Looking for Opinions
Posted 7/7/2015 2:32 PM (#775243)
Subject: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 11

I believe I caught a very rare silver pike. Which was more beautiful in person then you can imagine. It's too bad the pictures cannot do justice as to how amazing this fish was. It had an iridescent sheen over it that the camera couldn't really capture. After doing some research on the internet it looks like silver pike don't have any markings and they are thought to only breed with other silver pike. But tests have been done in labs to breed a silver pike with a regular pike and it showed characteristics of both. This one has the markings on it but also had the blue/silver coloring that was like a hologram over it all. One site said, it's also a possibility that it could have been a pike that bred with a musky but for some reason it didn't turn into a tiger musky, it just got the musky's genes that make the background color lighter. That option doesn't sound as likely as the silver pike breeding a regular pike theory though. It also says that silver pike aren't a subspecies, but are a mutation, so however it happened, it sure turned out cool! Also it looks like it got chomped on by something bigger at one point in it's life, so I guess that makes it even more rare that it survived.

Has anyone seen a silver pike like this before?

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Posted 7/7/2015 2:58 PM (#775249 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

I can't say that's a silver pike or not but I have had both a tiger and pure musky in the boat that gave off that irredecent blue pearl glow. Mostly at the head and gill plates.
Posted 7/7/2015 3:12 PM (#775250 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 311

Location: Lake St.Clair
I've caught a tiger with that odd mettalic like blue over it almost like oil or gas stain in the water look. Pretty neat stuff don't know for sure if it's a silver or not judging off the silvers I've seen I'd say no. But someone better suited to the question will chime in.
Posted 7/7/2015 3:27 PM (#775253 - in reply to #775250)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 859

Location: MN
Very cool fish. Not a standard pike. Tail looks a lot like a Tiger to me anyway.

Edited by NathanH 7/7/2015 3:28 PM
Posted 7/7/2015 4:53 PM (#775263 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Location: varies
I vote yes to silver or blue pike or at least a hybrid of a regular pike and silver.

Heres a link to a metro caught silver.

Posted 7/7/2015 6:32 PM (#775279 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: RE: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 84

I have seen and caught pike somewhat like this. I think yours has unique markings. I seen LMB, walleyes, SMB that are light colored and dark colored than your normal colored fish. It may have to do with the water it came from because of whats in the water, like tea colored, clear,muddy type waters . Maybe a fish biologist could tell you what makes this pike this color? Anyway it looks cool like some saltwater fish.
Musky Brian
Posted 7/7/2015 7:25 PM (#775284 - in reply to #775279)
Subject: RE: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
I vote no, just a unique color.

Silver Pike look like the one in the link, you generally can't see any spots on them. Caught one once in Snowbank Lake in Ely
Posted 7/7/2015 9:00 PM (#775296 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 504

Location: Ludington, MI
I have to agree with Brian. We catch Lake Michigan-run pike that look like this. Just a pretty fish.
Posted 7/8/2015 7:29 AM (#775337 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: RE: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 1828

We got a pike while walleye fishing this spring that looked a lot like this picture. (I just stole this pic online after searching for "unique northern pike colors")

Is it just a unique color variation? The person who caught it was hellbent on calling it a tiger musky. I wasn't sure.

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(weird pike color.jpg)

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Posted 7/8/2015 7:32 AM (#775338 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
we have a large population of silver pike and they look just like the link pics ... yours is just a really pretty one throwing off lots of color. nice catch!!
Posted 7/8/2015 8:12 AM (#775347 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 11

Thanks for the responses, I just wish the camera could have done a better job. The fish was just so shiny that it was impossible to take a picture without reflection.
Posted 7/8/2015 8:25 AM (#775350 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 1039

Location: North St. Paul, MN
I have a picture of a tiny silver pike I caught from Ontario's, Little Vermilion....fly-in out of Red Lake. Absolutely zero spots, not even a hint of spots. So, I'd say the pike above is just that...a pike. gator. slimer. jack. northern. snot-rocket. hammer-handle (although the one KaraSue caught is no "hammer-handle").

Jaultman and others - Could that esox be a chain pickeral from the ice fishing picture?? Honestly, I have no idea, but it sure is a cool looking fish!
Posted 7/8/2015 9:39 AM (#775369 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
^ hyena musky ...
Posted 7/8/2015 9:44 AM (#775372 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: RE: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 390

jaultman... The fish you have pictured is a gar pike cross. Have caught theses a couple times on the bay and when I used to work for sea grant I asked the fisheries biologist about it. He said it was really unlikely until he saw the pictures. Both fish looked identical to this one.
Posted 7/8/2015 11:53 AM (#775402 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Location: On the O
We get quite a few of those on the Lower Ottawa where water clarity ranges from tea colored to chocolate milk most of the year. We've nicknamed them "washed-out" pike as all the color (green) seems to have been washed out of them.

Farmer Rick
Posted 7/8/2015 10:02 PM (#775483 - in reply to #775372)
Subject: RE: Looking for Opinions

Location: Not far enough north!
bbeaupre - 7/8/2015 9:44 AM

jaultman... The fish you have pictured is a gar pike cross. Have caught theses a couple times on the bay and when I used to work for sea grant I asked the fisheries biologist about it. He said it was really unlikely until he saw the pictures. Both fish looked identical to this one.

I hate to call you out but fish from different families can not breed. Pike and musky are in the same family Esocidae and genus esox very closely related. There would be some funky organisms on this planet if that was possible...
Long TIme Lurker
Posted 7/10/2015 12:28 PM (#775723 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: RE: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 89

Said gar, bet he ment chain pickeral. Those really snake skin lookin ones like that are that cross. Now you got me if it pickeral/muskie. Or pickeral/pike. Bet you could send the photos to larry ramsel and he would no right away.
Posted 7/12/2015 6:30 AM (#775883 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 815

Location: Waukee, IA
KaraSue, that's regular pike. Also, as a biologist I can say with 100% certainty that jaultman's fish is NOT a gar/pike hybrid. As was said before, gar and pike cannot hybridize. Jaultmans fish is likely a mutant color morph of a pike or a pike x pickerel hybrid.

Edited by tkuntz 7/12/2015 6:35 AM
Larry Ramsell
Posted 7/12/2015 8:10 AM (#775889 - in reply to #775243)
Subject: Re: Looking for Opinions

Posts: 1294

Location: Hayward, Wisconsin
KaraSue: Definitely a pike with some silver tendencies. Some pike populations have as much as 5% slivers...a mutant.

jaultman: Likely a pickerel.