oh... Hi, fish! Should I do a figure 8? Oh. Bye fish! Well, that was cool!"
and our guide:

"Do you want us to drop you off at the F'IN AQUARIUM?! Hi fish? What the F is wrong with you!?!?"

Laughed for the rest of the day...
Posted 7/4/2017 12:31 AM (#867601 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 12

My middle nephew netted a 40 incher for me, my personal best at the time. I kept saying get the ####ing net , i was excited. Then here him say ' Look at that prehistoric monster ' I laughed after he got it in the net. It was first experience with one. He is know hooked for life.
Posted 7/4/2017 9:35 AM (#867618 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 33

My dad and I both- sets hook "I swear that log felt like a musky"
My brother on his first follow. "Why is there a log following....OH MY GOD"
My wife saw her first big one bass fishing "IM SCARED IM SCARED I DONT WANT IT TO BITE MY LURE"
Me "Barely hooked barely hooked, and hooked good oh wait nevermind barely hooked"
Me when I lose one "Hes off, hes gone"
Posted 7/4/2017 8:19 PM (#867706 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 770

Im guilty of saying theres one, big fish on every follow, could be a 30"er.... i know i do it and i am still guilty
Posted 7/4/2017 8:27 PM (#867708 - in reply to #867706)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 735

Location: Apparently where the Muskie aren't
Barely hooked seems to be a popular one among all anglers, doesn't matter the species.

Angler: she's barely hooked, barely, hurry net,net net net, she's just skin hooked

Meanwhile the fish has half the bait down its throat. Wrapped twice in the leader, every Hook point is in the fish, and has hooks coming through its eye socket.
Posted 7/4/2017 11:16 PM (#867717 - in reply to #862168)
Subject: Re: Funny things people say when they hook/raise a fish

Posts: 98

Yup, THERE'S A FISH! *Sets hooks deep into a log*

Edited by Nuclear.smelt 7/4/2017 11:23 PM