Location: 31 | pc154 - 10/21/2015 8:22 AM Not that I expect I would ever catch such a beast, but I am just wondering if anyone has any info on how someone would weigh, document, record, enter, a potential record fish? I assume the IGFA is the main governing body??
The IGFA (and even the FWFHoF for that matter) would outwardly appear to be the main governing bodies for our muskie record. However, they are really just in the business of selling, and promoting fishing records at their core. Sadly, the main reason the Spray and Johnson world records remain on top is that removing them would have been “bad business” for them.
If you think you have caught a record fish (and choose to keep it), get the names and contact information of all witnesses, pictures/video (on a bump board is perfect), and weigh the fish. Afterward, wrap it up and keep it frozen… 100% whole. If you freeze it properly it can easily be properly authenticated by the MDMWRP at a later date. MDMWRP_Application.pdf
Contrary to what some might have you believe (O’Brien record), a fish loses little (if any), weight when frozen, think in terms of freezing a 10 pound roast, it will still weigh 10 pounds in a month. |