opinions on reels
Posted 7/29/2015 6:53 PM (#778337)
Subject: opinions on reels

Posts: 670

Location: mercer wi
What do you think between tranx pg n 700 te. How they compare. Dont think I've ever seen this comparison.
Posted 7/29/2015 7:11 PM (#778339 - in reply to #778337)
Subject: Re: opinions on reels

Posts: 1638

Location: Minnesota
There both tanks I use a 700 on my bull Dawgs till I bought the Tranx HG . The Tranx feels better to palm but that's just me. My 700 is a solid reel I have it just in case back up reel nevertheless both good reels. If you're getting it for blades I would go with the Tranx PG.
Posted 7/29/2015 10:44 PM (#778371 - in reply to #778337)
Subject: RE: opinions on reels

Posts: 246

Location: Grand Marais, MN
In terms of being a workhorse in performance, they are very similar. I can really only fairly speak on the 700te, not having owned a tranx. But the gear ratio and retrieve are almost the same. 700te is taller but actually slightly lighter; both are a handful but I can palm my 700te and I am not a huge guy. Tranx is easier to palm comfortably . Te Casts awesome, as does the tranx. Both retrieve bucktails with little effort.

Of course, the te has a lever that you have to manually engage to reel with, which some don't like. Te has a clicker, tranx of course does not.

If u aren't afraid of size, can't go wrong with either. Only problem is 700te don't turn up too often
Posted 7/29/2015 11:19 PM (#778372 - in reply to #778337)
Subject: Re: opinions on reels

The Tranx is actually more narrow than my 400 TE, so it is much easier to palm. Both the 700TE and Tranx do the same thing, just a personal preference.
Posted 7/30/2015 7:10 AM (#778383 - in reply to #778372)
Subject: Re: opinions on reels

Posts: 670

Location: mercer wi
Never got to handle 700te. Is it wide like 700b. Is it taller n a bit narrower. Is it similar to a saltist 20.
Posted 7/30/2015 3:09 PM (#778464 - in reply to #778337)
Subject: RE: opinions on reels

Posts: 246

Location: Grand Marais, MN
Not quite as wide but slightly taller than the 700b. Don't know about the saltist never looked at one more than a glance
Posted 7/30/2015 4:43 PM (#778479 - in reply to #778337)
Subject: RE: opinions on reels

Posts: 44

Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin

The top photo is a Calcutta te 400ljv next to the 700te. The bottom two photos are the 700te and a TranxHG side by side. I tried a friends Tranx PG, bigger baits like D10s and 10" jakes felt the same to me on both reels.

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Posted 7/30/2015 6:04 PM (#778490 - in reply to #778479)
Subject: RE: opinions on reels

Posts: 670

Location: mercer wi
Great pics. Thank you
Posted 7/30/2015 8:33 PM (#778510 - in reply to #778337)
Subject: Re: opinions on reels

Posts: 208

I have not owned a Tranx but have owned the 700 TE. The 700 TE is the only real I've ever used that truly cranked in 10's and 12's with no effort. A true powerhouse!

I got rid of it because of it's size which is the same reason I've not owned a Tranx.

Personal preference.